Kathmandu / Oct 31: United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has said Nepal has long been a friend to the international system and a steadfast champion of multilateralism, peace and developing countries’ interests. In his address to the joint session of the federal parliament at New Baneswor-based parliament building on Tuesday, the UN chief stressed on […]

Kathmandu / Oct 31: Nepal defeated Malaysia by 6 wickets in the match held today under the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup Asia Qualifier final underway in Kathmandu. In the match held at TU International Cricket Ground in Kirtipur, Nepal achieved the victory target of 166 runs set by Malaysia at the loss of 4 […]

Inaruwa . Oct. 31: Local farmers in Sunsari have started selling bananas from their banana farms three weeks before the Chhath festival. The banana business has boomed in local markets. Bananas and their bunches must be offered during the Chhath festival. The sales of bananas have increased in Sunsari district, the traders said. Hari Mehata, […]

काठमाडौं, कात्तिक १४ गते । संयुक्त राष्ट्रसङ्घका महासचिव एन्टनियो गुटेरेसले नेपाल विश्वको मित्र भएको बताउनुभएको छ । सङ्घीय सदनको संयुक्त बैठकलाई आज सम्बोधन गर्नुहुँदै गुटेरेसले सो कुरा बताउनुभएको हो । सभामुख देवराज घिमिरेले सम्बोधनका लागि आग्रह गर्नुभएपछि महासचिव गुटेरेसले संसद्लाई सम्बोधन गर्नुभयो । “यो असाधारण देशको भ्रमण गर्न पाउँदा म ज्यादै खुसी छु । मैले […]

मीना कंडेल / कावासोती, कात्तिक १४ गते । नवलपुरको पहाडी क्षेत्र बबक सुन्तला खेतीका लागि प्रख्यात ठाउँ हो । यहाँका हरेक घरपरिवारले धेरैथोरै सुन्तला लगाउनेगरेका छन् । जिल्लाको पहाडी क्षेत्रका बबक, राइकोट, जौवारीलगायतका क्षेत्रमा राम्रो सुन्तला उत्पादन हुनेगरेको छ । अहिले सुन्तला किसानले सुन्तला टिप्न सुरु गरेका छन् । अघिल्ला वर्षमा बजारका समस्या झेलेका यस […]

करुण अर्याल / लण्डन, कात्तिक १४ गते । अर्थमन्त्री डा. प्रकाश शरण महत र संयुक्त अधिराज्य (बेलायत) की परराष्ट्र राज्यमन्त्री आनमेरी ट्रेभल्यानबीच लण्डनस्थित परराष्ट्र मन्त्रालयमा मंगलबार भेटवार्ता भएको छ । लण्डनस्थित नेपाली दूतावासले आयोजना गरेको उच्चस्तरीय लगानी सम्मेलनमा भाग लिन लण्डन आउनुभएका मन्त्री डा. महतले हरित ऊर्जा, नवीकरणीय ऊर्जा, सूचना प्रविधि, शिक्षा र पर्यटन क्षेत्रमा […]

Gandaki / Oct 30: United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who arrived in Pokhara, visited popular religious tourist site of Pokhara, Pumdikot, on Monday. Chairperson of Pumdikot Development Committee Chandra Kant Baral and Mayor of Pokhara metropolitan city Dhan Raj Acharya, among others greeted the UN Secretary General at Pumdikot at 4:30 pm. Secretary-General Guterres visited […]

Kathmandu / Oct 30: In a progressive step towards modernizing traffic management, drivers can now present their digital driver’s licenses via the Nagarik App during routine checks, without infringing on traffic regulations. The National Information Technology Center (NITC) has confirmed that, following the decision by the Council of Ministers, driver’s licenses registered on the Nagarik […]

Chitwan / Oct 30: Former Finance Minister Mahesh Acharya has said a comprehensive campaign is needed to improve nation’s economy. Taking to media here today, the former Minister said such campaign should be capable to restore the confidence of business community and develop Nepal as a destination for investment. He advised the government to come […]

गण्डकी, कात्तिक १३ गते । नेपालको औपचारिक भ्रमणका क्रममा आज पोखरा आउनुुभएका संयुक्त राष्ट्रसङ्घका महासचिव एन्टोनियो गुटेरेस पोखराको प्रसिद्ध धार्मिक पर्यटकीय गन्तव्य पुम्दीकोटको अवलोकन गर्नुभएको छ । आज दिउँसो ४ः३० बजे पुम्दीकोट पुग्नुभएका महासचिव गुटेरेसलाई महादेवको विशाल मूर्ति निर्माण अभियानका संयोजक एवम् पुम्दीकोट विकास समितिका अध्यक्ष चन्द्रकान्त बराल, पोखरा महानगरपालिकाका प्रमुख धनराज आचार्य, पोखरा महानगरपालिका […]