Archive for: July, 2016

प्रसारण लाइनमा जताततै समस्या

रमेश लम्साल / काठमाडौँ, ३१ असार । प्रसारण लाइनको अभावमा उपभोक्ताको घरसम्म विद्युत् पुग्न नसकिरहेको बेला विद्युत् विकास विभागले भने उल्लेख्य सङ्ख्यामा अनुमतिपत्र प्रदान गरेको छ । विभागले प्रसारण लाइन निर्माणका लागि हालसम्म ५६ वटा आयोजनालाई अनुमतिपत्र प्रदान गरेको छ भने १०७ वटा आयोजनाले सर्वेक्षण अनुमतिपत्र लिएका छन् । विभिन्न निकायले हाल ४१ वटा जलविद्युत् […]

प्रा डा केसी र सरकारबीच भएको सम्झौता कार्यान्वयन गर्न आग्रह

काठमाडौँ, ३१ असार । प्रा डा गोविन्द केसी र नेपाल सरकारबीच विगतमा भएका सम्झौताको प्रभावकारी कार्यान्वयनका लागि राष्ट्रिय मानवाधिकार आयोगले नेपाल सरकारलाई आग्रह गरेको छ । त्रिवि शिक्षण अस्पताल र समग्र स्वास्थ्य क्षेत्रको सुधारको माग राख्दै पछिल्लो पटक असार २६ गतेदेखि प्रा डा केसी आमरण अनशनरत हुनुहुन्छ । विरोधको स्वरुप जस्तोसुकै भए पनि व्यक्तिको स्वास्थ्योपचार […]

रु एक अर्बका दुई हजार आयोजना

काठमाडौँ, ३१ असार । शान्ति तथा पुनःनिर्माण मन्त्रालयले आगामी आव २०७३। ०७४मा पुनःनिर्माण तथा पुनःस्थापना कार्यक्रमका लागि रु एक अर्ब ४४ करोड बराबरको दुई हजार १७३ आयोजना प्रस्ताव गरेको छ । चालु आवमा भने सोही शीर्षकमा एक हजार ४५० आयोजनाका लागि रु एक अर्ब ३२ करोड छुट्याइएको थियो । यहाँ आज आयोजित पत्रकार सम्मेलनमा शान्तिका […]

राष्ट्रिय आमसञ्चार नीतिमाथि सञ्चारविज्ञको सुझाव

काठमाडौँ, ३१ असार । सूचना तथा सञ्चारसम्बन्धी उच्चस्तरीय समितिले तयार गरेको सञ्चार नीतिसम्बन्धी मस्यौदामाथि सञ्चारविज्ञ तथा सम्बन्धित निकायले सुझाव दिएका छन् । सूचना तथा सञ्चार मन्त्रालय र सूचना तथा सञ्चारसम्बन्धी उच्चस्तरीय समितिले यहाँ आज संयुक्त रूपमा आयोजना गरेको ‘प्रस्तावित राष्ट्रिय आमसञ्चार नीति र नियामक निकायको संरचना’ विषयको अन्तत्र्रिmयामा सभामुख ओनसरी घर्तीले सबैको सुझावका आधारमा सबैलाई […]

NHRC urges Govt to implement agreement made with Pro Dr KC

Kathmandu / July 15: The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has urged the government to bring into effect the past agreements it inked with Prof Dr Govinda KC. Dr KC has been staging eighth round of the fast-unto-death since July 10, demanding reforms in the medical education sector in the country. In a press statement […]

Speaker decides to postpone business except no-trust motion

Kathmandu / July 15: Speaker Onsari Gharti has postponed all business of the Legislature-Parliament except forwarding the ‘no trust motion’ on the basis of parliamentary customs and practice. The Speaker finally had to take decision on whether to take the Finance Bill-2073 or “no- trust motion” against the Prime Minister following differing views between the […]

Media policy should address the issues of entire media landscape: Experts

Kathmandu / July 15: Experts on media and political leaders have put forth their views on the draft of the national media policy today. At the programme on ‘proposed national media policy and structure of regulatory body’ organized by the Ministry of Information and Communications and the High Level Committee on Media in the capital […]

Eleven personalities honoured with Chinnalata Award

Kathmandu / July 15: Various 11 personalities from music fraternity have been feted with the Chinnalata Music Award-2071 and 2072 amid a programme held here on Friday. Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Ananda Prasad Pokharel, Chancellor of Nepal Academy Ganga Prasad Uprety and Chairman of Chinnalata Music Award Trust Prof Dr Basudev Tripathi […]

National cricket team defeats Indian Gymkhana cricket club

Kathmandu / July 15: Nepal’s national cricket team last night defeated home team Indian Gymkhana Cricket Club by 20 runs in a practice match in London in the United Kingdom. With this, Nepal won two matches in total. Earlier on Wednesday, the Nepali team won first friendly match against the local amateur Free Foresters Cricket […]

Japanese envoy inaugurates retina treatment programme

Bhaktapur / July 15: A retina eye treatment programme, ‘Retina Eye Care Nepal’ has been launched at the Eye, Nose, Ear, Throat and Child Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre based at Manohara of Madhyapur Thimi Municipality – 16. Japanese Ambassador to Nepal, Masahi Ogawa, inaugurated the service launched jointly with support of BP Eye Foundation and […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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