Lawmaker urges govt to prepare report on US assistance; NA Session: Latest ordinances defended, justice sought for Sada

Kathmandu / Feb 23: Lawmaker Gokul Prasad Baskota has demanded the government that it prepared a report on the US assistance to Nepal.
Speaking in the special hour of the House of Representatives on Sunday, lawmaker Baskota said a clear report on US assistance- through its aid agency, embassy and government- to Nepal is necessary. Even the subjects to which the aid is provided requires documentation, he underlined.
“It is essential to make public the report on the US assistance to Nepal. Nepal’s international image and national sentiment must not be sullied,” he said, adding, “Clarity is needed whether it is Nepal or the US government involved in fraud relating to the US aid to Nepal.”
He further underlined the need for Nepal to have a clear policy on acceptance of foreign assistance so that it could move ahead with judicious steps hereafter.
The parliament and all citizens need to be informed about the received assistance and spending, Baskota reiterated. Baskota is a lawmaker of ruling CPN UML.
NA Session: Latest ordinances defended, justice sought for Sada
Meanwhile, in a session of the National Assembly (NA) today, lawmaker Rukmini Koirala, has said ordinances issued by the government recently aim to address the citizens’ needs promptly.
Speaking at a special hour of the Upper House session today, she said the government brought six ordinances aiming to address land related issues and create an environment for investment.
“In today’s age, the world has made a stride in terms of advancements. If we continue to get engaged in minor things, the development of the society will be obstructed. Despite citizens’ aspirations for building the nation have remained unmet also due to some legal obstacles.
Some acts, laws and rules in the country date back to 2015 BS and it is warranted to update those documents,” she said.
Koirala also stressed the need to ensure the refund of misappropriated cooperative savings to the rightful owners and for this, it is urgent to formulate an act relating to cooperatives.
As she said, the ordinances were needed to update some Nepal acts including the Foreign Exchange (Regulation) Act, 2019 BS, Black-marketing and Some Other Social Offences and Punishment Act, 2052 BS, Company Act-2066 BS and Special Economic Zone Act.
Justice sought for Sada
Meantime, in the NA session, Radheshyam Paswan demanded prompt arrests of those responsible for the alleged gang rape against a 17-year-old girl in Bhagawatipuri of Nawarajpur rural municipality-1 in Siraha.
Demanding time in the meeting today, he drew the government’s attention to the need to apprehend the accused in the crime. He said today is the 15th day that the incident took place. The matter has been raised frequently in the parliament but has remained unaddressed to date.
The girl identified as Rinku Kumari Sada was allegedly gang-raped on February 9 and she was found hanged on the evening of February 12. It is learnt that prior to that, the village council attempted to settle the case internally.
‘Ensure quality education to children from all classes, communities’
Similarly, speaking in the Zero Hour of the meeting of the Upper House of the Federal Parliament today, Indira Devi Gautam called attention of the government to make appropriate arrangements for providing quality education to children from all classes and communities.
She also urged the State to pay attention so that the children do not have to feel inferior due to the disparity in the quality of education provided to children. Gautam drew the attention of the government to make arrangements for quality education both in government and community schools.
“Every year in private schools, parents are facing additional financial burden due to expensive admissions and extra tuition fees, charges for different uniforms on separate days, and fees charged under different heads.
The government’s attention should be paid to ensuring the right of all children to access quality education equally,” she stressed.
Sharda Devi Bhatta urged the government to set up a ‘help desk’ in the respective countries to solve the difficulties being faced by the students going abroad from Nepal for study.
Jag Prasad Sharma drew the attention of the government to effectively operate Singha Durbar Vaidyakhana.
Taraman Swar demanded that the border security should be strengthened as the people living in the border areas are becoming unsafe day by day.
Lawmakers Tulsa Kumari Dahal, Maya Prasad Sharma, Radheshyam Paswan and Sumitra BC drew the government’s attention to various contemporary issues. RSS