Chitwan / Sept 28: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has pledged to complete the responsibility of taking the country ahead by accommodating all political parties. Concluding the golden jubilee celebrations of Adarsha Secondary School based in Divyanagar of western Chitwan Wednesday, Prime Minister Dahal said the onus of such responsibility has come on his shoulder […]

Kathmandu / Sept 28: Nepal is celebrating the 26th Internal Day of Older Persons on coming October 1 by organising various programmes for a week. The theme for this year’s International Day of Older Persons is ‘ Take a Stand against Ageism”. This is set by the United Nations. The latest statistics puts the number […]

Kathmandu / Sept 28: A full meeting of the Supreme Court has decided to carry out hearing on Habeas corpus during the upcoming Dashain festival. The Court however remains closed from Ghatasthapana to Kojagrat Poornima. The meeting held under the chairmanship of Chief Justice Sushila Karki decided to carry out hearing on other holidays except […]

Kathmandu / Sept 28: Singer Badri Pangeni has been elected the chairperson of National Folk and Duet Song Academy Nepal. The sixth general convention of the Academy elected 31-member working committee under the leadership of Pangeni for the next two years. Ramesh BC, Ramji Khand, Subas KC and Chaulendra Poudel have been elected as senior […]

Chitwan / Sept 27: Home Minister Bimalendra Nidhi has said the government would leave no stone unturned in the search for former minister Madhav Prasad Ghimire and his younger brothers went missing in the fatal jeep accident that occurred at Ghoptebhir of Chitwan on Sunday. Minister Nidhi who arrived here this afternoon to inspect the […]

काठमाडौँ ११ असोज । ‘जारको पानी पिउन योग्य हुन्छ’ भनी ढुक्क सम्झेर नपिउनुहोला, जारमा भरिएका अधिकांश पानी पिउन योग्य छैनन् । पिउन अयोग्य मात्र होइन, ती कतिपय जार र बोतलका पानीमा हैजा र झाडापखालाका किटाणु समेत भेटिएका छन् । बोतल तथा जार एसोसिएसनका अध्यक्ष सुवास भण्डारीका अनुसार अहिले काठमाडौँ उपत्यकाभित्र एक लाख २० हजार जार […]

Narayan Prasad Ghimire / Kathmandu: Good governance remains a long quest in Nepal. Commitment from political parties to bureaucracy and civil society for building good governance is therefore commonplace, and so are the discussion and debates on various tools contributing to this. In connection with the First International Day to Universal Access to Information, the […]

Washington DC (U.S) / Sept 27: Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Prakash Sharan Mahat has said Nepal received the right opportunity to apprise the international community of the efforts being made towards institutionalizing democracy in the country. Minister Dr Mahat, who is presently in the US to attend 71st United Nations General Assembly, said this […]

Kathmandu / Sept 27: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has said the government has laid its focus on attaining economic progress along with guaranteeing the effective enforcement of the constitution and concluding the peace process. Receiving a memorandum from the Chure Bhawar Party at his office, Singha Durbar today, the Prime Minister said he was […]

म्याग्दी, ११ असोज । जलवायु परिवर्तनको असर हिमाली क्षेत्रमा क्रमिक रुपमा देखिन थालेको छ । अस्वाभाविक रुपमा तापक्रममा वृद्धि हुने क्रमसँगै म्याग्दीको मुदी गाविसमा रहेको संसारको सातौँ अग्लो धौलागिरि हिमालमा हिउँको मात्रा घट्दै गएको छ । आठ हजार १६७ मिटर अग्लो धौलागिरि हिमाल पहिले बाह्रै महिना पूरै हिउँले ढाकिने गरेको भएपनि पछिल्लो समय गर्मीयाममा भने […]