Archive for: March, 2018

PM’s directive to work for illiteracy abolition

Kathmandu / Mar 31: Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has directed people’s representatives at all levels to work actively to contribute to the illiteracy abolition campaign. Speaking at the national convention of Rural Municipalities National Federation Nepal in the capital on Saturday, he said that there should be no children out of school in the […]

More than 44,000 quake-hit families start rebuilding houses in Nuwakot

Nuwakot / Mar 31: A total of 44,485 families affected by the earthquake of April, 2015 have started building houses with the grant provided by the government, said the District Project Implementation Unit. The number of families constructing houses with the grant is more than two thirds of the total 69,289 registered under the housing […]

SEE concludes peacefully

Bhaktapur / Mar 31: The Secondary Education Examination (SEE), the final exam of Class 10 in the secondary level education, concluded today. The examination of all subjects except the technical stream has concluded today in a peaceful manner throughout the country, Controller of Examinations Ambika Prasad Regmi said. The exam had started on March 22. […]

Trekking route for people with disabilities comes into operation

Kathmandu / Mar 31: A trekking route that was developed targeting the people with disabilities has come into operation in Annapurna Rural Municipality- 1 of Kaski district. Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Rabindra Adhikari inaugurated the route amid a programme organised in the Capital on Saturday. The 1.3-kilometres route was developed with the […]

कैदीबन्दीले ढाका टोपी बुनेर दैनिक हजार कमाइ गर्दै

गाईघाट, उदयपुर, चैत १७ गते । जिल्लाको सदरमुकाम गाईघाटस्थित बोक्सोमा रहेको जिल्ला कारागार शाखाका केही कैदीबन्दीले ढाकाटोपी बुनेर अहिले दैनिक रु एक हजारसम्म कमाई गर्न थालेका छन् । केही वर्षदेखियता आएर बाँसको मानिस बस्ने मुढा बनेर कमाइ गर्न थालेका जिल्ला कारागार शाखाका कैदीबन्दीमध्ये १४ जना कैदीले अहिले ढाका टोपी बुन्ने सीप सिकेर अहिले दैनिक रु […]

एक वर्षको योजनाको काम पाँच महिनामै सम्पन्न

म्याग्दी, चैत १७ गते यहाँ । एक वर्षमा सम्पन्न गर्ने लक्ष्यसहित जल उत्पन्न प्रकोप व्यवस्थापन कार्यालय बागलुङद्वारा सञ्चालित बेनी बजार संरक्षण कार्यक्रमअन्तर्गत दोस्रो प्याकेजको नदी नियन्त्रण योजनाको काम लक्ष्यभन्दा सात महिनाअघि नै सकिएको छ । सडक, भवन, नदी नियन्त्रण, सिँचाइलगायत म्याग्दीमा सञ्चालित पूर्वाधार आयोजना ढिलासुस्तीका कारण थला परेको अवस्थामा निर्माण व्यवसायीले एक वर्षको काम पाँच […]

बालमैत्री नगर बनाउन १६ बँुदे प्रतिबद्धता

जाजरकोट, चैत १७ गते । छेडागाड नगरपालिकालाई बालमैत्री नगरपालिका बनाउन जनप्रतिनिधिले १६ बुँदे सार्वजनिक प्रतिबद्धता जाहेर गरेका छन् । ‘बालअधिकार संरक्षणसम्बन्धी राष्ट्रिय÷अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय व्यवस्था र स्थानीय सरकारको भूमिका’ विषयक दुईदिने अभिमुखीकरणको समापन कार्यक्रममा जनप्रतिनिधिले १६ बुँदे सार्वजनिक प्रतिबद्धता जाहेर गरेका हुन् । छेडागाड नगरपालिकाभित्रका बालबालिकाको उज्जल भविष्य निर्माण गर्न तथा बाल विकासमा लगानी अभिवृद्धि गरी बालमैत्री […]

NC leader Khadka passes away

Kathmandu / Mar 30: Nepali Congress (NC) leader and former minister Khum Bahadur Khadha passed away on Friday while receiving treatment in New Delhi, India. The 67-year-old Khadha had been on life support for a week at Appolo hospital there after his condition deteriorated critically. He had earlier received a kidney transplant and was taken […]

Finance Minister Khatiwada presents current picture of nation’s economy

Kathmandu / Mar 30: Finance Minister Yubaraj Khatiwada today pointed out economic challenges facing the country due to various causes. Blaming the lack of proper capital mobilisation in part for economic challenges, he stated some difficulties in budget expenditure. “Big projects fail to be completed in stipulated time, and for estimated costs. Distribution-oriented programmes have […]

कांग्रेस नेता खुमबहादुर खड्काको निधन

काठमाडौं– कांग्रेस नेता खुमबहादुर खड्काको उपचारको क्रममा निधन भएको छ । दिल्लीस्थित एपोलो अस्पतालमा उपचारको क्रममा शुक्रबार खड्काको निधन भएको नेपाली कांग्रेसका प्रवक्ता विश्वप्रकाश शर्माले पुष्टि गरेका छन् । शर्माले भने, ‘उहाँकाे पार्थिव शरीरलार्इ नेपाल ल्याउने भन्ने बारे पार्टी र परिवारबीच कुराकानी भइरहेको छ ।’ उनले ट्वीटरमा भनेका छन्, ‘ भारत दिल्लीको अपोलो अस्पतालमा उपचाररत […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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