Archive for: April, 2023

बीमा गरेकामध्ये ५५ प्रतिशतले सेवा लिँदैनन्

काठमाडौं,चैत २४ गते।नेपालमा बीमा गरेका मध्ये ५५ प्रतिशतले सेवा नलिएको तथ्यांकले देखाएको छ। स्वास्थ्य बीमा बोर्डको सातौं वार्षिकोत्सवको पूर्वसन्ध्यामा आयोजित अन्तरक्रिया कार्यक्रममा सार्वजनिक तथ्यांकले यस्तो देखाएको हो। बोर्डका कार्यकारी निर्देशक डा.दामोदर बसौलाले नेपालमा कुल जनसंख्याको २२ प्रतिशत अर्थात् ६४ लाख ५४ हजार ७७२ बीमित जनसंख्या छन्। कुल बीमितमध्ये २८ लाख ९३ हजार ५७२ जना अर्थात् […]

चियाको कर उठाउन स्थानीय सरकार अदालत जाने

प्रेम अधिकारी / इलाम, चैत्र २४ गते । नेपाल सरकारको स्वामित्वमा रहेका चिया बगान लिजमा लिएको भारतको त्रिवेणी सघाई ग्रुपसँग चिया बगान रहेको इलाम र झापाका पालिकाहरूले कर उठाउनका लागि अदालत जाने तयारी थालेका छन् । इलामको सूर्योदय नगरपालिका र झापाको मेची नगर नगरपालिकाकाको पहलमा सूर्योदय नगरपालिकामा भएको बैठक पछि पालिकाहरू संघाईसँग मालपोत, व्यवसाय र […]

खस्किएको अर्थतन्त्रलाई लयमा ल्याउने प्रयत्नमा छौँ : अर्थमन्त्री महत

काठमाडौं,चैत २४ गते। अर्थतन्त्र सङ्कटतर्फ उन्मुख भएको भन्दै निजी क्षेत्रले चिन्ता व्यक्त गरिरहेका बेलामा अर्थमन्त्री डा. प्रकाशशरण महतले अर्थतन्त्र सुधारका लागि सक्रिय पहल सुरु गर्नुभएको छ। यही चैत १७ मा अर्थमन्त्रीको सपथ लिएसँगै उहाँ अर्थतन्त्र सुधारका लागि नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंकका गभर्नरदेखि निजी क्षेत्रका प्रतिनिधिसँग छलफल, सुझाव सङ्कलन तथा अन्तक्र्रियामा व्यस्त रहनुभएको छ। एक सातामा देखिएको […]

Nepali across world should be united: PM Prachanda

Kathmandu / April 7: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ has urged Nepali across the globe to get united through the means of art and culture. During his meeting with organisers of ‘Mero Voice Universe’ and ‘Mero Dance Universe’ this evening at the Prime Minister’s official residence, Baluwatar on Friday, the Prime Minister made such […]

Nepal sees only 25 percent capital expenditure in nine months of current FY

Kathmandu / April 7: With three months left until the end of the current fiscal year, the government has barely spent a quarter of its capital expenditure. With one week left until the end of nine months of the current fiscal year, the capital expenditure has hardly been 25 percent. According to the daily budgetary […]

FinMin Mahat meets delegation led by European Union envoy Deprez

Kathmandu / April 7: Finance Minister Dr Prakasharan Mahat met with a European Union delegation led by Ambassador Nona Deprez on Friday. In the meeting at the Ministry of Finance, the review of the assistance received from the European Union and further assistance to Nepal was discussed. The European Union is providing support in the […]

Production oriented economy, one of nine priorities

Kathmandu / Apr 6: The government has unveiled its priorities and common minimum programme. Minister for Communication and Information Technology Rekha Sharma read out the document amidst a programme in Singh Durbar. The 9-point priorities include issues related to consolidating of federal republic polity, transformation of economy, ending discrimination of all forms, stringent action against […]

Strengthening country’s economy will be first priority: Finance Minister Mahat

Kathmandu / April 6: Finance Minister Dr Prakash Sharan Mahat has said strengthening the country’s economy would be his first priority. Minister Mahat shared, “The government is engaged in the preparation of a budget for the coming fiscal year. The main focus of the budget will be strengthening the economy.” During the meeting with office-bearers […]

Nepali power producers, Indian buyers to sign agreements on the sale of electricity

Kathmandu / April 6: In the eighth edition of the Power Summit, a Memorandum of Understanding for the direct purchase of electricity will be signed between the promoters of the Nepali hydropower projects and Indian buyers. On the occasion of the Power Summit, which will be held in April, both parties will sign an agreement […]

मुद्रा सटहीका लागि राष्ट्र बैंक र विकास कोषबीच सम्झौता

कपिल ज्ञवाली / सिद्धार्थनगर, चैत २३ गते । लुम्बिनीमा दान वापत संकलित विदेशी मुद्रा सटहीका लागि नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंक सिद्धार्थनगर र लुम्बिनी विकास कोषबीच सम्झौता भएको छ । बुधबार कोषका कोषाध्यक्ष ढुण्डिराज भट्टराई र राष्ट्र बैंक सिद्धार्थनगरका कायम मुकायम निर्देशक शान्तिप्रसाद पाण्डेबीच लुम्बिनीमा सटही हुन नसकेका विभिन्न २० वटा देशका विदेशी मुद्रा सटही गर्न सम्झौतापत्रमा […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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