Archive for: March, 2018

Charge sheet filed against three including Under Secretary

Kathmandu / Mar 20: The Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) has filed a charge sheet against Chief of the Department of Transport Management Office in Sukedhara and two other officials at the Special Court today. Office Chief Under-Secretary Sundar Bhattarai, section officer Yam Lal Dhakal and Nayab Subba Yadav Poudel have been […]

Agriculture Minister promises to promote organic farming

Kathmandu / Mar 20: Minister for Agriculture, Land Management and Cooperatives Chakrapani Khanal has promised to come up with a new plan to control use of chemicals and pesticides on agriculture products. Speaking at an interaction programme organised in the Capital today, the Minister stressed on the consumers’ engagement in family farming to reduce dependence […]

PM calls CM and secretaries to separate wheat from the chaff

Kathmandu / Mar 20: Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has called all seven Chief Ministers, secretaries and chief attorneys to Kathmandu for a discussion on Wednesday. The meeting is being held at the Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers at 11 AM in Singha Durbar, Kathmandu. On Sunday, Oli had held a […]

KMC books 84 people for littering

Kathmandu / Mar 20: Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) has taken action against 84 people so far in the current fiscal year for littering and not disposing wastes at designated sites. KMC collected Rs 237,350 in penalty from the people who were fined. Chief of the operations section at KMC’s Environment Management Division, Meen Bahadur Thapa […]

आगामी डेढ वर्षभित्र प्राधिकरणकै ८०० मेगावाट विद्युत्

काठमाडौँ, चैत ६ गते । नेपाल विद्युत् प्राधिकरण र त्यसका सहायक कम्पनीले आगामी डेढ वर्षभित्र ८०० मेगावाट विद्युत् उत्पादन गर्ने भएका छन् । प्राधिकरणले तयार पारेको कार्ययोजनाका आधारमा माथिल्लो तामाकोशी, कुलेखानी तेस्रो, माथिल्लो त्रिशूली थ्री ‘ए’, साञ्जेन, रसुवागढीजस्ता आयोजनाबाट विद्युत् उत्पादन हुनेछ । स्वदेशी आयोजना निर्माण सम्पन्न भएपछि विद्युत्मा आत्मनिर्भर बन्न सकिने प्राधिकरणको बुझाइ छ […]

युवालाई प्रशिक्षित गर्न जागरण अभियान सञ्चालन; औंद्योगिक मेलामा ७७ जिल्लामा उत्पादित वस्तुको प्रदर्शन हुने

काठमाडौँ, चैत ६ गते । युवा जागरण अभियानले स्वदेशमा युवालाई रोजगारको व्यवस्था मिलाउनुपर्ने भन्दै अभिमुखीकरण र प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम सञ्चालन गर्ने भएको छ । अभियानले स्वदेशमा रोजगारको अभावका कारण कम तलबमा धेरै जनशक्ति कामका लागि विदेशिएको भन्दै उक्त जनशक्तिलाई रोकेर स्वदेशमा कामको ग्यारेन्टी गर्न अभियान सञ्चालन गर्ने भएको हो । अभियानका संयोजक चिन्तन पौडेलले युवा वर्गमा […]

विषादी रोक्न नयाँ योजना ल्याउने- कृषिमन्त्री खनाल; कृषिजन्य वस्तु भारत निर्यातमा सघाउन मन्त्री यादवको आग्रह

काठमाडौँ, चैत ६ गते । कृषि, भूमि व्यवस्था तथा सहकारी मन्त्री चक्रपाणि खनालले कृषिजन्य वस्तुमा प्रयोग हुने विभिन्न रसायन तथा विषादी रोक्नका लागि मन्त्रालयले चाँडो नयाँ योजना ल्याउने बताउनुभएको छ । रिपोर्टर्स क्लबले आज आयोजना गरेको साक्षात्कारमा मन्त्री खनालले भन्नुभयो–“जनताले पनि घर आँगनमै तरकारी फलाउनुपर्छ । सरकारले पनि प्रोत्साहन गर्छ । विषादीको प्रयोग रोक्नुपर्छ ।” […]

Sophia, the first humanoid robot to speak in Nepal

Kathmandu / Mar 20: Sophia, the first humanoid robot acknowledged as a citizen of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is arriving in Nepal tomorrow as a keynote speaker in a conference. The human robot is part of the United Nations Development Programme’s conference on “Technology for Public Services/Development” on March 21. “As part of our […]

Over 300,000 qualified for second installment of NRA grant

Kathmandu / Mar 19: Over 300,000 earthquake survivors included in the National Reconstruction Authority (NRA)’s list of beneficiaries have been certified for drawing the second installment under the private housing grant. The NRA had set the deadline of April 13 this year for beneficiaries to receive the second tranche, who had earlier received the first […]

NRB paints mixed macroeconomic picture in first seven months of current FY

Kathmandu / Mar 19: Consumer price inflation has accelerated to 5.0 percent in mid-February 2018 from 3.3 percent recorded in mid-February 2017, Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB), the central bank, stated in its report entitled ‘Current Macroeconomic and Financial Situation of Nepal’ released on Monday. The report based on the seven months’ data of fiscal year […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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