Kathmandu / Jan 26: Speaker of the House of Representatives (HoR), Devraj Ghimire, has discussed with the major ruling party Nepali Congress and CPN (UML) about the bill passed by the National Assembly and sent to the House of Representatives. Today, Speaker Ghimire invited Congress chief whip Shyam Ghimire and UML chief whip Mahesh Kumar […]

Kathmandu / Jan 26: The Rupandehi District Court on Sunday ordered the release of Rastriya Swatantra Party (RSP) Chairman Rabi Lamichhane on a bail of Rs 10 million in the Supreme Cooperative fraud case. According to the court’s magistrate Kumar Khatiwada, a single bench of Judge Pralhad Kumar Yogi issued the order on Sunday after […]

Kathmandu / Jan 26: Minister for Health and Population Pradeep Paudel has made hearing test and screening for newborns mandatory by approving the Newborn Hearing Screening Directive 2081 BS. The new law requires maternity hospitals to test for any hearing issues immediately after the birth of a child. Minister Paudel believes that timely treatment can […]

लक्ष्मण पौडेल / भैरहवा, माघ १३ गते। सुप्रिम सहकारी ठगी प्रकरणमा पूर्व गृहमन्त्री एवम् राष्ट्रिय स्वतन्त्र पार्टी (रास्वपा) सभापति रवि लामिछानेलाई रुपन्देही जिल्ला अदालतले एक करोड धरौटीमा छाड्न आदेश दिएको छ। जिल्ला अदालतमा एकसाता चलेको बहसपछि न्यायाधीश प्रल्हादकुमार योगीको इजलासले लामिछानेलाई आइतबार धरौटीमा छाड्न आदेश दिएको हो। बुटवलको सुप्रिम सहकारीको बचत अपचलनको आरोपमा लामिछानेमाथि सहकारी […]

राजकुमार भट्टराई / खोटाङ, माघ १३ गते। खोटाङको पाथेकाको एउटा सिङ्गो गाउँले ड्यु, पेप्सी, कोक जस्ता आयातीत पेय पदार्थ प्रयोग नगर्ने निर्णय गरेको छ। स्वास्थ्यलाई असर गर्ने र फजुलखर्च हुने भएकाले ड्यु, पेप्सी, कोक जस्ता पेय पदार्थ गाउँमा हुने शुभअशुभ सबै कार्यमा प्रयोग नगर्ने निर्णय गरेको हो। जिल्लाको दिक्तेल रुपाकोट मझुवागढी नगरपालिका–१० पाथेकाको साविक ३ […]

काठमाडौँ, माघ १३ गते। सभामुख देवराज घिमिरेले राष्ट्रियसभाबाट पास भई प्रतिनिधिसभामा आएका विधेयकबारे सत्तापक्ष र विपक्षी दलका प्रमख सचेतकसँग छलफल गर्नुभएको छ। सभामुख घिमिरेले आइतबार कांग्रेसका प्रमुख सचेतक श्याम घिमिरे र एमाले प्रमुख सचेतक महेशकुमार बर्तौलालाई सिंहदरबारस्थित आफ्नो कार्यकक्षमा आमन्त्रण प्रतिनिधिसभामा रहेको संवैधानिक परिषद्सम्बन्धी विधेयक र मर्यादासम्बन्धी विधेयकका विषयमा धारणा माग गर्नुभएको हो। “सभामुखले राष्ट्रियसभाबाट […]

Meena Kandel / Kawasoti, Jan. 25: The beekeeping business is becoming more profitable for farmers, as they can earn a good income with nominal investment and labour. Although bees have traditionally been kept for domestic use, this business has started to flourish commercially in recent years. In Devchuli, Kawasoti and Gaindakot in Nawalpur, the number […]

Sushila Regmi / Palpa, Jan 25: Several people made me a character of mockery while I used to roam around the villages with coffee in a bag for sale. I had to face misbehave with people’s demeaning remarks like ‘wandering here and there for coffee sale after not obtaining any concrete to do’. Yet he […]

Biratnagar / Jan 25: Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Bishnu Prasad Poudel has said that the government is committed to achieving prosperity and social justice in the country. Inaugurating the ‘Birat Expo-2025’ organized by the Industry Association Morang here Saturday, he said that the government is serious about solving the problems seen in the […]

नवीनराज कुइँकेल / लमजुङ, माघ १२ गते । लमजुङको मर्स्याङ्दी गाउँपालिकामा भएकोे निःशुल्क आँखा जाँच तथा मोतियाविन्दु शल्यक्रिया शिविरमा एक सय तीन जना बिरामीको शल्यक्रिया गरिएको छ । तीन दिनसम्म सञ्चालन भएको आँखा जाँच शिविरमा नाै सय पाँच जनाले सेवा लिएकोमा एक सय तीन जना मोतियाविन्दु भएका बिरामीको शल्यक्रिया गरिएको हो । आँखामा विभिन्न समस्या […]