Archive for: April, 2022

देशभर एक लाख ४ हजार १२३ जनाको उम्मेदवारी दर्ता; ८० प्रतिशत मतपत्र छपाइ सम्पन्न

काठमाडौं, वैशाख १२ गते। वैशाख ३० गते हुने स्थानीय तहको निर्वाचनका लागि सोमबार साँझसम्म एक लाख ४ हजार १२३ जनाले उम्मेदवारी दर्ता गरेका छन्। निर्वाचन आयोगले आइतबार र सोमबार दुई दिन मनोनयन दर्ताका लागि समय दिएको थियो। निर्वाचन आयोगका अनुसार महानगर, उपमहानगर र नगरपालिकाका प्रमुख पदमा २ हजार ७४४ र उपप्रमुख पदमा १ हजार ६९९ […]

104,123 candidates registered across country; Election materials reach all districts

Kathmandu / April 25: A total of 104,123 candidates have filed their candidacies for the local level election. According to the Election Commission, there are 2,744 candidates for the post of Mayor of the metropolitan-sub-metropolitan and municipality and 1,699 candidates for the post of Deputy Mayor. There are 2,941 candidates for the post of Rural […]

Nepal imported fruits worth over Rs 11 billion in nine months

Kathmandu / April 25: Although agriculture has been a major sector of the country’s economy as the main source of livelihood, employment and economic and social transformation, it has been found that the country has been importing huge quantities of agricultural goods. Agriculture sector has more than one-third contribution to the country’s gross domestic product […]

Pig farming after Master’s Degree graduation

Sher Bahadur Sarki / Bajura, Apr. 25: Tilak Joshi, a resident of Budhiganga Municipality, Bajura, has started pig rearing after returning to the village after completing Master’s degree. His daily diary starts from a pig farm nowadays. He arrives at the farm early in the morning, feeds the piglets and cleans the cage. This routine […]

खेतबारी बाँझै, ११ अर्बको फलफूल आयात

काठमाडौं, वैशाख १२ गते । जनजीविका, रोजगारी र आर्थिक एवं सामाजिक रुपान्तरणको प्रमुख आधारका रुपमा रहेको कृषि मुलुकको अर्थतन्त्रको एक प्रमुख क्षेत्र रहँदै आएको भए पनि उच्चमात्रामा आयात भएको पाइएको छ । विद्यालयमा पढाउँदा होस् या सामान्य कुराकानीमा पनि ‘नेपाल कृषिप्रधान देश हो’ का रुपमा सङ्ज्ञा दिइन्छ । नेपालको कूल गार्हस्थ उत्पादन (जिडिपी)मा कृषि क्षेत्रको […]

विद्युत् खेर जान नदिन पहल

काठमाडौँ, वैशाख १२ गते । प्रसारण लाइनको अभावमा लमजुङमा निर्माण सम्पन्न भएका आयोजनाहरूको विद्युत् खेर जाने अवस्था आएपछि नेपाल विद्युत् प्राधिकरणले चासो देखाएको छ । प्रसारण लाइन अभावमा लमजुङमा निर्माण सम्पन्न भएका आयोजनाको विद्युत् जोड्न नसक्ने स्थिति आएको भन्ने गुनासो आएपछि प्राधिकरणको उच्च व्यवस्थापनले त्यस क्षेत्रको निरीक्षण भ्रमण गरेको हो । प्राधिकरणका कार्यकारी निर्देशक कुलमान […]

Registration of candidacies for local level election commences

Kathmandu / April 24: The registration of candidature for the upcoming Local Level Election, 2079 BS has started throughout the country today. The Election Commission, Nepal said the registration of candidacy was started at 10 am at the Office of the Election Officer set up at the 753 local levels. The registration of candidacies will […]

CNP reports deaths of 34 rhinos since mid-July

Chitwan / April 24 : The Chitwan National Park (CNP) so far reports the death of 34 rhinoceroses in the past nine months of the current fiscal that begun on mid-July. Of them, two died due to poaching while remaining due to other reasons. The park recorded the deaths of 33 rhinos last fiscal year. […]

Film South Asia 2022 kicks off; Nepal emerges as a center of South Asia happenings

Kathmandu / April 24: Nepal has emerged as a center for South Asia in recent years as the governments elsewhere in the region are increasingly becoming intolerant toward public debate and criticisms and are even resorting to stifle freedom of expression. This is stated by filmmakers and freedom of expression activists gathered from various South […]

नेपालको वनक्षेत्र वृद्धि भयो

लक्ष्मीप्रसाद उपाध्याय / काठमाडौं, चैत ११ गते । नेपालको वनक्षेत्र वृद्धि भएको छ । पछिल्ला दिनमा संरक्षणका कामहरु प्रभावकारी रूपमा सञ्चालन भएपछि नेपालमा वनजङ्गलले ढाकेको क्षेत्रफल बढेको छ । झण्डै दुई दशकको अवधिमा नेपालले दुई लाख ५१ हजार हेक्टर वन क्षेत्र बढाउन सफल भएको छ । वन तथा वातावरण मन्त्रालयले गरेको एक अध्ययनबाट यो तथ्याङ्क […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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