Khotang / Sept 5: These days Gyan Bahadur Rai is spotted fishing along the banks of the Dhudkoshi river and selling it in marketplaces in the evening following his disillusionment with the Simle Secondary School or rather the general education system of the country. The 15-year-old high school dropout from Jaleshwori VDC – 4 located […]

Myagdi / Sept 5: A 50 year old irrigation project – which fell into utter neglect and degeneration with intermittent landslides and absence of regular maintenance at Beni Municipality 1 – has been revived. The Irrigation Development Sub Division Office, Myagdi has invested Rs 8.4 million to restore the project back to its old glory. […]

Kathmandu / Sept 4: Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Krishna Bahadur Mahara has said the government was likely to bring a supplementary budget in order to make the current year’s budget more practical and implementable. Finance Minister Mahara made such disclosure at a press conference organized at the Finance Ministry on Sunday. Discussion was […]

Kathmandu / Sept 4: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has expressed his gratefulness to the United States America for its cooperation to take ahead the national priority agendas including completion of Nepal’s peace process, implementation of the new constitution, post-earthquake reconstruction and local body election. In a meeting with US Assistant Secretary of State for […]

Kathmandu / Sept 4: The National Reconstruction Authority (NRA) has so far reached the agreement with 411,201 earthquake affected households for the release of the first tranche of relief amount. As per the information shared by the NRA, the quake affected families who reached the agreement for the relief include 49,758 from Gorkha district; 66,000 […]

वासुदेव पौडेल / पोखरा, १९ भदौ । हिमालपारिको जिल्ला मुस्ताङमा अवस्थित नेपाल र चीनबीचको कोरला नाका सञ्चालनमा ल्याउने चर्चा चलेको धेरै समय बिते पनि यसका लागि काम भने मन्द गतिमा मात्रै अघि बढेको छ । नाका सञ्चालनसँगै नेपाल–चीन सम्बन्धमा नयाँ आयाम थपिनुका साथै नेपालमा विकासका धेरै सम्भावना खोलिने अनुमान गरिए पनि भौगोलिक अवस्थितिलगायतका धेरै कारणबाट […]

चितवन, १९ भदौ । तडकभडक त्यागेर तीजमा हुने खर्च जोगाउन भरतपुरका महिलाले ‘तीज बचत’ सुरु गरेका छन् । गरगहना र लवाइखुवाइले भड्किलो बन्दै आएको तीजमा समानता दर्शाउन प्रभात महिला बचत तथा ऋण सहकारी संस्था मार्फत स्थानीय महिलाले यस्तो नमुना काम थालेका हुन् । “पहिले हामीले नै अलि भड्किलो तीज मनायौँ, गरगहना, महँगो साडीमा सजिएर पार्टी […]

काठमाडौँ, १९ भदौ । अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय क्रिकेट काउन्सिल (आईसीसी)ले नेपाल क्रिकेट सङ्घ (क्यान)लाई गरेको निलम्बन आगामी नौ महिनाभित्रै हटाउने भएको छ । नेपाल भ्रमणमा रहेका आईसीसीका प्रमुख कार्यकारी अधिकृत (सीईओ) डेभिड रिचार्ड्सनले आज यहाँ पत्रकार सम्मेलन गर्दै नेपाली क्रिकेटमाथिको प्रतिबन्ध हट्ने स्पष्ट पार्नुभएको हो । सो अवसरमा उहाँले सधैँलाई विवाद समाधान गर्न सल्लाहकार समिति गठन गर्ने […]

काठमाडौँ, १९ भदौ । राष्ट्रिय पुनःनिर्माण प्राधिकरणले चार लाख ११ हजार २०१ घरधनीसँग भूकम्पपछिको पुनःनिर्माणका लागि पहिलो किस्ताको अनुदान दिने सम्झौता सम्पन्न गरेको छ । गोरखामा ४९ हजार ७५८, सिन्धुपाल्चोकमा ६६ हजार, दोलखामा ४२ हजार ६३८, रामेछापमा ४० हजार ७७८, धादिङमा ५१ हजार ९००, काभ्रेपलाञ्चोकमा ५० हजार १७५, नुवाकोटमा ५१ हजार २०४, ओखलढुङ्गामा १७ हजार […]

Samikshya Bhattarai / Sept. 04: Team Kavre bagged the top honours at the first ever National Poetry Slam held in the Capital on Saturday. The event—dubbed QC Awards 2016 and organised by the spoken word poetry collective Word Warriors—saw four teams from Kathmandu, Dhangadi, Pokhara and Kavre compete for the top honours during the finale […]