Archive for: December, 2017

Prez Bhandari urges NC to end political deadlock

Kathmandu / Dec 22: President Bidya Devi Bhandari has urged the ruling Nepali Congress to end the political deadlock by considering constitution, laws, regulations and democratic values. President Bhandari urged this in a meeting with NC President Sher Bahadur Deuba, senior leader Ramchandra Poudel and other senior leaders at the former’s office at Sheetal Niwas […]

Provision to be made to register cases online

Kathmandu / Dec 22: Chief Justice Gopal Prasad Parajuli has urged the legal practitioners, who implement the rule of law, to follow the constitution and law. Speaking at the 61st founding day of Nepal Bar Association here on Friday, he said that the lawyers who interpret independent judiciary, constitution and law should honestly follow the […]

विद्यालयलाई रु एक करोड सहयोग

बेनी, म्याग्दी, पुस ८ गते । बेनी नगरपालिका–४ सिंगास्थित धौलागिरि माविले शुक्रबार आयोजना गरेको भूपू विद्यार्थी पुनर्मिलन कार्यक्रमबाट रु एक करोड दुई लाख सहयोग प्राप्त भएको छ । कार्यक्रममा विद्यालयका पूर्वविद्यार्थीले विद्यालयको शैक्षिक तथा भौतिक विकासका लागि आर्थिक सहयोग गरेका हुन् । कार्यक्रमको उद्घाटन गर्दै राष्ट्रिय योजना आयोगका पूर्वउपाध्यक्ष तथा विद्यालयका पूर्वविद्यार्थी डा मीनबहादुर श्रेष्ठले […]

प्रदेशसभा समानुपातिकतर्फको सिट बाँडफाँट

काठमाडौं, पुस ८ गते । पहिलो र दोस्रो चरणमा भएको प्रदेशसभा सदस्य निर्वाचनको समानुपातिक निर्वाचन प्रणालीतर्फ सातै प्रदेशमा दलहरूले प्राप्त गरेको सिट सङ्ख्यालाई निर्वाचन आयोगले शुक्रबार सार्वजनिक गरेको छ । देशका सात प्रदेशमा समानुपातिक निर्वाचन प्रणालीतर्फको जम्मा २२० सिटमा नेकपा (एमाले) र नेपाली काँग्रेसबीच तीन सिटको मात्रै फरक देखिएको छ । प्रत्यक्षतर्फ भने एमाले ठूलो […]

SC reopens Puja Bohara rape case

Kathmandu / Dec 21: The Supreme Court (SC) has summoned the accused involved in allegedly raping Puja Bohara of Baitadi. The apex court decided to reopen the case two years after the controversial acquittal of the accused by the then appellate court of Dipayal. A division bench of SC justices Sharada Prasad Ghimire and Prakash […]

No load-shedding except when there’s technical problem: NEA

Kathmandu / Dec 21: Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has clarified that there would be no load-shedding except the technical problem. The NEA made this clarification after news indicating that NEA starts load-shedding disseminated in different media and social networking sites for the past few days. NEA Chief Executive Officer, Kulman Ghising, said that there would […]

80 per cent complaints addressed at ‘Hello Sarkar’

Kathmandu / Dec 21: Hello Sarkar, an official portal of the Nepal government, has so far addressed 80.77 per cent of the total complaints registered during the past six years. Ram Chandra Koirala, Section Officer at Hello Sarkar Office said, “A total of 59,186 public complaints lodged at Hello Sarkar during the period were addressed.” […]

NRA targets to complete construcion of 450,000 houses by this fiscal

Kathmandu / Dec 21: National Reconstruction Authority (NRA) has targeted to complete construction of 450,000 houses by the end of the Fiscal Year 2017/18. Speaking at a program entitled ‘Impact of Post-Earthquake Reconstruction on the Economy’ organized by South Asia Watch on Trade, Economics and Environment (SAWTEE) in Kathmandu on Wedesday, Yuba Raj Bhushal, CEO […]

निर्वाचनपछि पर्यटन उद्योगमा उत्साह

काठमाडौँ, पुस ६ गते । स्थानीय तह र प्रतिनिधि तथा प्रदेशसभा निर्वाचन सम्पन्न भएसँगै पर्यटन क्षेत्रमा उत्साह देखापरेको छ । होटल व्यवसायमा प्रशस्त लगानी गरेका व्यवसायी मुलुकमा राजनीतिक स्थिरता सँगै विदेशी पर्यटकको आगमन बढोस् भन्ने अभिलाषामा छन् । होटल एशोसिएसन अफ नेपाल (हान) का अनुसार अहिले होटल क्षेत्रमा मात्रै पाँच खर्बभन्दा बढी लगानी भइसकेको छ […]

एकसय उनान्तीस कम्पनीलाई खनिज उत्खनन अनुमति

काठमाडौँ, पुस ६ गते । खानी तथा भूगर्भ विभागअन्तर्गत रहेको खनिज सम्पदा महाशाखाले देशभरका १२९ व्यक्ति तथा कम्पनीलाई खनिज उत्खननका लागि अनुमति प्रदान गरेको छ । महाशाखाले देशका विभिन्न भूभागमा रहेका खनिज सम्पदाको अध्ययन गरी उक्त संख्यामा उत्खनन गर्न व्यक्ति तथा कम्पनीलाई अनुमति प्रदान गरेको हो । अनुमति दिएका खानीमध्ये चुनढुंगा ५२, क्वार्ज चार, रातोमाटो […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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