Archive for: April, 2023

विपद् जोखिम न्यूनीकरण राष्ट्रको एजेण्डा बन्नुपर्छ : उपप्रधानमन्त्री श्रेष्ठ

काठमाडौं, चैत्र २१ गते। उपप्रधान एवं गृहमन्त्री नारायणकाजी श्रेष्ठले विपद् जोखिम न्यूनीकरण राष्ट्रको एजेण्डा बन्नुपर्ने बताउनुभएको छ। उपप्रधानमन्त्री श्रेष्ठले राष्ट्रिय विपद् जोखिम न्यूनीकरण तथा व्यवस्थापन प्राधिकरणको कार्यालय पुगेर प्राधिकरणले गरिरहेका कार्यको जानकारी लिने क्रममा नेपाल जलवायुजन्य लगायतका जोखिममा रहेकोले न्यूनीकरण तथा व्यवस्थापनका कामलाई प्राथमिकता दिनुपर्ने बताउनुभएको हो। विपद्का ठूला घटना भएपछि त्यसको चर्चा हुने तर […]

NRB unveils Cryptocurrency Risk Assessment Report

Kathmandu / April 4: Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) has unveiled the Cryptocurrency Risk Assessment Report today. In the Report the country’s central bank has concluded that cryptocurrency cannot be brought into use as a transaction as it would be financially risky. Cryptocurrency transaction is banned by the existing laws of Nepal. “It entails risks as […]

Problems of agro sector will be resolved: Minister Bhusal

Kathmandu / April 4: Minister for Agriculture and Livestock Development Dr Beduram Bhusal has expressed commitment that he would focus his attention to resolve problems surfacing in the agro sector. Speaking in today’s meeting of the National Assembly, Minister Bhusal said his attention has been focused on the shortage of chemical fertilizer and seeds, irrigation, […]

Health ministry advises isolation immediately after developing COVID-19 symptoms

Kathmandu / April 4:The Ministry of Health and Population has requested all to stay in isolation immediately after developing the symptoms of coronavirus. Issuing a notice, the ministry urged one and all to stay isolated after going for a coronavirus test soon after developing the symptoms. It requested precaution as every common cold, cough and […]

प्रहरीको बर्दी र काँधको फुलीमा सर्वसाधारणको विश्वास छ : गृहमन्त्री श्रेष्ठ

काठमाडौं, चैत २० गते । उपप्रधानमन्त्री एवम् गृहमन्त्री नारायणकाजी श्रेष्ठले प्रहरीको बर्दी र काँधको फुलीमा सर्वसाधारणको भरोसा र विश्वास लुकेको बताउनुभएको छ । आज (सोमबार) नेपाल प्रहरी प्रधान कार्यालयको निरीक्षण गर्नुहुँदै गृहमन्त्री श्रेष्ठले यस्तो धारणा व्यक्त गर्नुभएको हो । उहाँले भन्नुभयो, ‘‘तपाईँहरूले शरीरमा लगाएको बर्दी र काँधमा लगाएको फुलीमा सर्वसाधारणको भरोसा र विश्वास लुकेको छ […]

पाँचथरको फालेलुङमा चौँरी पर्यटन महोत्सव

राधा लुइटेल / फिदिम, चैत २० गते । पाँचथरको फालेलुङमा २०७४ सालदेखि आयोजना हुँदै आएको चौँरी महोत्सवको छैटौँ संस्करण यो वर्ष चैत ३० देखि वैशाख २ गतेसम्म सञ्चालन हुने भएको छ । यो वर्ष आयोजना हुन लागेको महोत्सवलाई ‘छैटौँ फालेलुङ चौँरी पर्यटन महोत्सव’ भनिएको छ । फालेलुलुङ गाउँ पालिकाको प्रवर्धनमा चौँरी पर्यटन महोत्सवको आयोजना फालेलुङ […]

१० हजार विदेशी श्रमिक नेपालमा, सबैभन्दा बढी चिनियाँ

काठमाडौं, चैत २० गते । नेपालका ठूला परियोजनामा देखिएको दक्ष श्रमिकको अभाव विदेशबाट पूर्ति हुँदै आएको छ । यहाँ सञ्चालित विभिन्न परियोजनामा आवश्यक दक्ष श्रमिकको आपूर्ति विदेशबाट हुँदै आएको सरकारी तथ्याङ्कले देखाएको छ । विदेशी श्रमिकलाई नेपालमा काम गर्ने इजाजत दिँदै आएको श्रम तथा व्यवसायजन्य विभागका अनुसार अहिले त्यस्ता परियोजनामा करिब एक सय भन्दाबढी मुलुकका […]

Uniform, insignia of Police carry people’s trust, confidence: DPM Shrestha

Kathmandu / Apr 4: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Home Affairs Narayan Kaji Shrestha has observed that trust and confidence of the common people lies in the uniform and insignia of the police. “In the uniform and insignia that you have put on lies people’s trust and confidence. I hope you will strive to […]

Int’l expert group deliberates on Lumbini’s development

Lumbini / April 3: Discussions have been held in the International Experts Committee on sustainable conservation of the historic and cultural heritage of the greater Lumbini area, its development and tourism promotion. The Committee came up with 42-point suggestions after holding discussions for three days in Lumbini. The international experts have underscored on the conservation […]

10,000 foreign workers in Nepal, highest from China

Kathmandu / April 3: Nepal largely depends on technical human resources from foreign countries for the implementation of big projects. According to official data, skilled human resources required for various large projects here are hired from other countries. The Department of Labour and Occupational Safety said workforce from around 100 countries in the world are […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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