345 freed Haliya families rehabilitated
Kanchanpur / June 1: As many as 345 freed Haliya families have been rehabilitated in Kanchanpur district.
According to the District Land Reform Office, 20 freed Haliya families were rehabilitated in fiscal year 2070/2071 providing them with land plots and 68 families were rehabilitated in fiscal year 2071/72 by providing land plots to 15 families, by repairing the houses of 10 families and by constructing houses for 68 families.
Likewise, the Office stated that land plots have been provided to 90 families, the houses of 50 freed Haliya families have been repaired and the houses are being constructed for 70 families in fiscal year 2072/73, Land Reform Officer Janaki Karki said.
So far land plots have been purchased for 125 families, houses have been constructed for 130 families and the houses of 80 families have been repaired as part of their rehabilitation.
The Haliyas are the indentured ploughmen who worked for their landlords. The Haliya system of bonded labour, which was in practice in the far-western districts of the country was abolished on September 6, 2008. RSS