Mustang / December 1: A parliamentary team that reached Mustang district on Monday carried out a feasibility study to open Korala border in Nepal with China to import goods from the neighbour today morning. The team led by Chairperson of the Development Committee under the Legislature-Parliament Rabindra Adhikari, comprising other members lawmakers Prakash Poudel and […]

धुन्चे (रसुवा), १५ मङ्सिर । उत्तरी नाका रसुवागढी भई चीनबाट नेपाल भित्रने सामग्रीको परिणाम दिनानुदिन बढ्दै गएको छ । रसुवा भन्सार कार्यालय, टिमुरेका अनुसार सयौँ कन्टेनर केरुङबाट फर्की भन्सार परीक्षणका लागि लाइनमा बसिसकेका छन् भने आयातित सामानमा इलेक्ट्रिक तथा तयारी कपडालगायत छन् । भूकम्पपछि बन्द रहेको नाका गत असोज २९ गतेदेखि सञ्चालनमा आएपछि पेट्रोलियम […]

Tulsipur / December 1: As the country is celebrating 16 Days activism against gender based violence different programs are being organized across the country to raise awareness about sexual and gender based violence, rights of men and women among others. This year the day is being celebrated across the country with the theme ‘From Peace […]

Pokhara / December 1: Lawmaker Chudamani Jungali on Monday laid the foundation stone of a multipurpose community building to be constructed in Pokhara Sub-Metropolitan City-17. The multipurpose community building is expected to facilitate the locals for operating different social activities once the construction works were completed. On the occasion, lawmaker Jungali said that the constitution […]