Archive for: March, 2019

Nepal lost against India in SAFF Women’s C’ship final

Kathmandu / Mar 22: Nepal’s dream to lift up SAFF Women’s Championship trophy was shattered after losing the final match against India by 1-3 in home ground. Dalima Chhibber (26’), Grace Dangmei(63’) and Anju Tamang (76’) scored one goal each while securing the victory for Indian team whereas Sabitra Bhandri scored a goal for Nepali […]

Silver and copper coins dating 13th century recovered

Banke / Mar 22: Silver and copper coins dating back to 13th and 17th centuries have been found in course of digging a road at Barbardiya municipality-6 in Bardiya district, said the police. The recovered coins include five silver coins weighing 54 milligrams and 200 copper coins weighing seven kilograms, said Deputy Superintendent of Police […]

International Sanskrit symposium concludes issuing seven-point declaration

Kathmandu / Mar 22: The international Sanskrit symposium concluded in the capital today, issuing a seven-point declaration. Among other issues, the declaration mentions the establishment of Nepal-India Sanskrit Study Centre and the promotion of yoga and ayurveda. The three-day symposium was organized by the Government of India, the Ministry of Culture, the Indian Embassy and […]

जनता सधैँ पीडामा बस्ने होइन, अब खुशी र सुखी बन्न पाउनुपर्छ – प्रम

बुटवल, चैत ८ गते । प्रधानमन्त्री केपी शर्मा ओलीले प्रदेश नं ५ को रुपन्देहीस्थित तिलोत्तमा नगरपालिकामा बुटवल मेडिकल कलेज पूर्वाधार निर्माण विकास आयोजनाको आज उद्घाटन गर्नुभएको छ । सरकारको एक प्रदेश एक मेडिकल कलेजको अवधारणानुरुप सो कलेज बन्न लागेको हो । सो अवसरमा प्रधानमन्त्री ओलीले भौतिक पूर्वाधार विकास निर्माणमा सरकार गम्भीर ढङ्गले लागेको बताउनुभयो । […]

‘विदेशी लगानी तथा प्रविधि हस्तान्तरण विधेयक, २०७५’ बहुमतले पारित

काठमाडौँ, चैत ८ गते । राष्ट्रियसभाको आजको बैठकले ‘विदेशी लगानी तथा प्रविधि हस्तान्तरण विधेयक, २०७५’ पारित गरेको छ । संशोधन प्रस्तावकर्ता सांसद राधेश्याम अधिकारीले राख्नुभएको प्रस्तावलाई अस्वीकृत गर्दै बहुमतले सो विधेयक पारित गभएको हो । प्रतिनिधिसभाबाट सन्देशसहित प्राप्त उक्त विधेयक राष्ट्रियसभामा उद्योग वाणिज्य तथा आपूर्ति मन्त्री मातृकाप्रसाद यादवले पेश गर्नुभएको थियो । विधायन व्यवस्थापन समितिका […]

भृकुटीमण्डपमा पुष्प मेला शुरु

काठमाडौँ, चैत ८ गते । भृकुटीमण्डपमा आजदेखि पुष्प मेला शुरु भएको छ । मेलाको कृषि तथा पशुपक्षी विकास राज्यमन्त्री रामकुमारी चौधरीले उद्घाटन गर्नुभयो । कृषि क्षेत्रमा युवाको आर्कषण बढाउनुपर्नेमा जोड दिँदै उहाँले पुष्प व्यावसायको प्रवद्र्धन गरेर आत्मनिर्भर बन्नुपर्ने बताउनुभयो । सो अवसरमा पत्रकार, पुष्प व्यवसायी, नर्सरी सञ्चालक तथा किसानलाई सम्मान गरिएको थियो । मेलामा मौसमी […]

कर्णाली करिडोरको ३१ किमीमा यातायात सञ्चालन

बाजुरा, चैत ८ गते । नेपाली सेनाले निर्माण गरेको बाजुरा खण्डमा यातायात सेवा बिहीबारबाट सञ्चालनमा आएपछि जिल्लाका चार स्थानीय तह सडक सञ्जालसँग जोडिएका छन् । कर्णाली करिडोरअन्तर्गत बाजुरा खण्ड लैफूदेखि बाजुराको लेब्डीसम्म ३१ किलोमिटर सडक बिहीबारदेखि सञ्चालनमा आएको छ । सडक सञ्चालनमा आएसँगै बाजुराका हिमाली गाउँपालिका, स्वामीकार्तिक, जगन्नाथ गाउँपालिका र बुढीनन्दा नगरपालिका सडक सञ्जालमा जोडिएको […]

PM to inaugurate two big projects in Rupandehi on Friday

Rupandehi / Mar 21: Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli is scheduled to inaugurate two big projects in Rupandehi district tomorrow. The projects are the Government Medical College Office and Upgrading of Butwal-Narayangadh section under the East-West Highway. The Prime Minister will inaugurate the Government Medical College Office at Naya Mill, Tilottama municipality-1 at 11 am, […]

Govt. calls Biplav-led party for talks

Kathmandu / Mar 21: The government has called the Netra Bikram Chand-led Communist Party of Nepal (CPN) for talks. While making public the latest decisions of the Cabinet here today, government spokesperson Gokul Banskota said that the government was ready for talks to end violence in the country. He argued that the arms and weapons […]

KMC making preparation requiring all schools to fly national flag

Kathmandu / Mar 21: The Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) is making preparation requiring all schools in the metropolis to install the national flag and have their name plates written in the Devanagari script. The Nepali language is written in the Devanagari script. KMC has stated that it is making this provision as many schools have […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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