Archive for: March, 2019

Japan provides technical support to Dhankuta District Hospital

Kathmandu / Mar 16: The Japanese Government is to support the installation of a system to produce and distribute oxygen for emergency services in Dhankuta District Hospital. On the initiative and request of Surya Bahadur Thapa Pratisthan’s chair and former minister Sunil Bahadur Thapa, an agreement has been signed between the Ambassador of Japan, Masamichi […]

अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय मञ्चमा नेपाललाई चिनाउन राष्ट्रपतिको भ्रमण फलदायी

काठमाडौँ, चैत २ गते । अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय मञ्चमा नेपाललाई चिनाउन राष्ट्रपति विद्यादेवी भण्डारीको हालै सम्पन्न अमेरिका भ्रमण फलदायी भएको छ । महिलाको अवस्थासम्बन्धी संयुक्त राष्ट्रसङ्घीय आयोगको ६३ औँ अधिवेशनमा भाग लिने उच्चस्तरीय प्रतिनिधिमण्डलको नेतृत्व गर्दै राष्ट्रपतिबाट शुक्रबार सम्पन्न अमेरिकाको चार दिवसीय भ्रमण बाह्य जगत्मा देशको गरिमा बढाउन सफल रह्यो । दश वर्ष लामो सशस्त्र द्वन्द्वको अन्त्य […]

‘संविधानले सबैका अधिकार सुनिश्चित’

विराटनगर, चैत २ गते । प्रदेश नं १ का प्रदेश प्रमुख प्रा डा गोविन्दबहादुर तुम्वाहाङले नेपालको संविधानले सबै जातजातिका अधिकारलाई सुनिश्चित गरेको बताउनुभएको छ । नेपाल दशनामी समाजको पाँचाँै राष्ट्रिय महाधिवेशनको आज यहाँ उद्घाटन गर्दै उहाँले सन्यास प्रमुख जीवनशैली रहेको यो समाजले आफ्नो पहिचान र अधिकारका लागि निकै सङ्घर्ष गरेको चर्चा गर्नुभयो । हिंसामुक्त समाज […]

मुलुकको आर्थिक विकासमा युवालाई अगाडि सार्नुपर्छ ः नेता महत

काठमाडौँ, चैत २ गते ।नेपाली काङ्ग्रेसका नेता डा रामशरण महतले मुलुकको आर्थिक विकासका लागि युवा शक्तिको परिचालन गर्नुपर्नेमा जोड दिनुभएको छ । युवा जागरण अभियानको प्रथम वार्षिकोत्सवका अवसरमा आज यहाँ आयोजित ‘नेपालको सामाजिक तथा आर्थिक विकासका लागि नीति बहस’ कार्यक्रममा उहाँले राष्ट्र निर्माणका लागि युवा शक्तिलाई काममा लगाउनुपर्ने बताउनुभयो । “स्रोत र साधन भएर मात्र […]

The Man from Kathmandu: first ‘global Nepali film’ to release today

Timothy Aryal / Kathmandu: On Wednesday evening, a frenzied crowd had gathered at Patan Durbar Square to welcome Indian acting legend Gulshan Grover. The ‘Bad Man’ of Bollywood, who has appeared in more than 400 Bollywood and Hollywood films, climbed up on a stage and ordered, “Gaana band karo”—turn off the music. But the music […]

Here are five classic Nepali songs that refuse to die

Alisha Sijapati / Kathmandu: Living in a house with three different generations—a 93-year-old grandmother, a 53-year-old father and 27-year-old me—I grew up listening to old Nepali songs. These classics are not just favourites in my household but they also continue to resound across the nation, played on laptops and bluetooth speakers through Youtube, and are […]

What will happen to Michael Jackson’s legacy? A famed writer’s fall could offer clues

Mar 15: There’s no question that Michael Jackson changed music history. But how will history remember Michael Jackson? Since HBO released the new documentary film “Leaving Neverland,” which detailed allegations by two adults who say that they were molested by Jackson as children, the musician’s legacy – already complicated – is up in the air. […]

Musk adds new Model Y to electric car line-up

Mar. 15: Tesla has launched its latest car, the Model Y, its second mass-market electric vehicle. The car was unveiled at an event in Los Angeles. The firm will first release a long-range version of the vehicle with a price tag of $47,000 (£35,489). Chief executive Elon Musk said a standard-range model priced at $39,000 […]

How eSports became a big business for Razer

Mar. 15: When Min-Liang Tan started a business 13 years ago to make gear for playing video games, he faced a lot of doubters. “I heard all these people saying, ‘Gaming? Isn’t that child’s play?’” he said. “No one wanted to get into gaming.” Today, his Singapore-based company Razer is one of the biggest providers […]

Apple responds to Spotify complaints over App store

Mar. 15: Apple has replied to claims by Spotify that App store policies gave it an “unfair advantage”. Spotify made its comments as it filed an official anti-trust complaint against Apple in Europe saying it “limited” consumer choice. Apple took the unusual step of replying via a public statement clarifying how the App store worked […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

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Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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