Kathmandu / July 2: Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC) has announced a profit in the sale of LPG after a one-year period. According to Manoj Kumar Thakur, deputy director of NOC, the corporation has made a profit of Rs 7 per cylinder on LPG sales. Thakur stated, “In the latest price list of petroleum products received […]

Kathmandu / July 2 : Finance Minister Dr Prakash Sharan Mahat has said imports of vegetables and fruits will be discouraged to promote small producers within the country. In his address today in the House of Representatives to concerns raised during the deliberations on the Finance Bill-2080 BS in the House of Representatives, the Minister […]

झापा, असार १६ गते । मेचीनगर नगरपालिकाले चिया बगानका रुखमा प्रयोग गरिएका पहेँलो सङ्केत (स्टिकर)लाई हटाउने भएको छ । स्टिकरका कारण मौरीलगायतका मित्रुजीव टासिइ नष्ट हुने भएका कारण नीति नै बनाएर निरुत्साहित गर्ने भएको हो । पालिकाले हालै सार्वजनिक गरेको बजेट तथा नीति कार्यक्रममै सो कुरा उल्लेख गरिएको छ । नगर क्षेत्रभित्र टोकला, सतिघट्टालगायतका ठुला […]

पोखरा, असार १६ गते । प्रधानमन्त्री पुष्पकमल दाहाल ‘प्रचण्ड’ ले तीनै तहका सरकारले आफ्नो सोच र कार्यशैली बदलेर मात्र सङ्घीय लोकतान्त्रिक प्रणाली बलियो बनाउन सकिने बताउनुभएको छ । शनिबार बिहान पोखरामा आयोजित राष्ट्रिय समन्वय परिषद्को प्रथम बैठकको अध्यक्षता गर्नुहुँदै प्रधानमन्त्रीले उक्त कुरा राख्नुभएको हो । प्रधानमन्त्रीले भन्नुभयो, “सङ्घीयताको मर्म र यसको दीर्घकालीन महत्त्व हामीले बुझेनौँ […]

पोखरा, असार १६ गते। अर्थमन्त्री डा. प्रकाशशरण महतले करको दायराभित्र पर्नेलाई छुट दिन नसकिने बताउनुभएको छ। शनिबार आन्तरिक राजस्व कार्यालय पोखराको निरीक्षणका क्रममा उहाँले यस्तो बताउनुभएको हो । ‘‘जो करको दायराभित्र पर्छन् उनीहरु भ्याट नलगाइदिए हुन्थ्यो भन्छन्। हरेक ट्रान्जेक्सनमा लगाइने करलाई मूल्य अभिवृद्धि कर भनिन्छ। यसको फाइदा भनेको हरेक ट्रान्जेक्सनले हिसाब राख्नुपर्छ’’, मन्त्री महतले आन्तरिक […]

Pokhara / July 1 : Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ has stated that federal democratic system could be strengthened only if all three layers of governments mend their existing mindsets and working style. Addressing the first meeting of the National Coordination Council in Pokhara on Saturday, the PM underscored the need for equally meaningful […]

Gandaki / July 1: Finance Minister Dr Prakash Sharan Mahat has said the budget brought by the government would make the national economy dynamic. At a press conference organised by Nepal Press Union, Kaski in Pokhara today, Finance Minister Mahat mentioned that the budget was brought to make the economy dynamic by keeping the nation […]

Jumla / July 1: Local residents of Jumla have been actively engaged in the conservation efforts for the endangered red panda over the past few years. The local communities in three rural villages of Jumla have taken the initiative to safeguard these endangered species. The villages involved in red panda conservation are Bishtawada in Sinja […]