Kathmandu / June 23: Minister for Labour, Employment and Social Security Dol Prasad Aryal has said that the government was preparing to implement the Returnee Entrepreneurship Programme to create employment opportunities at home for returnee migrant workers. During the discussion on Appropriation Bill, 2081 in the House of Representatives (HoR) meeting on Sunday, Minister Aryal […]

Kathmandu / June 24: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Home Affairs Rabi Lamichhane has shared that a person involved in the incident related to Chhaupadi has been arrested. The suspect has been remanded to custody and an investigation is underway. In today’s meeting of the National Assembly, while replying to the queries raised by […]

Kathmandu / June 23: Chief Secretary of the government, Dr Baikuntha Aryal, 11 employees and a company have been sued for their involvement in the corruption on a procurement related to printing of excise duty stickers. The Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) filed the corruption case at the Special Court on Sunday, […]

Kathmandu / June 23: Minister for Education, Science and Technology Sumana Shrestha has said that sufficient budget for a large number of new plans and programmes could not be unveiled in the upcoming fiscal year’s budget to bring about reforms in education due to the high volume of compulsory liability of the government. “This cannot […]

Kathmandu / June 23: Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) has started a significant river cleaning initiative. Fifty-five employees from the Department of Environment have started the campaign by cleaning the sewage flowing from Rudramati (Dhobikhola), Khahare, and Balaju areas in Kapan. Currently, the cleaning team is focusing on the Ichchumati (Tukucha) River. The team has dedicated […]

काठमाडौँ, असार ९ गते। अख्तियार दुरुपयोग अनुसन्धान आयोगले अन्तःशुल्क स्टिकर छपाई खरिद प्रकरणमा भ्रष्टाचार गरेको आरोपमा मुख्यसचिव डा. वैकुण्ठ अर्यालसहित १२ जनाविरुद्ध मुद्दा दर्ता गरेको छ। आइतबार विशेष अदालतमा मुख्यसचिव अर्यालसहित १२ जना विरुद्ध मुद्दा दर्ता गरिएको हो। सार्वजनिक संस्थाको सम्पत्ति हानि, नोक्सानी गरी भ्रष्टाचार गरेको मुद्दामा सञ्चारकर्मीसँग कुरा गर्दै विशेष अदालतका प्रवक्ता धनबहादुर कार्कीले […]

सिराज खान / नेपालगन्ज, असार ९ गते। नेपालगन्जस्थित भेरी अस्पतालमा पहिलो पटक ठुलो आन्द्राको क्यान्सरको दूरबिन प्रविधिबाट सफल शल्यक्रिया गरिएको छ। विगत डेढ वर्षदेखि पेटको समस्याले पीडित पञ्चपुले नगरपालिका–१ की ७५ वर्षीया हस्ता शर्माको भेरी अस्पतालमा सफल शल्यक्रिया गरिएको हो। पीडितका छोरा ललित शर्माले दिनुभएको जानकारी अनुसार लामोसमयदेखि पत्थरी भयो भन्दै प्रदेश अस्पताल सुर्खेत, लगायत […]

पंखबहादुर शाही / सुर्खेत, असार ९ गते। अहिले धेरैजसो पढेलेखेका युवाहरूको रोजाई हुन्छ—कि सरकारी जागिर, कि त विदेश जाने । देशमा बस्ने वातावरण नभएको भन्दै धेरैजसो युवापुस्ता विदेश गइरहेका बेला कतिपय युवाले भने गाउँमै बसेर पनि उदाहरणीय कर्म गरिरहेका छन् । त्यसै मध्येका एक पात्र हुन्—भेरीगङ्गा नगरपालिका–११, चिप्ले गाउँका ३३ वर्षीय टोपेन्द्र राना । सुर्खेत […]

Kathmandu / June 22: Three members of the Nepal national cricket team, including captain Rohit Paudel, are set to play in the Global T20 League in Canada. Alongside Rohit, Dipendra Singh Airee and Sandeep Lamichhane will participate in the Global T20 League scheduled for July. Lamichhane and Airee have joined the Vancouver Knights, while Paudel […]

Kathmandu / June 22: CPN (Maoist Centre) Chairman and Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ has urged one and all not to harbour any doubt on this coalition adding that the incumbent government will continue till the full term of the House of Representatives (HoR). The PM viewed that his government would serve the full […]