Solukhumbu / Nov 27: Nepal Heart Foundation carried out heart examination on 1,051 children at a free health camp held in Salleri, the headquarters of Solukhumbu district, on Saturday. Senior cardiologist Prakash Raj Regmi, who rendered services in the health camp, said that 10 among those children undergoing heart examination need to undergo surgical operation. […]

Kathmandu / Nov 27: Educational Consultancies Association of Nepal (ECAN) has expressed its objections, citing the government was preparing to bring the Education Regulations in unilateral manner. The Association made its views public on the issue through a news conference on Saturday. ECAN president Prakash Pandey said the Ministry of Education was preparing to bring […]

Deepraj Sanyal / Kathmandu: The current political scenario in the country is highly polarized. The major political parties, which stood together at the time of promulgation of the constitution fourteen months back, are now poles apart at this important juncture of its implementation. The major ruling parties – the Nepali Congress and the CPN (Maoist […]

Rajbiraj / Nov 26: Indian Yoga guru Baba Ramdev has urged one and all not to sacrifice animal, stating that it would do no good to human body and society at large. Ramdev said so addressing his followers after offering prayers at one of the famous shrines in Saptari district –Chinnamasta- on Saturday. He is […]

Jhapa / Nov 26: The Armed Police Force (APF) defeated Rupandehi- XI, 5-3 in the finals of 4th Sahara Gold Cup Football Tournament in Surunga in Jhapa on Saturday. The match was decided in a tie-breaker. A 1-1 draw between the teams in the stipulated and extra time led to the penalty shootout. As for […]

Kathmandu / Nov 26: Minister for Population and Environment, Jayadev Joshi, has stressed the need of development and expansion of renewal energy technology including solar energy to achieve the government’s goal of ending load shedding. Inaugurating the 16th annual general meeting of the Solar Electric Manufacturers Association Nepal here today, Minister Joshi said that energy […]

Kathmandu / Nov 26: Foreign Minister Dr Prakash Sharan Mahat inaugurated the Nepal festival organised by the Non-resident Nepalis Association Australia and the Nepali Embassy in Australia in Sydney today. Nepalis living in various parts of Australia are taking part in the festival held at the popular tourist site of Darling Harbour. Presentations on Nepal’s […]

झापा, ११ मङ्सिर । सुरुङ्गामा जारी चौथो सहारा गोल्डकप फुटबल प्रतियोगिताको उपाधि सशस्त्र प्रहरीको एपिएफ टोलीले जितेको छ । आज भएको फाइनल खेलमा रुपन्देही–११ लाई ट्राइबेकरमा ५–३ गोल अन्तरले हराउँदै एपिएफले उपाधि हात पारेको हो । जितसँगै एपिएफले रु तीन लाख ५१ हजार १११ तथा उपविजेता रुपन्देही–११ ले रु दुई लाख ५१ हजार १११ पुरस्कार […]

रसुवा, ११ मङ्सिर । राजमार्गको साँघुरो सडकलाई व्यवस्थित र मर्यादित बनाई नेपाल–चीनको व्यापार व्यवसाय अभिवृद्धिमा सहजता ल्याउन मालबाहक सवारी साधनलाई टोकन प्रणाली लागू गरिएको छ । प्रमुख जिल्ला अधिकारी कृष्णप्रसाद अधिकारीका अनुुसार राजमार्गको रसुवा प्रवेशद्वार बेत्रावती, स्याफ्रुबेसी र रसुवागढीमा पार्किङस्थल तोकिएको र मितेरी पुलबाट एकपटकमा ५० वटा ट्रक कन्टेनर चीनको केरुङतर्फ छोड्ने व्यवस्था मिलाइएको हो […]

राजविराज, १० मङ्सिर । पूर्वाञ्चलकै प्रसिद्ध सप्तरीको छिन्नमस्ता शक्तिपीठमा योग गुरु स्वामी रामदेवले आज पूजापाठ गर्नुभएको छ । पूजापाठपश्चात मन्दिर परिसरमा स्वामी रामदेवले सप्तरीको छिन्नमस्ता भगवतीमा भइरहेको पशुबलिले समाज र मानव शरीरसमेतलाई हानी पु¥याइरहेको भन्दै शक्तिपीठमा पशुबलि नचढाउन आग्रह गर्नुभयो । साथै उहाँको आग्रहलाई त्यहाँ उपस्थिति ठूलो जनसागरले सहजरुपमा स्वीकार गरेका थिए । यस्तै सोही […]