Archive for: April, 2020

NRNA launches 24-hour helpline to address problems of Non-resident Nepalis

Kathmandu / Apr. 12: The Non-resident Nepali Association (NRNA) has launched a 24-hour helpline aiming at addressing the problems facing the NRNs from today. The helpline to be operated by the NRNA’s Kathmandu-based secretariat facilitates to solve the problems faced by any Nepali- student or worker abroad due to the COVID-19 global crisis. They can […]

Lockdown measures will not be lifted immediately, says PM Oli

Kathmandu / Apr. 11: Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli on Saturday said that lockdown measures will not be lifted immediately. Addressing chief ministers of all seven provinces through a video conference call, the prime minister made it clear that the lockdown measures will not be lifted unless the situation goes back to normal in India. […]

897 tests conducted in last 24 hours, no positive case: Health Ministry

Kathmandu / Apr. 11: The Ministry of Health and Population has stated that no positive case of COVID-19 was recorded in the last 24 hours. “897 tests were conducted in the last 24 hours, where none of the suspects tested positive for COVID-19,” informed Dr. Bikash Devkota, spokesperson of the Ministry today. In the daily […]

Parliamentary committee directs Govt. to ease supplies

Kathmandu / Apr. 11: The Agriculture, Cooperatives and Natural Resources Committee under the Federal Parliament has directed the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development to ease supply of grains during lockdown. The directive aims to ensure supply of agriculture produces to customers during lockdown, said the Committee’s chair Purna Kumari Subedi. The committee has drawn […]

विगत २४ घण्टामा ८९७ नमुना जाँच, संक्रमण शुन्य

काठमाडौं, चैत २९ गते । विगत २४ घण्टामा ८९७ जनाको स्वाबको नमुना जाँच गरिएकोमा कसैमा पनि संक्रमण फेला नपरेको बताइएको छ । त्यसमा ६०९ काठमाडौंमा र २८८ नमुना काठमाडौं बाहिर जाँच गरिएको स्वास्थ्य तथा जनसंख्या मन्त्रालयले आयोजना गरेको पत्रकार सम्मेलनमा जानकारी गराइयो अहिलेसम्म नेपालमा स्वाब परीक्षणको संख्याका चार हजार ४२६ रहेको छ र सरकारले यसको […]

बढी मूल्यमा मासु बेचेवापत तीन पसललाई कारवाही; किसानको गुनासो : दूधभन्दा पराल महङ्गो

काठमाडौँ, चैत २९ गते । वाणिज्य, आपूर्ति तथा उपभोक्ता संरक्षण विभागले शुक्रबार बजार अनुगमनका क्रममा तीन पसललाई कारवाही गरेको छ । विभागका अनुसार अनुगमनका क्रममा बढी मूल्यमा मासु बेचेवापत एक मासु पसल र दुई किराना पसललाई जरिवाना गरिएको हो । विभागका अनुगमन निरीक्षक दीपक पोखरेलका अनुसार बजार अनुगमनका क्रममा बढी मूल्यमा मासु बिक्री गरेको भेटिएपछि […]

नेपालमा लक डाउन छिट्टै अन्त्य हुँदैन : प्रधानमन्त्री

काठमाडौँ, चैत २९ गते । प्रधानमन्त्री केपी शर्मा ओली र सात प्रदेशका मुख्यमन्त्रीबीच आज कोरोना भाइरस रोकथाम र नियन्त्रणबारे भिडियो कन्फरेन्सका माध्यमबाट भई लक डाउनलाई अझ प्रभावकारी बनाउने विषयमा छलफल भएको छ । सिंहदरबारस्थित एक्सन रूमबाट प्रधानमन्त्री ओलीले छलफल सञ्चालन गर्दै यसबीचमा रोकथामका लागि भएका प्रयासहरू सकारात्मक नै रहेको र यसलाई अझ समन्वयात्मक ढङ्गले अघि […]

PM Oli telephones Indian PM Modi, seeking enhancement of collaboration against COVID-19

Kathmandu / Apr. 10 : Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi today held a telephone conversation. The conversation was focused on further strengthening mutual collaboration in the fight against the COVID-19 and providing better care and support for those citizens stopped in each other’s countries during lockdown. Prime Minister Oli […]

Minister Bhatta assures of smooth supplies chain during lockdown

Kathmandu / Apr. 10: Minister for Industry, Commerce and Supply Lekhraj Bhatta has said there is no issue in the import of foodstuff from India despite restriction in cross-border people’s movement. In his statement from the Nepal Television today, the Minister said trucks and containers from India carrying food and other essentials are being disinfected […]

COVID-19: 3,524 samples tested so far, 630 in the last 24 hours

Kathmandu / Apr. 10: A total of 630 swab samples of the suspected people were tested for the novel coronavirus, SARS-COV-2, in the last 24 hours in Nepal. However, no sample tested positive for the virus or the disease COVID-19. Dr. Bikash Devkota, spokesperson of the Ministry of Health and Population, informed this at the […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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