Archive for: November, 2015

Government urges development partners to implement financial aid promises

Kathmandu, Nov 25: The government on Wednesday held regular discussions with representatives of its development partners. During the discussions held at the Ministry of Finance, Minister for Finance Bishnu Prasad Poudel briefed the donor representatives about post-earthquake reconstruction efforts and impact of the Indian unofficial blockade on the people’s daily life. “The Reconstruction Bill is […]

Environment-friendly vehicle rally in Kathmandu

Kathmandu, Nov 25: The Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (MoSTE) organized a rally here today with an objective to spread awareness on the importance of electric vehicles at a time when the country is reeling under acute fuel-crisis. More than 200 environment-friendly vehicles, including bicycles, electronic cars, scooter and three-wheelers (safa tempo), participated in […]

Blood collection and supply services smooth at Central Blood Transfusion Centre

Kathmandu, Nov 25: Although the border blockade imposed by India on Nepal for nearly two months has resulted in shortage of supplies in several sectors, including medical, the Central Blood Transfusion Centre said that there were no issues yet in rendering its services. The Nepal Red Cross Society-run Centre which earlier used to collect some […]

केन्द्रीय अस्पताललाई औषधि वितरण

काठमाडौँ, ९ मङ्सिर । स्वास्थ्य मन्त्रालयले प्रथम चरणमा उपत्यकाका तीन अस्पताललार्ई आवश्यक औषधि वितरण गरेको छ । केन्द्रीय अस्पतालले बुझाएका आवश्यक औषधिको सूचीअनुसार औषधि वितरण गरिएको औषधि व्यवस्था विभागका महानिर्देशक तथा औषधि सहज बनाउन गठित कार्यदलका संयोजक बालकृष्ण खकुरेलले जानकारी दिनुभयो । उहाँले भन्नुभयो– “दातृ निकाय, नाकाबाट आएका औषधि तथा विभिन्न संस्थाबाट प्राप्त औषधि डा […]

Football bringing disgrace to the nation (Commentary)

Kathmandu / November 25: Barely six months after the devastating earthquake that paralysed the country and around two month after the ‘unofficial economic blockade’ on Nepal by India, Nepal took suffered another unprecedented catastrophe in form of the alleged involvement of our national football players in match-fixing scandal. The arrest of then sitting and former […]

Some 70,000 Nepalese in Saudi have no MRP

Saudi Arabia / November 24: A large number of Nepali people residing in Saudi Arabia are without the machine readable passports (MRP). They have been found using handwritten passports. They would face different problems including getting visa and extending visa term after the handwritten passport would not be acceptable across the world from November 23 […]

उपल्लो मुस्ताङमा चीनबाट इन्धन आयात

मुस्ताङ, ९ मङ्सिर । उपल्लो मुस्ताङका यातायात व्यवसायीले चीनको स्वशासित राज्य तिब्बतबाट युरो–४ पेट्रोल र डिजेल आयात गर्न थालेका छन् । आफूलाई आवश्यक पर्ने परिमाणमा इन्धन लिएर उनीहरुले निर्बाध रुपमा सवारीसाधन सञ्चालन गरिरहेका छन् । उपल्लो मुस्ताङका लोमान्थाङ, घमी, सुर्खाङ, छोसेर लगायत क्षेत्रमा चीनबाटै आयात गरिएका इन्धनबाट मोटरसाइकल, जिप तथा मालवाहक ट्रक सञ्चालन भइरहेका छन् […]

मानवीय सङ्कट पैदा भएकोमा मानवअधिकार उच्चायोगको चिन्ता

काठमाडौँ, ८ मङ्सिर । संयुक्त राष्ट्रसङ्घको मानवअधिकार उच्चायोगले नेपाल—भारत सीमा क्षेत्रमा भईरहेको तनावका कारण मानवीय सङ्कट पैदा भएको भन्दै गम्भीर चिन्ता व्यक्त गरेको छ । नेपालीले पछिल्लो समयमा भोग्नुपरेको समस्याप्रति गम्भीर चिन्ता व्यक्त गर्दै उच्चायोगले अत्यावश्यकीय सामान आपूर्तिका लागि सुरक्षित मार्ग उपलब्ध गराउन र मानवअधिकारको सम्मान गर्न समेत जोड दिएको छ । उच्चायोगका प्रवक्ता रविना […]

Fuels imported from China in Upper Mustang

Mustang / November 25: The transport entrepreneurs in Upper Mustang have imported euro-4 petrol and diesel from Tibet, the autonomous part of People’s Republic of China. The entrepreneurs have imported the fuels as per their need in Lho Manthang, Ghami, Surkhang, Chhoser and other areas to run motorcycles, jeeps and goods carrying trucks. Trader Pasang […]

OHCHR urges India to immediately end obstructions of essential supplies to Nepal

Kathmandu / November 25: The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the human right body of the United Nation (UN), has urged India for immediate end to the ongoing obstruction of essential supplies to Nepal. Referring to the report of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of Nepal, the OHCHR […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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