Archive for: April, 2017

अन्नपूर्ण आधार शिविर पदमार्गमा जोडियो

म्याग्दी, चैत २९ गते । म्याग्दीको नारच्याङदेखि आठ हजार ९१ मिटर अग्लो अन्नपूर्ण प्रथम हिमालको आधार शिविर पदमार्गमा जोडिएको छ । अन्नपूर्ण गाउँपालिका–४ मा पर्ने आधार शिविरसम्म जोड्ने पदमार्गको स्तर वृद्धि गर्न लागिएको छ । पर्यटन विभागको रु ४० लाख अनुदानमा गत वर्ष नारच्याङ गाउँदेखि छेलुङ हुँदै निलगिरि खोलाको किनारै किनार भएर आधार शिविर पुग्ने […]

Bhaktapur’s renowned Bisket Jatra commencing today

Bhaktapur / Apr. 10: The renowned Bisket Jatra bearing historical and cultural significances is set to commence in Bhaktapur today. The Bisket Jatra will run for eight nights and nine days amidst much fanfare. The Jatra will start after the devotees pull at the Bhairavnath God’s chariot in front of the five-storey Nyatapola temple at […]

Prakash Aryal appointed new IGP

Kathmandu / Apr. 10: Ending a long standing row over the appointment of Inspector General of Nepal Police (IGP), the government on Monday appointed DIG Prakash Aryal as the 25th IGP. A Cabinet meeting earlier in the day had decided to pick the new IGP only after the committee formed to take a call on […]

51st AGM of FNCCI: No dual taxation in federal system: PM Dahal; FNCCI honours eminent personalities

Kathmandu / Apr. 10: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has said there would not be any sort of dual taxation system on the movement of goods, services and capital within the states after the implementation of federal system. Addressing the 51st Annual General Meeting of the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) […]

Foreign investment increases four folds in eight months

Kathmandu . Apr. 10: Foreign investment has surged four folds in the eight months of the current fiscal year. The Current Economic Situation Report released by Nepal Rastra Bank on Monday states that Rs 8.35 billion foreign direct investment flowed into the country during this period. As per the report, the FDI in the corresponding […]

EC starts imparting training to chief election officers and election officers

Kathmandu / Apr. 10: Election management and operation training to chief election officers and election officers to be deployed in local-level election has begun at seven different places of the country on Monday. The Election Commission has assigned District judges as the chief election officers and under-secretaries of judicial and administrative sectors and government attorneys […]

47 natural lakes in Kanchanpur of far-west Nepal

Kanchanpur / Apr. 10: Kanchanpur district in the far-western Tarai has 47 natural lakes, according to a report of the District Agricultural Development Office. The biggest among these lakes are the Puraina and the Banda lakes located in Belauri Municipality. The lakes spread over an area of 30 and 25 hectares respectively. The rest of […]

आइजीपीमा अर्याल नियुक्त

काठमाडौं, २८ चैत । लामो समयपछि सरकारले नेपाल प्रहरीको आइजीपीमा प्रकाश अर्याललाई नियुक्त गरेको छ । सोमबार (आज बसेको मन्त्रिपरिषद् बैठकले अर्याललाई प्रहरीको आइजीपीमा बढुवा गर्ने निर्णय गरेको हो । यसअघि बसेको मन्त्रिपरिषद्को पहिलो मन्त्रिपरिषद्को बैठकले आईजीपीका दाबेदारहरुको कार्यसम्पादनको नम्बर पेश गर्न कमिटी गठन गरेको छ । कमिटीमा गृह सचिव, प्रधानमन्त्री कार्यालयका सचिव, कानुन सचिव […]

भोली नयाँ संशोधन दर्ता गर्ने सरकारको निर्णय

काठमाडौं, २८ चैत । सोमबार (आज) बसेको मन्त्रीपरिषद् बैठकले पूरानो संविधान संशोधन फिर्ता लिने र नयाँ संशोधन संसदमा दर्ता गर्ने निर्णय गरेको छ । सरकारले भोली नयाँ संशोधन प्रस्ताव दर्ता गर्ने भएको छ । सरकारले भाषा, नागरिकता र राष्ट्रिय सभा सम्वन्धी पुरानै प्रस्ताव अघि बढाइएको छ । राष्ट्रिय सभाको निर्वाचक मण्डलबाट स्थानीय तहका प्रमुख र […]

सगरमाथाको आधार शिविरमा २० आरोही समूह

सोलुखुम्बु, चैत २८ गते । सगरमाथा, ल्होत्से र न्युह्त्से हिमाल आरोहणका लागि २० समूह (टोली) आरोही सगरमाथाको आधार शिविरमा पुगेका छन् । तीनवटै हिमालको एउटै आधार शिविर रहेको सगरमाथा आधार शिविरमा आइतबारसम्म पुगेका २० समूहमध्ये १६ समूहले सगरमाथा, दुई समूहले ल्होत्से र दुई समूहले न्युह्त्से हिमालको आरोहण गर्ने सगरमाथा प्रदूषण नियन्त्रण समिति (एसपिसिसी)का कार्यक्रम अधिकृत […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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