Archive for: December, 2016

सातौँ राष्ट्रिय खेलकुद सम्पन्नः आठौँ मध्यपश्चिमाञ्चलमा हुने

विक्रम गिरी र याम प्रधान / इटहरी, १५ पुस । आठौँ राष्ट्रिय खेलकुद प्रतियोगिता मध्यपश्चिमाञ्चलको नेपालगन्जमा हुने घोषणा गर्दै सातौँ राष्ट्रिय खेलकुद प्रतियोगिता आज समापन भएको छ । प्रतियोगिताको आज सुनसरीको धरानस्थित एन्फा टेक्निकल खेल मैदानमा समापन गर्दै उपराष्ट्रपति नन्दबहादुर पुनले विभिन्न कठिनाइ र भौतिक पूर्वाधार अभाव भए पनि राष्ट्रको गौरव राख्नेगरी खेलाडीले विभिन्न कीर्तिमान […]

केन्द्रीय प्रसारण लाइनमा करिब १०० मेगावाट विद्युत् जोडियो

रमेश लम्साल / काठमाडौँ, १५ पुस । चालु आर्थिक वर्षको पाँच महिनामा निजी क्षेत्रका आयोजनाबाट कुल ९७ मेगावाट विद्युत् उत्पादन भएको छ । ऊर्जा मन्त्रालयकाअनुसार सरकारी आयोजना निर्माणमा ढिलाइ भइरहेको बेला निजी क्षेत्रका आयोजनाले भने एकपछि अर्को गर्दै राष्ट्रिय प्रसारण लाइनमा विद्युत् जोड्न थालेका छन् । ऊर्जा मन्त्रालयमा निजी प्रवद्र्धकहरुले पछिल्लो पटक गराएको जानकारी अनुसार […]

तरकारी खेतीबाट बुबाको सपना साकार पार्दै हिदराज

अमृता केसी / बाँके, १५ पुस । नेपालगन्ज उपमहानगरपालिका–२४ बन्जाडे गाउँका हिदराज अली बेहनाले तरकारी खेती गरी आफ्नो बुबाको सपना साकार पार्नुभएको छ । आजभन्दा ५ वर्षअगाडि वैदेशिक रोजगारका लागि आफूलाई थाहै नदिई राहदानी बनाउन जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालय नेपालगन्ज पुग्नुभएका आफ्ना बुबाको ‘छोराले धेरै पैसा कमाओस्’ भन्ने चाहनालाई आफूले स्वदेशमै व्यावसायिक तरकारी खेती गरेर पूरा […]

Paint Tour Workshop kicks off from Chisapani

Pokhara / Dec 30: The first edition of Paint Tour Workshop series organized by NS Club of Hill Point with an aim to promote peace, tourism and art kicked off from Chisapani village in Rupakot – 3. The four-day tour is being participated by 11 artists including Nagen Singh Thakuri, Sara Bajimaya, Aakash Jaiswal, Pramila […]

NPC begins study of Kathmandu-Tarai fast track

Kathmandu / Dec 29: The National Planning Commission (NPC) has started carrying out a study of the Kathmandu-Tarai fast track to pave the way for its construction. The government on December 22 authorised the NPC to conduct study of the project and submit the report within a month. A committee formed under the coordination of […]

China to provide Rs 15.7 billion grant to repair Syaphrubesi-Rasuwagadhi Highway

Kathmandu / Dec 29: The Chinese government has agreed to provide a grant assistance of Rs. 15. 7 billion to Nepal for the implementation of Syaphrubesi-Rasuwagadhi Highway repair and improvement project, upgrading and renovation project of Civil Service Hospital, and other post-disaster reconstruction projects agreed upon between the two governments. The projects aim to improve […]

Former MPs’ Forum calls for holding all three-tier elections within deadline

Kathmandu / Dec 29: The Former MPs’ Forum, Nepal has demanded that the government hold all the three tiers of elections as stipulated in the constitution. Organising a news conference here today, the Forum called for holding elections to all the three levels as per the provision of Article 296 of the Constitution of Nepal […]

NHRC Spokesperson Ansari for empowerment of constitutional bodies

Nepalgunj / Dec 29: Spokesperson of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Mohana Ansari, has underscored the need of empowering the constitutional commissions to ensure rights friendly society and the justice to the needy ones. At a programme organized by the Citizen Dialogue Centre here Thursday, Spokesperson Ansari said the rights defenders should bridge the […]

Deshar, Shrestha bag Narayan Gopal Youth Music Award

Kathmandu / Dec 29: Youth singer Nisha Deshar and musician Santosh Shrestha will be honoured jointly with the ‘Narayan Gopal Youth Music Award’ for this year. A meeting of the Narayan Gopal Youth Music Award took a decision to this effect on Wednesday. The award carries a cash prize of Rs 50,000 and a gold […]

सातौँ राष्ट्रिय खेलकुदः नेपाली सेना १०८ स्वर्णसहित अग्रस्थानमा

विक्रम गिरी / सुनसरी, १४ पुस । सातौँ राष्ट्रिय खेलकुद प्रतियोगिताअन्तर्गत आजसम्म सम्पन्न खेलमा नेपाली सेनाले १०८ स्वर्ण पदक जित्दै पहिलो स्थानमा रहेको छ । आजसम्म सम्पन्न खेलको नतिजा अनुसार सशस्त्र प्रहरी बल ४६ स्वर्णसहित दोस्रो तथा नेपाल प्रहरी ४० स्वर्ण पदकसहित तेस्रो स्थानमा रहेका छन् । नेपाली सेनाले ६० रजत र ४३ कास्यसहित कुल […]

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Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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