Archive for: April, 2024

Nepal secures semi-final spot with victory over Saudi Arabia

Kathmandu / April 17: Continuing their winning streak, Nepal emerged victorious in today’s match against Saudi Arabia by 6 wickets in the ACC Premier Cup T-20 cricket tournament, which was shortened to 8 overs due to rain. Nepal secured the win with four balls to spare. After winning the toss, Nepal chose to bowl first, […]

Handicraft becoming lucrative business for women in Dang

Dang / April 17: Local women have been earning up high incomes by involving them in different professions and businesses. They have been successful in generating attractive income by manufacturing various handicrafts-related materials. Sarita Chaudhary, a local of Lamahi municipality-5, shared it has become easier to manage household expenses and make regular savings once engaged […]

Finance Minister meets WB Vice Presidents, seeks WB’s more investment in Nepal

Kathmandu / April 17: Finance Minister Barsha Man Pun last night held separate meetings with World Bank (WB) Group Vice Presidents Akihiko Nishio (Development Finance) and Guangzhe Chen (Infrastructure) at the Washington DC-based WB Headquarters. According to the Minister’s Secretariat, the Minister thanked Akihiko Nishio for entertaining Nepal’s proposal to organise a meeting of the […]

एसिसी प्रिमियर कप : समूह विजेता बन्दै नेपाल सेमिफाइनलमा

काठमाडौँ, वैशाख ५ गते। समूह ‘ए’को विजेता बन्दै नेपाल एसिसी प्रिमियर कप टी–२० क्रिकेट प्रतियोगिताको सेमिफाइनलमा पुगेको छ। समूह चरणको अन्तिम खेलमा बुधबार साउदी अरबलाई ६ विकेटले हराउँदै नेपाल चार खेलमा ८ अङ्क जोड्दै सेमिफाइनल प्रवेश गरेको हो। साउदीले दिएको ७४ रनको लक्ष्य नेपालले ४ बल बाँकी हुँदा ७५ रन बनाएर पूरा गरेको हो। वर्षाका […]

गुराँसे वनको मनमोहक दृश्यसँग रमाउँदै तीर्थयात्री

चन्द्र पन्दाक / ताप्लेजुङ, वैशाख ५ गते । यतिबेला ताप्लेजुङस्थित प्रसिद्ध तीर्थस्थल पाथीभरा क्षेत्रमा ढकमक्क फुलेको गुराँसको मनमोहक दृश्यमा तीर्थयात्री रमाउने गरेका छन् । अहिले पाथीभरा दर्शन गर्ने मुख्य सिजन (मौसम) रहेको र यही मौसममा ढकमक्क फुलेको गुराँसको मनमोहक दृश्यमा तीर्थयात्री रमाउँदै आएका हुन् । तीन हजार ७९४ मिटर उचाइ रहेको पाथीभरा क्षेत्रमा विभिन्न प्रजातिका […]

स्थानीय उत्पादन र व्यवसायको प्रवर्द्धन गर्दै ‘लहान एक्सपो’

सिरहा, वैशाख ५ गते । विभिन्न वनस्पतिका रेसाबाट बनेका आकर्षक ढकी, थाकलबाट बनेका घरायसी सामग्रीले आगन्तुकको ध्यान तानेका छन् । यहाँ सुरु भएको लहान एक्सपोमा राखिएका यी सामग्री सिरहाको लहान नगरपालिका-१ कि पार्वतीकुमारी चौधरीले बनाउनुभएको हो । एकसट्ठी वर्षीया चौधरीले स्थानीय कच्चा पदार्थ प्रयोग गरी आफैले बनाएको सामग्री महोत्सवमार्फत बिक्री गरिरहनुभएको छ । जसलाई आगन्तुकले […]

Implementation of laws vital for good governance: PM Prachanda

Kathmandu / April 16: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ has stressed that establishing good governance in the country could be ensured only through a successful implementation of laws. In his address to a program on “Challenges for good governance and government’s future roadmap” organized by the Institute for Strategic and Socio-Economic Research (ISSR) here […]

KMC to organise cancer screening camp from Wednesday; month-long skill fair from May 1

Kathmandu / April 16: Kathmandu Municipal Corporation (KMC) is going to conduct cancer screening camp starting tomorrow. In the camps, the KMC is going to conduct free screening for breast and cervical cancer and fertility-related ailments. The camp will run throughout the month of Baisakh (until mid-May) at the urban health promotion center of the […]

Crops and livestock special production zone scheme implemented in 10 districts of Karnali

Surkhet / April 16: The Ministry of Land Management, Agriculture and Cooperatives has implemented the ‘crops and livestock special production zone program’ from the current fiscal year. The program has been implemented in 10 districts of Karnali Province. The program identifies special zones for various productions based on geographical clusters. For the implementation of the […]

कामपाले भोलिदेखि क्यान्सरको निःशुल्क परीक्षण गर्दै

काठमाडौँ, वैशाख ४ गते । काठमाडौँ महानगरपालिका (कामपा) ले भोलि (बुधबार)देखि क्यान्सरको निःशुल्क परीक्षण गर्ने भएको छ । कामपाले स्तन, पाठेघरको मुखको क्यान्सर र प्रजनन रुग्णता (अस्वस्थ्यता) सम्बन्धी निःशुल्क परीक्षण शिविर सञ्चालन गर्ने भएको हो । महानगरपालिकाका सहरी स्वास्थ्य प्रवर्द्धन केन्द्रमा वैशाख महिना भरी शिविर सञ्चालन हुने महानगरले जनाएको छ । वडा नम्बर ३१ भीमसेनगोलामा […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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