Archive for: May, 2023

एसइई उतीर्ण छात्रालाई कम्प्युटर वितरण

दिपकप्रसाद गौतम / वीरगञ्ज, जेठ ३ गते । वीरगञ्ज महानगरपालिकाको वडा नम्बर ३० कार्यालयले उक्त वडाबाट एसइई परीक्षा उतीर्ण गरेका १६ जना छात्राहरुलाई कम्प्युटर प्रदान गरेको छ । वडाको श्री नेपाल राष्ट्रिय आधारभूत विद्यालयमा मंगलबार एक कार्यक्रम आयोजना गरी वडा कार्यालयले एसइई उतीर्ण गरेका छात्राहरुलाई कम्प्युटर प्रदान गरेको हो । निर्वाचनमा आफूले गरेको घोषणा बमोजिम […]

Russia seeks proposals, offering assistance to build 13 development projects

Kathmandu / May 17: Russia has asked for detailed project proposal from Nepal for about 13 development projects that could be constructed and operated with the Russian assistance and cooperation. The projects include electric railways, highways, cancer hospital for children and increasing quota for Nepali students to study in Moscow. Russian Embassy in Nepal urged […]

GBIA marks first anniversary but it yet to come into full operation, adding to private sector’s worry

Bharat KC/Radheshyam Bishwokarma, Lumbini, May 17: The Gautam Buddha International Airport (GBIA) has completed its first anniversary, but the second international airport after the Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu, going through setbacks has added to worries of the investors. The private sector has reportedly invested over Rs 60 billion targeting this project GBIA has failed […]

ADB approves $300 million loan to improve road connectivity, trade in Nepal

Kathmandu / May 17: The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a $300 million loan to improve transport connectivity of the Kakarbhitta–Laukahi road in Nepal to international trade routes, particularly to India and Bangladesh. According to a statement released by the ADB, at least 95 kilometers (km) of road from Kakarbhitta to Laukahi will be […]

सरकारको प्राथमिकतामा नागरिकता विधेयक प्रमाणीकरण : सञ्चारमन्त्री शर्मा; मुकेश कायस्थ राष्ट्रिय शहीद

काठमाडौं, जेठ २ गते । सञ्चार तथा सूचना प्रविधि मन्त्री रेखा शर्माले नागरिकता विधेयक प्रमाणीकरण सरकारको प्राथमिकतामा रहेको बताउनुभयो । सिहंदरबारमा मन्त्रिपरिषद् बैठकको निर्णय सार्वजनिक गर्ने कार्यक्रममा सञ्चारकर्मीको जिज्ञासामा मन्त्री शर्माले नागरिकताको मुद्दा सरकारको हतारोको विषयभन्दा आम नागरिक र जनताको हतारोको विषय भएको बताउनुभयो । सञ्चारमन्त्री शर्माले भन्नुभयो, “खासगरी, नागरिकताको जुन मुद्दा छ, यो सरकारको […]

रेशम चौधरीको जन्मकैद सजाय सर्वोच्चद्वारा सदर

काठमाडौं, जेठ २ गते । सर्वोच्च अदालतले कैलालीको टीकापुर घटनामा दोषी रेशमलाल चौधरीलाई जन्मकैदको सजाय हुने जिल्ला अदालत कैलाली र उच्च अदालत दिपायलको फैसला सदर गरेको छ । मङ्गलबार सर्वोच्चका न्यायाधीशद्वय डा. आनन्दमोहन भट्टराई र नहकुल सुवेदीको इजलासले चौधरीलाई जन्मकैदको सजाय हुने फैसला गरेको हो । सोही मुद्दाका आरोपी सिताराम चौधरी र गंगाराम चौधरीले सफाइ […]

काठमाडौंका सडक छेउमा पार्किङ निषेध, भ्यु टावरमा पार्किङ सुरु

विष्णु पाण्डेय / काठमाडौँ, जेठ २ गते । काठमाडौं महानगरले आफ्नो क्षेत्रभित्रका सडकलाई पार्किङ निषेधित क्षेत्र बनाएको छ । महानगर प्रमुख बालेन्द्र साहको एक वर्षको प्रयासपछि अहिले महानगर भित्रका सडकमा पार्किङ निषेधित बनेका छन् । साह गतवर्ष मेयरमा निर्वाचित भएपछि महानगरभित्रका सडकलाई पार्किङ निषेधित क्षेत्र बनाउने प्रतिबद्धता जनाउनुभएको थियो । जथाभाबी फुटपाथ हटाउने र बेसमेन्ट […]

SC sentences life imprisonment to Chaudhary on Tikapur carnage

Kathmandu / May 16: The Supreme Court (SC) on Tuesday upheld the verdict of Dipayal High Court on a case relating to Tikapur carnage which had handed down life imprisonment to Resham Chaudhary. Resham was doing his jail time. Justices Dr Ananda Mohan Bhattarai and Nahakul Subedi gave such verdict convicting Chaudhary on the charge. […]

Govt has accorded priority to authentication of citizenship bill: Minister Sharma

Kathmandu, May 16: Minister for Communication and Information Technology Rekha Sharma has said that the government has accorded priority to authentication of the bill related to citizenship. Responding to the queries of the journalists during the press meet to unveil Cabinet decision today, Minister Sharma, also the government spokesperson, underlined that the authentication of the […]

Nepalgunj-Dolpa bus service starts

Siraj Khan / Nepalgunj, May 16 : A bus service has been launched for the first time from Nepalgunj to Dunai, the headquarters of Dolpa, a remote Himalayan district of Karnali Province. Locals are happy to be linked with road network where there was a bus service with comfortable seats. Earlier, buses used to reach […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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