Sept. 2: A Texas Tech student took advantage of the flooded streets in the college’s host city to go wakeboarding behind a pickup truck. A video posted to Twitter by Texas Tech student Holly Huddleston shows a classmate shredding his way through a flooded Lubbock street on a wakeboard. The student, being pulled by a […]

पर्वत, १९ भदौ । साहसिक पर्यटकलाई आकर्षित गर्न निजी क्षेत्रको लगानीमा पर्वतमा मुलुककै नमुना बन्जी जम्प निर्माण सुरु गरिएको छ । पर्वतको सदरमुकाम कुश्माबजारदेखि छिमेकी जिल्ला बागलुङको नारायणस्थान गाविसस्थित नेपाने जोड्ने गरी कालीगण्डकीमाथि पुल निर्माण गरेर बन्जी जम्प सञ्चालन गर्ने तयारी गरिएको हो । बन्जी जम्प सञ्चालनका लागि इन्टु द वाइल्ड मल्टी प्रपोज प्रालिले आफ्नै […]

काठमाडौँ, १८ भदौ । भाद्र शुक्ल तृतीयाका दिनमा मनाइने हरितालिका (तीज) पर्व आज हिन्दू नारीहरु देवादिदेव महादेवको पूजा आराधना गरी मनाउँदैछन् । सत्ययुगमा हिमालय पुत्री पार्वतीले गौरीघाटमा बसी तपस्या गरेर श्री महादेव पति पाउने बरदान पाएकी थिइन् । तर पिता हिमालयले पार्वतीको इच्छा विपरीत विष्णुसित विवाह गरिदिन खोजेपछि साथीहरुलाई आफ्नो समस्या सुनाइन् । सखी पार्वती […]

Kathmandu / Sept 4: Haritalika Teej, the biggest festival of Hindu women is being celebrated today with fanfare. Women are visiting temple of lord Shiva across the country and also seen singing and dancing to celebrate the day. Teej falls on the third day of Shukla Paksha (bright fortnight) in the month of Bhadra. Women […]

Pokhara / Sept 4: The Image Channel is set to scan the villages for hidden talents by announcing the Pokhara audition for the ‘Image Folk Artist’ contest. The audition will take place on Friday and Saturday this week in which contenders of all age groups from Gandaki and Dhaulagiri zones can take part, Contest’s Executive […]

Pokhara / Sept 3: The 22nd annual general meeting and 12th convention of the Restaurant and Bar Association Nepal (REBAN), Pokhara, has elected a new working committee under the chairmanship of Chau Bahadur Gurung. Bhimsen Bhujel, Laxman Baral, Bishwo Raj Poudel have been elected as first Vice-Chairman, second Vice-Chairman and General Secretary of the committee […]

Pritam Bhattarai / Kathmandu: The market is abuzz with recent reports of two incidents making headlines and becoming the talk of the town. They are Nepali Congress leader Gagan Thapa’s elevation in Nepali politics with the appointment as the Health Minister and the increasing trend of influential political leaders and VVIPs including former President Dr […]

Kathmandu / Sept 3: In a bid to foster reading culture, a library and information centre has been set up at Jorpati of Gokarneshwor municipality. It is the Chamunda Library and Information Centre. A total of 4,000 books of Sanskrit, Nepali and English languages have been put in the library set up by Chamunda Area […]

Kathmandu / Sept 3: The Bagmati Clean-up Campaign – now 173 weeks old – scooped up 11 metric tons of garbage from under the downtown Teku bridge today. Around 500 government employees under the leadership of Chief Secretary, Dr Somlal Subedi, took part to mark the occasion of Civil Servants’ Day. Former Chief Secretary Lilamani […]

पाल्पा, १८ भदौ । पाल्पा जिल्लाका ज्येष्ठ नागरिकलाई ‘जेष्ठ नागरिक परिचयपत्र’ वितरण गर्न थालिएको छ । महिला तथा बालबालिका कार्यालयले पहिलोचरणमा दशजना वृद्ध, वृद्वालाई ‘जेष्ठ नागरिक परिचयपत्र’ वितरण गरेको हो । तानसेन नगरपालिका– ३ का ७७ वर्षीय द्वारिकाप्रसाद शर्मालाई एक नम्बरको परिचयपत्र महिला विकास प्रमुख तुल्सा अर्यालले प्रदान गर्नुभयो । परिचयपत्र पाएपछि यहाँ वृद्धहरुको अनुहारमा […]