भक्तपुर, पुस १३ गते । प्रमुख प्रतिपक्षी दल नेपाली कांग्रेसका सभापति शेरबहादुर देउवाले प्रतिनिधिसभा विघटनका बारेमा अदालतले गरेको जस्तोसुकै निर्णय पनि कांग्रेसलाई मान्य हुने बताउनुभएको छ । कांग्रेस भक्तपुर क्षेत्र नं २ ले मध्यपुरथिमि शङ्खधर चोकमा आज आयोजना गरेको विरोधसभामा उहाँले स्वतन्त्र निकाय अदालतले जस्तोसुकै निर्णय गरे पनि कांग्रेसलाई मान्य हुने स्पष्ट गर्नुभयो । “सरकारको […]

जमुनावर्षा शर्मा / पोखरा, पुस १३ गते । कोभिड–१९ का कारण झण्डै १० महिनादेखि बन्द रहेको पोखराको धार्मिक एवं प्रसिद्ध पर्यटकीय गन्तव्य विश्व शान्ति स्तूपा आइतबारदेखि खुला गरिएको छ । स्तूपाको शनिबार विधिवत् रुपमा विशेष पूजा अर्चना गरेर खुला गरिएको हो । स्तुपा समितिका अध्यक्ष उत्तममान बुद्धाचार्यले भन्नुभयो, “कोभिड– १९ को कारण स्तूपा बन्द रहेको […]

काठमाडौं, पुस १३ गते । नेपालमा कोरोना भाइरसका छ सय ५९ जना सङ्क्रमित थपिएका छन् । थपिएका सङ्क्रमितसँगै कुल सङ्क्रमित दुई लाख ५८ हजार ८४० पुगेको छ । हालसम्म १९ लाख १५ हजार २३२ जनाको आरटीपीसीआर परीक्षण गरिएको छ । स्वास्थ्य तथा जनसंख्या मन्त्रालयले कोभिड १९ सम्बन्धी दैनिक विवरण अद्यावधिक गर्दै पछिल्लो चौबीस घण्टामा पाँच […]

Kathmandu / Dec 28: The high-level delegation led by vice-minister of the Communist Party of China, Guo Yezhou, has continued meetings with high-level dignitaries in Kathmandu. The four-member Chinese delegation arrived in a chartered flight on Sunday. The delegation has met Pushpa Kamal Dahal, co-chair of the Nepal Communist Party (NCP) faction led by him […]

Kathmandu / Dec. 28: With 659 new cases of novel coronavirus confirmed on Monday, the national COVID-19 tally has surged to 258,840. “In 5,578 Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) tests done in the last 24 hours, as many as 659 persons, 252 females and 407 males were found to have been infected with SARS-CoV-2,” informed […]

Mala Karn / Saptari, Dec. 28: As many as 36 people living in the streets have been rescued in Saptari by conducting a program on Sunday. The Manab Sewa Ashram has rescued the helpless and orphans who were forced to survive on the streets due to deteriorating mental health and other reasons. The Manab Sewa […]

Ilam / Dec 27 : Data collection of tourist arrival into Ilam has begun after 10 months. The Tourist Information Centre registers the arrival of tourists at Jorkalash in the border of Jhapa and Ilam district. The data collection had stopped following the nationwide lockdown imposed in mid-March to stem the spread of Corona Virus. […]

Kathmandu / Dec. 27: With 481 new cases of novel coronavirus confirmed on Sunday, the national COVID-19 tally has surged to “In 3,828 Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) tests done in the last 24 hours, as many as 481 persons were found to have been infected with SARS-CoV-2,” said Dr. Jageshwor Gautam, spokesperson of the […]

Kathmandu / Dec 27: The Language Commission has been developing the grammar of near-extinct languages spoken in various parts of the country. The languages with less than 100,000 speakers are regarded as near-extinct. The commission, established as per Article 287 of the Constitution of Nepal, has already developed the grammar of Bambule, Raji, Dotyali, Doteli, […]

काठमाडौँ, पुस १२ गते । बङ्गलादेशबाट खरिद गरिएको ५० हजार मेट्रिक टन रासायनिक मल पुस अन्तिम साता नेपाल आइपुग्ने भएको छ । यही पुस २ गते सरकार–सरकारबीच (जीटुजी)मार्फत रासायनिक मल खरिदको सम्झौता भएको थियो । मल खरिदको सम्झौता गरेर फर्किएको नेपाली टोलीले मल ल्याउने तयारीस्वरुप एलसी (प्रतितपत्र) खोल्ने काम शुरु भएको जनाएको छ । मल […]