Archive for: April, 2020

नेपालमा कोरोना संक्रमितको संख्या ६ पुग्यो; उपत्यकामा पर्याप्त क्वारेन्टाइन निर्माण

काठमाडौँ, चैत २० गते। नेपालमा कोरोना भाइरस (कोभिड– १९) संक्रमितको संख्या ६ पुगेको छ । राष्ट्रिय जनस्वास्थ्य प्रयोगशाला टेकुमा बिहीबार दिउँसो भएको परीक्षणमा एकजनामा यसको संक्रमण देखिएको हो । ४ चैतमा कतारबाट आएको क्युआर ६५२ नम्बरको विमानमा आएका व्यक्तिमा कोरोना पोजेटिभ देखिएको हो । यसबारे थप विवरण आउन बाँकी रहेको स्वास्थ्य तथा जनसंख्या मन्त्रालयका प्रवक्ता […]

मार्सी धानको वीउ राख्दै किसान

नेत्र शाही / खलङ्गा, चैत २० गते । लक डाउनले शहर ठप्प छ । तर गाउँमा किसानहरु आफ्नो खेतबारीमा रमाएका छन् । बिहीबार जुम्लाको चर्चित कालीमार्सी र रातीमार्सी धानको किसानले यतिबेला वीउ राख्नमा व्यस्त भएका छन् । जुम्लामा परम्परागत संस्कार अनुसार किसानले चैत २० गते धानको वीउ राख्ने चलन अनुसार जुम्ली किसानले खेतमा धानको वीउ […]

Sixth case of COVID-19 confirmed in Nepal; Hospitals denying to treat patients to be punished

Kathmandu / April 2: Sixth case of COVID-19 has been confirmed in Nepal. A woman from Baglung has tested positive for the virus, informed Madhav Prasad Tiwari, press advisor of the Ministry of Health and Population. The infected person had landed in Nepal from Belgium by a flight QR 652 via Doha, Qatar on March […]

Cooperative Day: Minister Aryal calls for leveraging National aspiration

Kathmandu / Apr. 2 : Minister for Land Management, Cooperatives and Poverty Alleviation, Padma Kumari Aryal, has said the cooperative movement would help meet the national aspiration of ‘Prosperous Nepal, Happy Nepali’. Minister Aryal said this in a message of best wishes that she gave on the occasion of the 63rd National Cooperative Day, today. […]

NHRC urges govt to rescue stranded Nepalis

Kathmandu / Apr. 2: The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has urged the government to manage accommodation and security of people who have been stranded due to lockdown while returning home from abroad. The NHRC, in a statement issued on Thursday by NHRC Secretary Bed Prasad Bhattarai, said Nepalis remain stranded at Nepal’s borders with […]

COVID-19 sample tests begin in all seven states

Kathmandu / Apr. 01: After all seven States got the PCR machines for the test on Tuesday, they have begun testing COVID-19 samples. The BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences (BPKIHS) had however begun the test since Monday. Recently, BPKIHS is testing 12 samples of COVID-19, said Vice-Chancellor Guru Khanal. Preparation is on to test […]

Department of Health scraps medical equipment deal with Pvt company

Kathmandu / Apr. 01: The Department of Health cancelled an agreement on purchasing medial equipments from China, with a private company, on Wednesday. Director General of the department Mahendra Prasad Shrestha on Wednesday said the deal with Omni Business Corporate International has been scrapped on the failure of the company to deliver a fixed amount […]

NOC slashes gasoline prices by Rs 10

Kathmandu / Apr. 01: The Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC) has reduced the price of petrol and diesel/kerosene each by Rs 10 per liter. The meeting of the NOC board of directors held on Wednesday decided to revise the price of petrol and diesel/kerosene. With the revised price which will come into effect from midnight today, […]

State 5 working to establish corona hospital with laboratory at RAHS

Dang / Apr. 1: The State 5 government is preparing to build a temporary corona hospital along with a lab facility at the Dang-based Rapti Academy of Health Sciences (RAHS) when the infection of COVID-19 looms large. District Health Office, Dang’s focal person Kamal Chand said the State government was working to operate the corona […]

रगतको कमी हुन नदिन मोबाइल टोली

भीष्मराज ओझा / काठमाडौँ, चैत १९ गते । विश्वव्यापी महामारीका रुपमा फैलिएको कोरोना भाइरस (कोभिड–१९)को सङ्क्रमण रोकथामका लागि लागू गरिएको ‘लकडाउन’ अवधिमा रगतको कमी हुन नदिन नेपाल रेडक्रस सोसाइटीले मोबाइल टोलीमार्फत रगत सङ्कलन गरिरहेको छ । लकडाउनका कारण अहिले विभिन्न सङ्घसंस्थाले गर्दै आएको रगत सङ्कलनसमेत रोकिएपछि रगतको अभाव हुन नदिन नियमित काठमाडौँ उपत्यकामा रक्तदाता (स्वयंसेवी)लाई […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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