Archive for: September, 2016

NHRC team in Dhading to investigate the pulling down of radio building

Dhading / Sept 25: A team from the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has arrived Dhading to investigate the reports of the bulldozing of Radio Dhadhing office by the District Forest Office two days ago. The NHRC’s action follows complaints that DFO officials including District Forest Officer misbehaved with women in the course of destroying […]

NRASC’s meet focuses on increment in rebuilding grants

Kathmandu / Sept 25: A meeting of the Steering Committee of National Reconstruction Authority (NRA) that kicked off here today discussed about issue of increasing the amount of house rebuilding grants announced by the government for earthquake survivors and providing them with Rs 300,000 as an interest-free loan. The NRA is headed by the Prime […]

सोसल साइन्स बहाःमा करोडौँ भ्रष्टाचार भएको आयोगको खुलासा

काठमाडौँ, ९ असोज । अख्तियार दुरुपयोग अनुसन्धान आयोगले ‘सोसल साइन्स बहाः’ नामक गैरसरकारी संस्थामा भएको करोडौँ रुपैयाँ अनियमितताको खुलासा गरेको छ । समाज कल्याण परिषद्का पदाधिकारी समेतको मिलेमतोमा सो संस्थाका पदाधिकारी र सदस्यले विदेशी दाताबाट नेपाली जनताको नाममा आएको करोडाँै रुपैयाँ भ्रष्टाचार गरेको आयोगले आज प्रकाशित विज्ञप्तिमा जनाएको छ । सोसल साइन्स बहाः र सोही […]

साढे चार लाख पीडितसँग अनुदान सम्झौता

काठमाडौँ, ९ असोज । भूकम्प प्रभावित चार लाख ५४ हजार १५ घर परिवारसँग आइतबार बिहानसम्म अनुदान सम्झौता भएको छ भने तीन लाख ९३ हजार ६७७ परिवारलाई पहिलो किस्ताको रकम वितरण गरिएको छ । भूकम्पबाट अतिप्रभावित ११ जिल्लामा हाल अनुदान सम्झौताको काम भइरहेको छ । सिन्धुपाल्चोकमा ७४ हजार ८५७, रामेछापमा ४० हजार ७८७, ओखलढुङ्गामा १८ हजार […]

हिंसा पीडित महिलाको आँशु पुच्छन तल्लीन कोपिला (आलेख)

चन्द्रकला भण्डारी / झापा, ९ असोज । सादा जीवन उच्च विचारकी धनी कोपिला बस्नेत गत साता जर्मनीमा सम्मानित भइन् । घरेलु हिंसामा परेका महिलाहरूको सहारा बनेकी कोपिलालाई संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिकाको फिमोफन्ड संस्थाले १० लाख रुपैयाँ नगदसहित जर्मनीमा पुरस्कृत गरेको हो । ‘पुरस्कार पाउँदा सपना जस्तो लागिरहेको थियो,’ विर्तामोड–७ की कोपिला बस्नेतले त्यो क्षणको अनुभव सुनाइन् […]

8:45 am (October 11) most auspicious time for Dashain Tika

Kathmandu / Sept 24: The Nepal Panchanga Nirnayak Samiti has determined 8:45 am of October 11 as the most auspicious time for receiving Bada Dashain Tika. This year’s Dashain festival starts from October 1. Samiti Chairman, Prof Dr Ram Cahndra Gautam, told that the auspicious time for Ghatasthapana, the first day of 10-day Dashain festival, […]

Resuming closed industries- how challenging?

Narayan Prasad Ghimire / Kathmandu: After the Hetauda Garment Factory was closed, the cotton farming in Banke, Bardiya and Kailali was stopped. When Birgunj Sugar Mill was closed, the farmers gradually stopped growing sugarcanes in Bara, Parsa, Rautahat, Dhanusha and Sarlahi. Similarly, the farmers from Jhapa, Morang and Sunsari had to opt for other business […]

Programme promoting domestic investment in hydro introduced

Bhaktapur / Sept 24:The Ministry of Energy has introduced a programme that aims to address the existing energy crisis in the country. The programme seeking domestic investment in the hydropower sector has been introduced with the slogan of “Nepal’s water Nepali’s investment”. Energy Minister Janardan Sharma shared information about this while inaugurating the first Siterio […]

‘Adopt healthy lifestyle to stay away from heart disease’

Kathmandu / Sept 24: Cardiologists have suggested to the people to concentrate on their daily lifestyle such as diet intake and regular exercise to stay away from heart disease. The doctors advised the heart disease prone people to seek timely treatment, take medicines regularly and adopt healthy lifestyle. Abstinence from drinking alcohol and pursuing exercises […]

ग्राउन्डेड एयरबसले सोमबारदेखि उडान भर्ने

काठमाडौँ, ८ असोज । प्राविधिक समस्याका कारण आज ग्राउन्डेड भएको नेपाल वायु सेवा निगम (नेपाल एयरलाइन्स)को विमानले सोमबारदेखि उडान सञ्चालन गर्ने भएको छ । विमानको भोलि साँझसम्म मर्मत सकेर पुनः उडान सञ्चालन गरिने निगमका कर्पोरेट निर्देशक एवम् प्रवक्ता रामहरि शर्माले  जानकारी दिनुभयो । नेपाल एयरलाइन्सको एयरबस ३२०, नाइन एन एकेडब्लु कलसाइन सगरमाथा नामको विमान आज […]

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Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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