Archive for: October, 2018

समृद्धिको प्रतीक ‘जमरा’को जुस पिउने बढे

काठमाडौँ, असोज २८ गते । बडादशैँमा टीकासँगै शिर र कानमा लगाइने जमराको बहुउपयोग पछिल्लो समय नेपाली समाजमा निकै बढेर गएको छ । मुलुकमा शहरीकरणसँगै आममानिसमा देखा परिरहेका गम्भीर प्रकृतिका अनेकौं रोगसँग लड्ने प्रतिरोधात्मक क्षमतायुक्त गुणकारी औषधिका रुपमा जमराको प्रचार भएसँगै यसको उपयोगिता बढ्दै गएको हो । नियमित रुपमा जमरा जुस सेवनबाट गम्भीर प्रकृतिका अर्बुद जस्ता […]

लाभग्राही सूचीमा नपर्नेका उजुरीको फैसला कात्तिक ११ देखि

काठमाडौँ, असोज २८ गते । पुनः निर्माणबारेमा परेका दुई लाख पाँच हजार ५८४ गुनासो फछ्र्याैट भएको छ । निजी अवास पुनः निर्माण लाभग्राही सूचीमा नपरेकामा दुई लाख ३७ हजार ८५ जनाले स्थानीय तहको वडामार्फत गुनासो दर्ता गराएको राष्ट्रिय पुनः निर्माण प्राधिकरणको तथ्याङ्कमा उल्लेख छ । गुनासो आउने क्रम अझै जारी छ । प्राधिकरणको टोल फ्री […]

शान्ति र स्थायित्वका लागि समुदायको साथ चाहिन्छ – गृहमन्त्री

काठमाडौँ, असोज २८ गते । गृहमन्त्री रामबहादुर थापाले शान्ति र स्थायित्वका लागि समुदायको सहभागिता अपरिहार्य हुने बताउनुभएको छ । प्रहरी प्रधान कार्यालय काठमाडौँमा आज आयोजित अन्तरक्रियामा गृहमन्त्री थापाले तीनै तहको समन्वय र समुदायसँगको सहकार्यमा मात्रै शान्ति र सुशासनको प्रत्याभूति हुने उल्लेख गर्नुभयो । “देशको समस्या भनेको शान्तिसुरक्षा र स्थायित्वलाई कसरी सुदृढ गराउने भन्ने हो,” गृहमन्त्री […]

Parbat’s Anish clinches this year’s Liglig race crown

Ramji Rana / Gorkha: Anish Thapa of Parbat district has clinched the 9th edition of Liglig race crown after outfoxing 122 runners in 13.5 km race in Gorkha district today. After completing the race in 58.25 minutes, Thapa will become the king for a year before bagging a cash purse of Rs 60,000, crown, medal, […]

Demand for clay-made idols increasing in Nepal

Sabita Shrestha / Chitwan: Nowadays Bhuwan Kumar Pandit, 25, is relaxed. This relaxation has come after working ‘non-stop’ during the last three months making clay idols of goddesses. “There is high demand for idols of goddesses during Dashain. No matter how much we make, all are sold,” he said. “I had no time to even […]

23rd Int’l Astronomy Olympiad honors Nepal with special award

Kathmandu / Oct 14: Nepal has been honored with a special award in the 23rd Internal Astronomy Olympiad held in Sri Lanka from October 6 to 14. Nepali national Bishal Baral received the award scoring excellent marks leaving the other participants behind. Baral had achieved the sixth position in the 5th National Astronomy Olympiad held […]

प्रहरीको नयाँ अवधारणा ‘समुदाय–प्रहरी साझेदारी’

काठमाडौँ, असोज २८ गते ।नेपाल प्रहरीले शान्ति र स्थायित्वका लागि विभिन्न निकायसँगको समन्वयमा ‘समुदाय– प्रहरी साझेदारी’ कार्यक्रम ल्याउँदै छ । प्रहरीले स्थानीय तह, समुदाय, सामाजिक सङ्घसंस्था तथा विद्यालयसँगको साझेदारीमा उक्त अभियान सञ्चालन गर्न लागेको हो । आगामी कात्तिक ११ गतेदेखि देशैभर एकैसाथ उक्त कार्यक्रम लागू गर्ने गरी आवश्यक गृहकार्य भइरहेको प्रहरी महानिरीक्षक सर्वेन्द्र खनालले जानकारी […]

15,000 MW electricity in 10 years: Energy Minister Pun

Okhaldhunga / Oct 13: Minister for Energy, Water Resource and Irrigation Barsha Man Pun on Saturday said 15,000 megawatts electricity would be produced in next 10 years. “Nepal is rich in water resources, and it will be self-reliant by tapping the vast potential of hydro. Work is on toward realizing the goal of ‘Nepal’s water, […]

Nepal’s dream to play cricket world cup alive, says Skipper Khadka

Kathmandu / Oct 13: The Nepali National Cricket Team has returned home after winning the ICC World T20 Asia Qualifier Group ‘B’ title. The team remained unbeaten during the tournament held in Malaysia and was welcomed amid a fanfare at Tribhuvan International Airport today. With this win, Nepal has qualified to selection of second round. […]

Nepal’s ties expanding in int’l level, claims Foreign Affairs Minister Gyawali

Kathmandu / Oct 13: Minister for Foreign Affairs Pradeep Kumar Gyawali has said Nepal’s relations were expanding in the international level. Addressing a program organized here today by the Province No. 5 Journalists Society, Kathmandu on the occasion of Dashain, Tihar and Chhath festivals, the Foreign Affairs Minister argued that Nepal’s relations in the international […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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