Commercial silage production started in Palpa

Palpa / July 23: A silage production plant of international standard has come in operation in Rampur municipality of Palpa district.
The silage production has been started in collaboration with the State 5 ministry of land management, agriculture and cooperatives, Livestock and Fisheries Development Directorate and the Kamadhenu Cow Farm.
The ministry, the directorate and the cow farm have each invested Rs 2.5 million in this project. The grass necessary for preparing silage is grown on 200 ropanis leased land, the silage production plant’s proprietor Ram Prasad Pokhrel said.
7:50 PM 7/23/2019 b According to him, silage produced at the plant would be exported to various districts in the country. Plant’s manager Bed Prasad Banjade said 40 people are employed in the factory at present. The plant has been set up at a cost of Rs 8 million. The plant aims to produce 4,000 metric tonnes silage this year.
It is said a cow has to be fed about 25 kilograms silage in a day. It is said the dairy farmers would be benefited with the production as feeding silage would reduce the cost of feeding the animals by Rs 500 daily. RSS