Archive for: January, 2017

Financial support trickles in for Amar bringing new hope

  Jajarkot, Jan 4: A Nepali couple in Britain has extended financial support for a teenager who has remained bed-ridden for the past 17 years. Khem Sherchan and his wife, Gita Giri Sherchan, of Myagdi and currently living in Britain, extended Rs 20,000 in assistance for treatment of Amar Agri, who comes from a squatter […]

Theatre artist Phuyal no more

Kathmandu / Jan 3: Theatre artist Bishnu Bhakta Phuyal died of cardiac arrest on Tuesday. He was 79. Phuyal collapsed all of sudden while performing in a play written by Satya Mohan Joshi, said an eyewitness Shiromani Dawad. He was taken to Bir Hospital after Phuyal collapsed during the performance. Born on Bhadra 23, 1994 […]

Savings of 20 billion rupees if load shedding ended

Kathmandu / Jan 3: The Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FNCCI) has presented a data that once the country eliminates load shedding, it would save a whopping Rs 20 billion annually. Chairman of Energy Committee of the FNCCI, Gyanendra Lal Pradhan, said the elimination of power cuts helps the country earn Rs […]

Over 11,000 patients with cataract received treatment in past one year in Dang

Dang / Jan 3: More than 11,000 patients with cataract have undergone surgery at Rapti Eye Hospital in the past one year, the hospital administration said. Out of the total 220,059 people suffering from different eye ailments having received treatment in the same period, 11,205 underwent cataract surgery, the hospital said. So far, the hospital […]

Health Minister not well-informed about actual staff quota under Ministry

Kathmandu / Jan 3: Health Minister Gagan Kumar Thapa said he is yet to know the number of employee posts under the Ministry. Speaking at a programme organised by the Green Tara, a non-government organisation, to unveil its report on the health promotion, Minister Thapa said he is yet to get official information about the […]

Stolen idols recovered from Jumla

Jumla / Jan 3: A dozen idols of various gods and goddesses that were reportedly stolen from Jumla-based Chandannath Temple on November 26, have been recovered from the bank of a local river, police said. The statues recovered from Dhungri river bank today morning include those of Hindu gods Bishnu, Ganesha and Balgopal made from […]

गाउँमै आकर्षक आम्दानी

कमल खत्री / म्याग्दी, १९ पुस । स्वदेशमा रोजगारीको अवसर नदेखेर घरखर्च जुटाउनकै लागि विदेश जानेको सङ्ख्या बढ्दो छ । वैदेशिक रोजगारीले जिल्लाका अधिकांश गाउँ युवाविहीन बनिरहेका छन् । अर्कोतर्फ मेहनत र परिश्रम गरे रोजगारीका लागि विदेशमा मात्रै होइन स्वदेशमा पनि राम्रो आम्दानी गर्न सकिन्छ भन्ने उदाहरण यहाँका केही कृषक बन्न थालेका छन् । करिब […]

स्वास्थ्य परीक्षणका नाममा मलेसियन कम्पनीबाट नेपाली कामदार ठगिँदै (आलेख)

किरण भट्टराई / काठमाडौँ, १९ पुस । वैदेशिक रोजगारीमा मलेसिया जाने नेपाली कामदारबाट स्वास्थ्य परीक्षणको नाममा एक संस्थाले अवैध रुपमा रकम उठाइरहेको भेटिएको छ । गत वैशाख १९ गतेदेखि माईग्राम नामक मलेसियन कम्पनीले प्रति कामदार ३० डलर अर्थात करिब रु तीन हजार २ सय रुपैयाँ उठाउँदै आएको छ । सो कम्पनीले नेपाल सरकारबाट स्वीकृति नलिएको […]

एघार हजारलाई नयाँ दृष्टि

दाङ, १९ पुस । यहाँको अस्पतालले सन् २०१६ मा ११ हजारभन्दा बढी मोतीविन्दुका बिरामीको शल्यक्रिया गरी नयाँ दृष्टि प्रदान गरेको छ । राप्ती आँखा अस्पताल दाङले एक वर्षका अवधिमा दुई लाख २० हजार ५९ जना आँखाका बिरामीलाई सेवा दिएको र तीमध्ये ११ हजार २०५ जनामा मोतीविन्दुका कारण आँखा नदेख्ने समस्या थियो । त्यसैगरी अस्पतालले यस […]

नाटकमा अभिनय गर्दागर्दै कलाकार फुयाँलको निधन

काठमाडौँ, १७ पुस । रङ्गकर्मी एवम् कलाकार विष्णुभक्त फुयाँलको हृदयघातका कारण आज ७९ वर्षको उमेरमा निधन भएको छ । राष्ट्रिय नाचघरमा नाटक ‘महर्षि याज्ञबल्कय’ मा अभिनय गर्दागर्दै स्वास्थ्यमा समस्या आएपछि उपचारका क्रममा उहाँको निधन भएको हो । दुई घन्टाको सो नाटक सुरुवात भएको डेढ घन्टा पुगेपछि एक्कासि नाटक गर्दागर्दै बेहोस भई फुयाँल ढलेपछि तत्कालै वीर […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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