Archive for: October, 2018

Maha Nawami being observed today; Devotees throng historic Taleju Temple on Maha Nawami

Kathmandu / Oct 18: ‘Maha Nawami’ or the ninth day of Dashain festival is being observed today with much fervour by worshiping Goddess Durga. This day is marked on the ninth day of the waxing moon in the month of Asoj as per lunar calendar. Special worship is performed to Goddess Durga today and ‘jamara’ […]

Paragliding World Cup to be held in November in Nepal

Syangja / Oct 17: A paragliding world cup championship is to be organised from November 1 to 4 at the Swarek ground of Bhirkot Municipality-5 in Syangja district. Nepal Paragliding Association, Nepal Air Sports Association and Babu Adventure Club, Syangja are jointly organising the event in collaboration with the District Coordination Committee, Syangja. General-Secretary of […]

Over two million people leave Valley for Dashain

Kathmandu / Oct 17: More than two million people have left Kathmandu Valley for various destinations to celebrate Dashain festival. The Metropolitan Traffic Police Division stated that 2.2 million people left Kathmandu via the land route alone within a period of four days up until Tuesday. Senior Superintendent of Police at the Division, Basanta Panta, […]

आज महानवमी पर्व, जङ्गी निसानपूजा तथा कोतपूजा

काठमाडौँ– आज देशभर नेपालीहरूको महान् चाड बडादशैँको महानवमी पर्व मनाइँदै छ । आश्विन शुक्ल प्रतिपदाका दिन वैदिक विधिपूर्वक माता नवदुर्गा भवानीको आवाहन गरी घटस्थापना गरिएको जलपूर्ण कलशमा आज नवरात्रिको अन्तिम दिन विशेष श्रद्धाभक्तिपूर्वक पूजाअर्चना गरिन्छ । प्रतिपदादेखि महानवमीसम्म नवदुर्गा, कुमारी, महाकाली, महालक्ष्मी र महासरस्वतीको पूजा तथा सप्तशती पाठ गरी विजयादशमीका दिन विसर्जन गर्ने चलन छ […]

बाँके निकुञ्जः बाघ संरक्षणमा चुनौती

बाँके, कार्तिक १ गते । बाँके राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्जमा बाघको सङ्ख्या ह्वात्तै बढ्यो । बाघ संरक्षणकै लागि स्थापना गरिएको निकुञ्जमा बाघ गणनाको पछिल्लो तथ्याङ्कअनुसार २१ बाघ पुगेका छन् । बाघको सङ्ख्या बढेसँगै बाघ संरक्षणमा चुनौती थपिएको छ । “बाघको सङ्ख्या बढ्नु निकै राम्रो हो”, बाँके राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्जमा प्रमुख संरक्षण अधिकृत दिलबहादुर पुर्जा पुनले भन्नुभयो, “सङ्ख्या बढेसँगै […]

‘National development not possible sans development of Madhesh’

Dhanusha / Oct 16: Minister for Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Raghubir Mahaseth, has said the development of the entire country would remain unachievable in the absence of development of Madhesh region. In a greetings exchange ceremony organized on the occasion of Dashain, Deepawali and Chhath festivals at Rajaul of Janakpurdham sub-metropolis-14, he said the government […]

Phulpati, seventh day of Bada Dashain, being observed today

Kathmandu / Oct 16: Fulpati, the seventh day of 10-day long Dashain festival, was observed across the country on Tuesday. Fulpati, an assortment of flowers, leaves and fruits of different plants considered auspicious, is anointed at Dashaighar in Hanumandhokaon, Kathmandu. On the occasion, people offer Fulpati to Goddess Durga as per tradition throughout the country. […]

“Yoga essential for healthy living”

Mahottari / Oct 16: Minister for Education, Science and Technology, Giriraj Mani Pokhrel, has described yoga as vital for living a healthy life. Inaugurating the seven-day yoga camp organised by Bardibas Municipality here today, the minister said, “Yoga connects the human body with soul.” He added that healthy living was possible if advice of Gautam […]

जङ्गल क्षेत्रमा भविष्य खोज्दै पूर्व लाहुरे

कुश्मा, असोज ३० गते । आफ्नो ऊर्जाशील समय पल्टनमा बिताएका यहाँका लाहुरेले खेर गइरहेको वनमा पनि पसिना बगाउन थालेका छन् ।जिल्लाको महाशिला गाउँपालिका–२ भोक्सिङमा जङ्गलभित्रको उपयोगविहीन वन क्षेत्रमा उनीहरुले लटरम्म अलैँची फलाएर सबैसामु उदाहरण प्रस्तुत गरेका हुन् । स्थानीय २५ जनाको समूहले लोसे पाखाको उत्तिसको जङ्गलमा ४ वर्षअघि अलैँची खेती गर्दै आएका छन् । प्राविधिकको […]

आयुर्वेद औषधालयको स्तरोन्नतिका लागि स्वीकृति प्रदान

पशुपतिनगर, इलाम, असोज ३० गते । मेची अञ्चल आयुर्वेद औषधालय इलामको स्तरोन्नतिका लागि प्रदेश नम्बर १ का सरकारले स्वीकृति प्रदान गरेको छ । बिरामीलाई आधुनिक प्रविधिको आयुर्वेद उपचार र गुणस्तरीय औषधीसहितको सेवा सुविधा उपलब्ध गराउने उद्देश्यले सो औषधालयको स्तरोन्नति गर्न प्रदेश सरकार, सामाजिक विकास मन्त्रालयले स्वीकृत प्रदान गरेको हो । मन्त्रालयले सो औषधालयका लागि आवश्यक […]

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Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


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Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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