
November 14: The twins grew up in vastly different environments after their parents split but shared the same nervous habits and love of jokes. Jack Yufe, who was raised a Jew in the Caribbean while his brother grew up in Nazi Germany, has died of cancer at the age of 82. The pair were separated […]

November 14: The police in all countries are often called upon to deal with emergencies of all descriptions, but we imagine that calling the emergency number and requesting that they deal with a monkey eating the mail from the box is a rarity. Now dealing with “monkey business” involving members of the public is probably […]

November 13: The animal’s peculiar birth defect has led to the kitty being nicknamed Captain Kirk – due to its “final front-ear” This is the three-eared cat that rescuers found abandoned near a garage in Norfolk. The unusual birth defect has led to the kitty being nicknamed Captain Kirk – due to its “final front-ear”. Staff […]

November 13, 2015 : New research from the Salk Institute shows that the experimental Alzheimer’s drug J147 has a host of unexpected anti-aging effects in animals. The Salk team expanded upon their previous development of a drug candidate, called J147, which takes a different tack by targeting Alzheimer’s major risk factor–old age. In the new […]

November 12, 2015: An international team of astronomers has discovered some of the oldest stars in the Milky Way. These stars could contain vital clues about the early Universe, including an indication of how the first stars died. These stars, which have been at the very center of the Milky Way for billions of years, […]

November 13, 2015 : As the availability of clean, potable water becomes an increasingly urgent issue in many parts of the world, researchers are searching for new ways to treat salty, brackish or contaminated water to make it usable. Now a team at MIT has come up with an innovative approach that, unlike most traditional […]

कमल खत्री / म्याग्दी । घरायसी काममा सीमित रहने म्याग्दीका महिला पछिल्लो समय सामाजिक क्षेत्रको नेतृत्वदायी भूमिका लिन पनि अग्रसर बनेका छन् । आर्थिक रुपमा सक्षम भएर सामाजिक सङ्घसंस्थाको नेतृत्वसँगै सामाजिक विकृति न्यून गर्न उनीहरु सक्रिय भएको देखिएको छ । यतिमात्रै होइन, गाउँगाउँमा खुलेका महिला सहकारीमार्फत सङ्गठित बनेका महिला आजभोलि परिवारको दैनिकी चलाउने खर्च आफैँ जुटाउन […]

परासी, २८ कात्तिक । नवलपरासीको कावासोती नगरपालिका स्थित सामथ्र्य टोल सामथ्र्य आमा समूहको सक्रियतामा उज्यालो भएको छ । सामथ्र्य आमा समूहले अहिले कावासोती नगरपालिका–२ सामथ्र्य टोलमा रहेका १८ वटा विद्युत् खम्बामा बत्ती जडान गरेपछि टोल उज्यालो भएको हो । रातिको समयमा सडकका खम्बामा बत्ती नहुँदा हिँड्न पनि समस्या हुने तथा राति चोरीलगायत अवाञ्छित क्रियाकलाप हुन […]

शीतलप्रसाद महतो / वीरगन्ज, २८ कात्तिक । श्रद्धा, भक्ति र सम्पूर्ण तराईको साझा सांस्कृतिक प्रतिबिम्बको रुपमा मनाइने छठ पर्व आइतबारदेखि धार्मिक परम्पराअनुसार हर्षोल्लासका साथ मनाइँदैछ । सत्य र अहिंसाप्रति मानवको रुचि बढाउने र सबै जीवप्रति सहानुभूति राख्न अभिप्रेरित गर्ने तराईवासीको महान् चाड हो, छठ पर्व । तराईका सबै जातजातिले साझा रुपमा मनाउने यस पर्वको विशेषता हो […]