Archive for: March, 2022

२४ घण्टामा थप ६८ जना सङ्क्रमित, मृत्यु शून्य

काठमाडौं, फागुन २५ गते । पछिल्लो २४ घण्टामा ६८ जनामा कोरोना सङ्क्रमण पुष्टि भएको छ । छ हजार ९३६ जनाको पीसीआर परीक्षण गर्दा ६८ जनामा सङ्क्रमण पुष्टि भएको स्वास्थ्य तथा जनसङ्ख्या मन्त्रालयले जनाएको छ । सोही अवधिमा तीन हजार १५६ जनाको एन्टिजेन परीक्षण गर्दा १५१ जनामा सङ्क्रमण पुष्टि भएको छ । मन्त्रालयका अनुसार १० हजार […]

Kalapathhar declaration drawing attention to climate change

Bhismaraj Ojha / Solukhumbu, Mar. 8: A mission to Kalapathtar, a campaign for climate justice, concluded at Kalapaththar today with a 10-point declaration. A team comprising 40 women from different walks of life took on a 13-day trek beginning from Kathmandu to gather at Kalpaththar at an elevation of 5545 meters in the Mt Everest […]

We must prioritize girls in our COVID-19 recovery: UNICEF

Kathmandu / Mar. 8: UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russel has stressed the need to work toward gender equality among other agendas in the post-pandemic era.  Issuing a statement on the occasion of International Women’s Day, Russel said, “On International Women’s Day, we acknowledge the international community’s hard-fought gains for the world’s women and girls. We […]

74 new cases on RT-PCR and 348 recoveries in 24 hours

Kathmandu / Mar. 8: With 74 new cases of COVID-19 confirmed on Tuesday, the nation’s novel coronavirus tally has reached 977,641. In 3,638 Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) tests done in the past 24 hours, a total of 74 persons were found infected with SARS-CoV-2, informed the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) in its […]

चुनावमा पार्टीलाई बलियो बनाऔँ : सभापति देउवा

काठमाडौं, फागुन २४ गते । प्रधानमन्त्री एवं नेपाली काँग्रेसका सभापति शेरबहादुर देउवाले स्थानीयदेखि सङ्घीय तहमा हुन गइरहेको निर्वाचनमा पार्टीलाई बहुमत दिलाउन नेता, कार्यकर्तालाई निर्देशन दिनुभएको छ । आज पार्टी कार्यालयमा बसेको पार्टीका शीर्षनेता र केन्द्रीय सदस्यको बैठकमा उहाँले सानातिना मतभेदलाई बिर्सेर पार्टीलाई बहुमत दिलाउन आग्रह गर्दै काँग्रेसको पक्षमा माहोल बनाउनुपर्नेमा जोड दिनुभयो । सभापति देउवाले […]

प्रमुख पदमा महिलालाई पचास प्रतिशत

सीता शर्मा / काठमाडौँ, फागुन २४ गते । स्थानीय तहको निर्वाचनमा प्रमुख पदमा महिलाका लागि ५० प्रतिशत स्थान सुरक्षित गर्नुपर्ने माग महिला नेत्रीहरूको छ । सरकारले वैशाख ३० गते स्थानीय तहको निर्वाचन घोषणा गरिसकेको अवस्थामा महिला नेत्री तथा आयोग पदाधिकारीहरूले यस्तो आवाज उठाउनुभएको हो । नेपाली काँग्रेसकी नेत्री पुष्पा भुसालले स्थानीय निर्वाचनमा महिलाको अर्थपूर्ण सहभागिता […]

थप ७४ जनामा सङ्क्रमण, एकको मृत्यु

काठमाडौं, फागुन २४ गते । पछिल्लो २४ घण्टामा ७४ जनामा कोरोना सङ्क्रमण पुष्टि भएको छ । तीन हजार ६३८ जनाको पीसीआर परीक्षण गर्दा ७४ जनामा सङ्क्रमण पुष्टि भएको स्वास्थ्य तथा जनसङ्ख्या मन्त्रालयले जनाएको छ । सोही अवधिमा दुई हजार ७५६ जनाको एन्टिजेन परीक्षण गर्दा १२० जनामा सङ्क्रमण पुष्टि भएको छ । मन्त्रालयका अनुसार छ हजार […]

Women lawmakers ask Home Minister to address issues of citizenship, visit visa

Kathmandu / March 7: Women lawmakers have urged Home Minister Bal Krishna Khand to address the issues relating to citizenship and visit visa. Lawmakers Mahalaxmi Upadhyay ‘Dina’, Rangamati Shahi, Brinda Pandey, Bimala Rai Poudel and Bina Shrestha held a meeting with Minister Khand on Sunday to draw his attention to the issues on citizenship and […]

Meeting of Secretary-Level Joint Taskforce of Nepal and India concludes

Kathmandu / Mar. 7: A secretary-level meeting of the joint task force of Nepal and India, formed to facilitate the supply of petroleum products and gas, has concluded. The third virtual meeting of the joint task force that was formed between Nepal and India in March 2017 in course of agreement of supply of petroleum […]

66 new cases on RT-PCR, 376 recoveries in 24 hours

Kathmandu / Mar. 7: With 66 new cases of COVID-19 confirmed on Monday, the nation’s novel coronavirus tally has reached 977,567. In 6,145 Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) tests done in the past 24 hours, a total of 66 persons were found infected with SARS-CoV-2, informed the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) in its […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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