Archive for: January, 2022

Govt activities earn public trust; Three-tier election important duty: PM Deuba

Kathmandu / Jan. 21: Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba has claimed that the activities the government carried out earned public trust in short time. He viewed robust foundation was created for the political stability, development and good governance. In his address to the nation made on Friday upon the passage of six months since he […]

Family of migrants to be incorporated in insurance scheme

Kathmandu / Jan 21: The government has started a process to incorporate the family members of the Nepali migrant workers into the health insurance policy. The Health Insurance Board started the process in this regard with the objective of taking the family members of the Nepali migrant workers to access easy and smooth health services. […]

COVID-19 update: 8,815 new infections on RT-PCR and 766 recoveries

Kathmandu / Jan 21: With 8,815 new cases of COVID-19 confirmed on Friday, the nation’s novel coronavirus tally has reached 896,584. In 18,618 Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) tests done in the past 24 hours, a total of 8,815 persons were found infected with SARS-CoV-2, informed the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) in its […]

अनलाइनका कारण वैदेशिक रोजगार कार्यालय सुनसान

काठमाडौं, माघ ७ गते । वैदेशिक रोजगारसँग सम्बन्धित सेवा अनलाइनबाट प्रवाह गर्न थालिएसँगै काठमाडौंको ताहाचलस्थित वैदेशिक रोजगार कार्यालय परिसर सुनसान हुन थालेको छ । वैदेशिक रोजगारीमा जाने श्रमिकले श्रम स्वीकृति र पुनः श्रम स्वीकृतिका लागि कार्यालयमा जानै पर्ने बाध्यतालाई हटाउँदै सरकारले श्रम स्वीकृति र पुनः श्रम स्वीकृति अनलाइनबाट दिन थालेपछि कार्यालयमा हुने भीड हटेको हो […]

२४ घण्टामा आठ हजार ८१५ जना नयाँ सङ्क्रमित थप, तीनको मृत्यु

काठमाडौं, माघ ७ गते । पछिल्लो २४ घण्टामा आठ हजार ८१५ जना कोरोना भाइरसका सङ्क्रमित थपिएका छन् । १८ हजार ६१८ जनामा आरटीपीसीआर परीक्षण गरिएकोमा आठ हजार ८१५ जनामा कोरोना सङ्क्रमण पुष्टि भएको स्वास्थ्य तथा जनसङ्ख्या मन्त्रालयले जनाएको छ । त्यस्तै, चार हजार ४७४ जनामा एन्टीजेन परीक्षण गरिएकोमा एक हजार ८८८९ जनामा कोरोना सङ्क्रमण देखिएको […]

सरकारका कामले जनतामा आशा र भरोसा बढेको छः प्रधानमन्त्री देउवा

काठमाडौं, माघ ७ गते । प्रधानमन्त्री शेरबहादुर देउवाले वर्तमान सरकारले छोटो अवधिमा गरेका कार्य र हासिल भएका उपलब्धिले मुलुकमा राजनीतिक स्थायित्वसँगै विकास, सुशासन र समृद्धि हासिल गर्ने बलियो आधार खडा गरेको बताउनुभएको छ । उहाँले सरकारले कार्यभार सम्हालेको छ महिनाको अवधिमा भएका कार्य र हासिल भएका उपलब्धिले सरकार सही दिशामा अघि बढिरहेको स्पष्ट भएको र […]

Nepal’s significant progress in nutrition at risk due to COVID-19 pandemic: UNICEF

Kathmandu / Jan 20: Nepal achieved globally renowned progress in reducing child stunting and scaling up nutrition services during the Millennium Development Goals era (2002 -2016), despite periods of political and economic instability, according to a special supplement of the Maternal and Child Nutrition Journal published on Thursday. However, the country still faces considerable nutrition-related […]

Government to adjust price of milk

Kathmandu / Jan 20: The government is preparing to make adjustments in the price of milk. The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development had formed a committee to carry out a study to that connection after the Central Dairy Cooperative Association Limited Nepal requested for increasing the price of milk reasoning that they were not […]

COVID-19 update: 10,052 new infections on RT-PCR and 649 recoveries

Kathmandu, Jan 20: With 10,052 new cases of COVID-19 confirmed on Thursday, the nation’s novel coronavirus tally has reached 868,215. In 21,007 Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) tests done in the past 24 hours, a total of 10,052 persons were found infected with SARS-CoV-2, informed the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) in its regular […]

स्याङ्जाका सुन्तला रसिलो, ५७ करोडको बिक्री

वालिङ, माघ ६ गते । सुन्तलाको स्वाद र उत्पादनका दृष्टिले छुट्टै पहिचान बनाएको स्याङ्जामा यसवर्ष रु ५७ करोड ९ लाख मूल्य बराबरको सुन्तला बिक्री भएको छ । गत वर्षको तुलनामा सुन्तला उत्पादनमा कमी आएको भएपनि बजार मूल्य राम्रो पाएकाले सो मूल्य बराबरका सुन्ताला बिक्री भएको हो । जिल्लामा यसवर्ष १३ हजार ८४० मेट्रिक टन सुन्तला […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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