Foreign Minister calls for Global South connectivity and cooperation

Kathmandu / Feb 16: Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Arzu Rana Deuba has emphasized the need for cooperation and connectivity within the Global South.
In her address to the Eighth Indian Ocean Conference in Muscat, the capital of Oman, on Sunday, Dr Rana highlighted the importance of the conference with the theme of ‘Voyage to New Horizons of Maritime Partnership’ particularly for landlocked countries like Nepal, which can benefit from improved connectivity and sustainable humanity development.
“The maritime partnership will enhance connectivity, serving as a medium for inclusive and sustainable growth of humanity.”
Speaking in a session entitled ‘Amplifying the Voice of the Global South’, she said that the Global South play an important role in building a more just, fair and inclusive world, and without its development, the achievements made by the developed world could be at risk.
“The Global-South represents the majority of humanity and if we wish to leave no one behind, and ensure we are not left behind, we must take action by organising around our identified agendas and devoting time and resources to bringing together key stakeholders to the table achieve our common goals.”
She also suggested that the region should review the required policies for improving South-South cooperation, strengthening regional integration and promoting mutual learning to tap the full potential of the Global South.
Minister Dr Rana stressed the need to reform global governance and financial institutions to ensure equitable access to financial resources and representation of the Global South, and collectively advocate for the fulfillment of the commitments made by developed countries.
Likewise, she called for promoting equitable sharing and management of natural resources, improving connectivity by expanding regional networking through road, air and sea, and advancing capacity building through the transfer of knowledge, skills, and technology.
She argued that South-South cooperation and collaboration was imperative to strengthen the region’s collective resolve and resilience to overcome the challenges brought about by inequality, poverty, the growing debt crisis, social unrest and conflict, the digital divide and climate change.
She noted that South-South and Triangular cooperation have been recognised as effective strategies to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
On the occasion, she shared Nepal’s plan to host the ‘Sagarmatha Sambaad’, a permanent global dialogue forum to discuss pressing issues of regional and global importance and extended an invitation to all stakeholders for their participation in this dialogue to be held in Kathmandu from 16 to 18 May. RSS