Archive for: July, 2016

New Nepal not possible unless farmers and labourer’s issues are addressed: VP Pun

Kathmandu / July 23: Vice-President Nanda Bahadur Pun has argued that the dream to build new Nepal would not materialize unless the issues of the farmers and labourer class are addressed. Inaugurating a two-day workshop organized by the World Federation of Trade Union here today, VP Pun said that although the employment was incorporated in […]

Number of Nepali migrant workers decreasing

Kathmandu / July 23: The number of workers going for foreign employment has decreased notably in the last fiscal year in comparison to the previous one. According to the Department of Foreign Employment, the number decreased by 94,174 in comparison to the previous fiscal year. It shared that a total of 512,887 workers had left […]

Pun’s campaign getting donations day by day

Myagdi / July 23: A donation collection campaign launched by Mahabir Pun in order to set up a National Innovation Centre has been getting financial support day by day. Winner of the Magsaysay prize Pun, who announced of setting up the Centre from the support of locals after he did not get any financial support […]

Some 1,000 monasteries await maintenance and renovation

Kathmandu / July 23: Some 1,000 monasteries of the country damaged in Gorkha earthquake have demanded financial assistance for maintenance and renovation task. According to Monastery Development Committee, formed to carry out study and protection of all monasteries of the country, ancient monasteries of mountainous and hilly areas have also registered application demanding financial support. […]

अविश्वास प्रस्ताव जनता र संविधानको भावना विपरीतः नेम्वाङ; राष्ट्रिय सहमतिलाई बाधा पार्ने छैन : दाहाल

काठमाडाँ, ७ साउन । नेकपा (एमाले) संसदीय दलका उपनेता सुवास नेम्वाङले अर्काे संसदीय निर्वाचन नहुँदासम्म दलहरु सरकार परिवर्तनमा होइन संविधानको कार्यान्वयनमा लाग्ने परिकल्पना विपरीत अविश्वासको प्रस्ताव आएको बताउनुभएको छ । प्रधानमन्त्री केपी शर्मा ओलीविरुद्ध व्यवस्थापिका–संसद्मा प्रस्तुत अविश्वासको प्रस्तावमाथिको छलफलमा भाग लिँदै नेम्वाङले भन्नुभयो, “संविधानले नसोचेर होइन, जानेर नै नयाँ प्रधानमन्त्रीका बारेमा व्यवस्था नगरेको तथ्य निर्विवाद […]

Three budget-related bills rejected by parliament

Kathmandu / July 22: Three bills related to the budget presented by the government before the Legislature-Parliament were rejected by majority on Friday. Finance Bill, Bill to Mobilise Internal Loans and Loan, and Securities Bill (29th Amendment) were disapproved by the majority. The Appropriation Bill- 2073 BS was already passed by the Parliament. But other […]

No-confidence motion tabled in parliament; leaders expresses views on the motion

Kathmandu / July 22: The deputy leader of the CPN-UML parliamentary party Subash Nembang has stated that the vote of no-trust tabled in the parliament against Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli was quite unimaginable. Speaking at the parliament meeting during the deliberation on the no-confidence motion, Nembang argued that the new constitution had no restrictions […]

घुमफिर वर्षमा पर्यटन प्रवद्र्धनको अभियान चलाइने

सिबी अधिकारी / काठमाडौँ, ७ साउन । प्राकृतिक तथा मानव सिर्जित विपत्तिमा परेको मुलुकको पर्यटन पुनरुत्थानका लागि नेपाल पर्यटन बोर्डले प्रवद्र्धनात्मक कार्यक्रमलाई प्रभावकारी ढङ्गले कार्यान्वयन गर्नेभएको छ । पर्यटनलाई पूर्ववत् अवस्थामा फर्काई बढीभन्दा बढी विदेशी पर्यटक भित्र्याउने लक्ष्यका साथ बोर्डले प्रवद्र्धनात्मक कार्यलाई अभियानकै रुपमा अघि बढाउन लागेको हो । यसका लागि बोर्डले आन्तरिक तथा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय […]

भूकम्पपछिको पुनःनिर्माण वातावरणमैत्री हुनुपर्नेमा जोड

काठमाडौँ, ७ साउन । भूकम्पपछिको पुनःनिर्माण वातावरणमैत्री हुनुपर्नेमा सरोकार भएकाहरुले जोड दिनुभएको छ । जापान नेपाल दौत्य सम्बन्ध स्थापनाको ६०औँ वार्षिकोत्सवका अवसरमा आज जापानको योकोहामा सहरी विश्वविद्यालय र यामादा मौरीपालन संस्थाले संयुक्त रुपमा यहाँ आयोजना गरेको कार्यक्रममा नेपालका लागि जापानी राजदूत मासासी ओगावाले भूकम्पले हल्लाएको नेपाली जमिनमा पहिरो जानेक्रम बढेकाले सतर्क हुन अनुरोध गर्नुभयो । […]

National Mass Communications Policy approved

Kathmandu / July 22: The meeting of the Council of Ministers today has approved the National Mass Communications Policy 2073 BS. The Information and Mass Communications High Level Committee on July 20 had submitted the report to Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli in this regard. Minister for Information and Communications Sherdhan Rai informed that […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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