Archive for: July, 2024

Our traditional knowledge and skills needs to be used for people’s welfare: President Paudel

Kathmandu / July 31: President Ramchandra Paudel has said that the goals envisioned by our elders can be reached only if the country can be taken to the path of prosperity through political stability, development and good governance. Addressing a program organized by Dr Dilliraman Kalyani Regmi Library Development Committee at the Office of the […]

UN and Dhulikhel Hospital collaborate to transform healthcare in Nepal and advance SDGs

Kathmandu / July 31: The United Nations in Nepal and Dhulikhel Hospital have entered into a strategic partnership to transform healthcare delivery in Nepal and advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. According to a press statement, the collaboration was formalized through the signing of a Joint Declaration of Intent. The UN Resident Coordinator’s […]

Millennium Challenge Account-Nepal signs all three 400kV substations

Kathmandu / July 31: The Millennium Challenge Account-Nepal has signed the final substation contract with Techno Electric and Engineering Company Ltd. (TEECL), India to construct a US$38.89 million 400 kV substations in Damauli, Tanahun concluding the task of awarding the contracts for all three 400kV stations to be implemented under the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) […]

हामीले आर्जन गरेको अनुभव, ज्ञान र सीप जनताको सर्वोत्तम हितमा केन्द्रित गरौँ : राष्ट्रपति पौडेल

काठमाडौँ, साउन १६ गते । राष्ट्रपति रामचन्द्र पौडेलले सङ्घीय लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्रात्मक शासन व्यवस्थाले परिकल्पना गरेको राजनीतिक स्थायित्व, विकास र सुशासनका माध्यमबाट देशलाई समृद्धिको बाटोमा लैजान सकेमात्र अग्रजहरूले परिकल्पना गरेको लक्ष्यमा पुग्न सकिने बताउनुभएको छ । डा. डिल्लीरमण कल्याणी रेग्मी पुस्तकालय विकास समितिद्वारा बुधवार राष्ट्रपति भवन शीतल निवासमा आयोजित कार्यक्रमलाई सम्बोधन गर्दै राष्ट्रपति पौडेलले हामीले आर्जन […]

स्थानीय पूर्वाधार विकासमा नागरिकको चाहना पूरा गर्नेगरी काम हुनुपर्छ : उपप्रधानमन्त्री सिंह

ललितपुर, साउन १६ गते । उपप्रधानमन्त्री एवम् सहरी विकासमन्त्री प्रकाशमान सिंहले नागरिकको चाहना पूरा गर्ने गरी स्थानीय पूर्वाधार विकासमा काम गर्न निर्देशन दिनुभएको छ । आज यहाँ स्थानीय पूर्वाधार विभागका कामकारबाही र आगामी योजनाबारे जानकारी लिनुभएपछि उहाँले जनताको पूर्वाधार निर्माणको चाहना पूरा गर्न विभागको भूमिका महत्त्वपूर्ण रहेकाले सोहीअनुसार क्रियाशील हुन निर्देशन दिनुभएको हो । “स्थानीय […]

किवी खेतीमा किसान आकर्षित

डिलबहादुर सिंह / डोटी, साउन १६ गते । डोटीमा किवी फलको खेतीतर्फ किसानको आकर्षण बढ्दै गएको छ । जिल्लाका विभिन्न स्थानमा कृषकले २८ हेक्टर क्षेत्रफलमा किवी खेती गर्दैआएका छन् । यहाँ ६४ दशमलव ९६ मेट्रिक टन किवी उत्पादन हुनेगर्छ । जिल्लाका बडिकेदार गाउँपालिका, जोरायल गाउँपालिका, दिपायल सिलगढी नगरपालिका, बोगटान फुड्सिल गाउँपालिका, आदर्श गाउँपालिका लगायतका स्थानमा […]

Prime Minister Oli directs to be goal and result-oriented; bats for creating opportunities for higher studies within country

Kathmandu, July 30: Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has directed the ministers and secretaries of all the ministries to carry out works setting goals and becoming result-oriented for the sake of nation’s development and prosperity. In a meeting with the ministers and the secretaries held at the Office of the Prime Minister and Council of […]

Lieutenant General Sigdel is now acting chief of Nepali Army

Kathmandu / July 30: Lieutenant General Ashok Sigdel has been given the responsibility of acting chief of Nepali Army. Source within the Ministry of Defense said that a Cabinet meeting held on Monday decided to appoint Sigdel as the acting Chief of Army Staff (CoAS) effective from August 8. The three-year term of the incumbent […]

World Day against Trafficking in Persons marked with renewed commitment to combat human trafficking in Nepal

Kathmandu / July 30: The United States Agency for International Development’s Hamro Samman II program, in partnership with the Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizens (MoWCSC) and various stakeholders, organized an event in Kathmandu today to observe the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. The event brought together leaders from government agencies, USAID, civil […]

सरकारको काँधमा असाधारण जिम्मेवारी छ; उच्च शिक्षाका लागि स्वदेशमै अवसर प्रदान गरौँ : प्रधानमन्त्री

काठमाडौँ, साउन १५ गते । प्रधानमन्त्री केपी शर्मा ओलीले मुलुकको गम्भीर परिस्थितिमा दुई प्रमुख दलको सहभागितामा सरकार बनेकाले यसलाई असफल हुने छुट नरहेको र छुट हुन नदिइने बताउनुभएको छ । नेपाल सरकारका सचिवहरूलाई मङ्गलबार प्रधानमन्त्री तथा मन्त्रिपरिषद्को कार्यालयमा निर्देशन दिनुहुँदै प्रधानमन्त्री ओलीले अघिल्लो सरकारबाट काम हुन नसकेको र जनतामा निराशा छाएकाले दुई प्रमुख पार्टीको अगुवाइमा […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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