Archive for: January, 2017

Rare vultures make appearance in Myagdi highlands

Myagdi / Jan 29: Disappearing species of vultures are gradually appearing in hilly and mountainous parts of the district after the district was declared diclofenac-free last year. The vultures were gradually disappearing with the increasing temperature, poisonous food and lack of safe habitat for them. A local Dhruba Paija informed that, such vultures were gradually […]

माइतीघर मण्डलामा सबैभन्दा ठूलो राष्ट्रिय झण्डा फहराइयो

काठमाडौँ, १६ माघ । नेपालको सबभन्दा ठूलो राष्ट्रिय झण्डा आज माइतीघर मण्डलामा फहराइएको छ । सहिद दिवसको अवसर नेपाली देशभक्त युवा समाजले आयोजना गरेको कार्यक्रममा नेकपा (एमाले)का अध्यक्ष केपी शर्मा ओली र राष्ट्रकवि माधवप्रसाद घिमिरेले झन्डोत्तोलन गर्दै नेपालको राष्ट्रिय झण्डा फहराउनुभएको हो । कार्यक्रममा अध्यक्ष ओलीले नेपाली स्वाभिमानमाथि अपमान हुन थालेपछि राष्ट्रियताप्रति प्यारो लाग्न थालेको […]

संविधानको प्रावधान अनुसारका निर्वाचन हुन्छ की हुँदैन ?

काठमाडौँ, १२ माघ । सांसदहरुले स्थानीय तहको निर्वाचन मिति घोषणा गर्न तथा भूकम्पपीडितलाई आवास निर्माणका लागि दोस्रो किस्ताको रकम वितरण गर्न ढिलाइ नगर्न सरकारसित माग गर्नुभयो । व्यवस्थापिका संसद्को आजको बैठकको विशेष समयमा उहाँहरुले संविधानको प्रावधानअनुसार एक वर्षभित्र तीन तहको निर्वाचन हुन्छ की हुँदैन ? के कारणले निर्वाचनको तिथिमिति घोषणा गर्न छेक्यो ? भन्ने प्रश्न […]

झुपडीमा पुगेर अपाङ्गता परिचयपत्र वितरण

पाल्पा, १२ माघ । महिला तथा बालबालिका कार्यालय पाल्पाले झुपडीमै पुगेर अपाङ्गता परिचयपत्र वितरण गरेको छ । गरिबीको चपेटामा आफन्तको बेसाहारामा बाँचेका चापपानी गाविस–९ का अपाङ ५० वर्षीय बमबहादुर घर्तीको झुपडीमा पुगेर कार्यालय प्रमुख तुलसा अर्यालले अपाङ्गता परिचयपत्र प्रदान गर्नुभयो । परिचयपत्र प्रदान गर्दै अधिकृत अर्यालले परिचयपत्र पाउनुपर्ने व्यक्तिलाई यसरी घरमै आएर परिचयपत्र प्रदान गर्न […]

गङ्गालालमा बाह्र हजारको ओपन हार्ट सर्जरी

कल्पना पौडेल / काठमाडाँै, १२ माघ । सहिद गङ्गालाल राष्ट्रिय हृदय रोग केन्द्रले चालु आर्थिक वर्षको छ महिनामा ‘पेइङ सेवा ’ मा रु छ करोड आम्दानी गरेको छ । अघिल्लो वर्ष अस्पतालले रु १२ करोड बढी आम्दानी गरेको अस्पतालका कार्यकारी निर्देशक ज्योतिन्द्र शर्माले जानकारी दिनुभयो । यो रकम यो वर्ष अझै बढ्न सक्ने उहाँको भनाइ […]

Make foreign employment respected

Narayan Prasad Ghimire / Kathmandu: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal was informing at a press conference the other day that the family of migrant Nepali worker who dies during foreign employment would get up to Rs 2.7 million as temporary life insurance. The PM also shared that he had directed various ministries and departments to […]

President Women Upliftment Programme in force since current fiscal

Kathmandu / Jan 25: The government has implemented the ‘President Women Upliftment Programme’ that aims to support the capacity enhancement of women excluded from the mainstream of social, economic and political developments. The programme that is targeted toward the uplift of the women pushed backward in the society is in force since the current fiscal […]

Nepal placed as corrupted country in CPI-2016 list

Kathmandu / Jan 25: Nepal has slightly improved its position in the Corruption Perception Index, but still continues to lag behind in the list of world’s most corrupted countries. Nepal has been ranked 131st in the list of the CPI-2016 published today by the Transparency International Nepal (TIN) with the country getting 29 points out […]

Group of Honorary Consuls and Consul Generals pay courtesy call on Prez Bhandari

Kathmandu / Jan 25: A group of Honorary Consuls and Consul Generals paid a courtesy call on President Bidya Devi Bhandari. During the meeting held at Rastrapati Bhawan, Sheetal Niwas, on Wednesday, Dean Shreeram Lamichhane from the group of the Honorary Consuls and other Consul Generals familiarized President Bhandari about their activities. On the occasion, […]

Bereaved families of migrant workers to get Rs 2.7mln

Kathmandu / Jan 24: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal said the bereaved families of migrant workers, who would lose their life during the foreign employment, would be provided with up to Rs 2.7 million as temporary life insurance. Earlier, victims’ families used to receive Rs 1.8 million only. In a press conference on Tuesday, PM […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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