ललितपुर, ११ मङ्सिर । उपभोक्ताको अधिकारमा कार्यरत सरकारी र गैरसरकारी निकायका प्रतिनिधिले उपभोक्ता सजग हुँदामात्र गुणस्तरीय वस्तु खरिद र बिक्री हुने बताएका छन् । आपूर्ति मन्त्रालयले आज यहाँ आयोजना गरेको कार्यक्रममा सहभागीले अनुगमनमा मात्रै नभई उपभोक्तालाई सजग गराउन ध्यान दिनुपर्ने बताएका हुन् । मन्त्रालयका सचिव प्रेमकुमार राईले उपभोक्ताका अधिकार र बनेका कानुनी व्यवस्थाका विषयमा उपभोक्तालाई […]

Kathmandu / November 26: As one walks down the Bhrikutimandap-Putalisadak road section, a swarm of people are seen entering the gates of Bhrikutimandap. “What is going on inside?” — one wonders and immediately — without another thought — follows the crowd. One sees piles of books on tables in one of the corners near the […]

Adhiraj Regmi / Kathmandu: This is all about my experience that were gathered during one of the project entitled ‘Classroom and Beyond’ led by Miss Nepal Asmi Shrestha. Today, when I look back and recall the memories, every moment is worth a throwback. The project was not just a formal setting of a school, it […]

Kathmandu Nov. 26: Upcoming Nepali film Chakkar, which will bring the thriller and neo-noir genre to Nepali screens, has begun its production starting on Thursday. The film which features Arpan Thapa, Richa Sharma, Shrijana Subba, Smiriti Pokhrel, Bhola Raj Sapkota and Aaone Raj Upreti in the lead will be directed by Anusk Rauniyar. Rauniyar’s previous […]

Kathmandu / Nov 26: During their first therapy session in his expansive, sun-dappled consulting room, Jehangir Khan (Shah Rukh Khan) tells Kaira (Alia Bhatt) the story of a man, his Chinese companions, a snow leopard and Mount Everest. There’s humour in the story, but also a message for young Kaira that resonates within her. The […]

Kathmandu Nov. 26: Miss Nepal World Asmi Shrestha is set to embark for the United States on Friday to partake in the Miss World beauty pageant. This year’s edition, the 66th iteration of the pageant, is being held at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in Maryland, US, on December 18. Speaking to the […]

Nov. 26: European research ministers will be asked for a little over €400m (£345m; $430m) to put a rover on Mars in 2021 when they meet next week. This is the additional sum needed to finish building the European Space Agency’s much-delayed ExoMars robot. A technical review has just concluded that the project is running […]

Nov. 26: Scientists studying yo-yo dieting in mice say the tendency for people to regain excess weight rapidly after successfully slimming may well be due to their microbiome — the trillions of microorganisms in the gut. The researchers found that changes in the gut microbiome that occur when an obese mouse loses weight can persist […]

Nov. 25: Twitter has been left red-faced after it briefly suspended its own CEO’s account. For a while late Tuesday, attempts to reach Jack Dorsey’s profile produced an error message saying it had been suspended. That prompted speculation his account might have been hacked or automatically shut down because of a high number of complaints […]

Nov. 25: Black Friday sales are still going on, but Amazon has unveiled some of its deals for Cyber Monday. The online retailer will roll out more than 75,000 sales starting Monday and throughout the week on a variety of products, including toys, electronics, video games and books. While electronics tend to be big sellers […]