Archive for: October, 2016

Masterminds of Kathmandu school bombing arrested

Kathmandu / Oct 21: Police have arrested the main masterminds behind the September 20 bomb blasts that occurred in various schools of the Kathmandu Valley. Min Bahadur Devkota and Keshav Dahal were arrested from Kavrepalanchok district while they were planning some criminal activities on Wednesday, a police official said. Dahal and Devkota were the main […]

Patan High Court clears way for ANFA election

Kathmandu / Oct 21: The Patan High Court has vacated its September 30 stay order against the All Nepal Football Association’s presidential and vice-presidential polls. A division bench of judges Dilliraj Acharya and Bhim Kumar Ojha issued the verdict in response to a writ filed by FIFA Referee Committee’s Binod KC among others. The bench […]

कपिलवस्तुमा दश हजार हेक्टर वन अतिक्रमण

कपिलवस्तु, ५ कात्तिक । कपिलवस्तुमा १० हजार ७ सय ३२ हेक्टर क्षेत्रफल वन अतिक्रमण गरिएको जिल्ला वन कार्यालयले जनाएको छ । वन ऐन, २०४९ र नियमावली, २०५१ अनुसार सामुदायिक वन क्षेत्रमा कुनै पनि संरचना बनाउन नपाउने प्रावधान भएपनि कपिलवस्तुमा बर्सेनि वन अतिक्रमणको क्रम बढ्दो छ । जिल्लाको कोपवा, पटना, शिवपुर, हरिहरपुर, शिवराज नगरपालिका, गुगौली, गोरुसिँगेलगायतका […]

स्थानीय तहको संख्या तोकियो

काठमाडौं, ५ कात्तिक । स्थानिय निकाय पूर्नसंरचना आयोगले स्थानिय तहको संख्या तोकेको छ । आयोगले न्युनतम ५०७ देखी अधिकतम ७४४ हुनेगरि संख्या तोकेको हो । यसअघि आयोगले देशभरि ५६५ स्थानीय तह बनाउने गरी काम गरिरहेको थियो। आयोगले काम गरिरहेककै बेला कांग्रेस, एमाले र एमाओवादीले इलाकालाई आधार बनाएर स्थानीय तह पुनसंरचना गर्ने सहमति गरेका थिए। यही […]

अब सौर्यबत्तिले काठमाडौँका मुख्य सडक झिलिमिली हुने

काठमाडौँ, ५ कात्तिक । काठमाडौँ उपत्यकाका विभिन्न स्थानमा रु २० करोड ५७ हजारको लागतमा सौर्यबत्ती जडान प्रक्रिया अघि बढेको छ । काठमाडौँ महानगरपालिकाले तीन भागमा विभाजन गरी एक वर्षभित्र एक हजार ८५ खम्बामा कामपाले आगामी एक वर्षभित्र उपत्यकाका प्रमुख सहरमा सार्वजनिक निजी साझेदारी अवधारणा अन्तर्गत सौर्यबत्ती जडान गर्न लागेको हो । । उक्त कार्यका लागि […]

UN urges greater investment in the world’s 10-year-old girls

Kathmandu / Oct 21 : The UN population agency is urging greater investment in the world’s 60 million 10-year-old girls, saying what happens at that age can determine their futures. The State of World Population 2016 launched Thursday said more than half of these girls live in the 48 countries considered to have the worst […]

Impeachment Poll

Basnyat appointed CIAA acting chief

Kathmandu / Oct 20: Deep Basnyat, Commissioner of the Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA), now works as the Acting Chief Commissioner, following the registration of an impeachment motion against its Chief Lokman Singh Karki at the Legislature-Parliament. According to CIAA assistant spokesperson Khagendra Prasad Rijal, Basnyat appointed the Acting Chief Thursday […]

President Bhandari for establishing Vedic ideals; Former King calls for unity

Kathmandu / Oct 20: President Bidya Devi Bhandari has spoken of the need to establish the ideals of the Vedic values. Inaugurating the International Sanatan Vedic Arya General Conference at Tundikhel in the capital city on Thursday, President Bhandari glorified the virtues of the Vedic cultures, one among them are- Yoga and Ayurveda, she puts. […]

Preparation for foreign investors’ conference in swing

Kathmandu / Oct 20: The Government of Nepal is making preparations to organize a conference of foreign investors on coming March. In a meeting with US Ambassador Alaina B. Teplitz on Thursday, Minister for Industry Nabindra Raj Joshi shared that formulation of necessary laws and policy to enable industry-friendly environment is underway and urged for […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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