FM Paudel and Mayor Acharya treatment in high medical supervision: Kritipur Hospital

Kathmandu / Feb 15: Kritipur Hospital informed that Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, Bishnu Prasad Paudel, and Mayor of Pokhara Metropolitan City, Dhanraj Acharya are getting treatment in hospital under high supervision of doctors.
A press release of Kritipur Hospital stated that they are under high supervision as they got 5-7 percent burn injury according to a preliminary approximation. The injury could impact respitory.
The incident occurred when hydrogen-filled balloons burst into flames during the event at the Exhibition Centre in Pokhara-9, Naya Bazaar. Finance Minister Paudel and Mayor Acharya, who were on stage at the time, sustained injuries.
According to Bhuwan KC, press adviser to the minister, Paudel suffered burns on his hand and face, while Mayor Acharya sustained more severe injuries. Acharya was first taken to Fishtail Hospital, while Paudel received primary treatment at Gandaki Hospital.
The explosion was reportedly triggered when an automatic switch sparked and ignited the hydrogen-filled balloons. The Pokhara Visit Year inauguration went on despite the incident.