Archive for: February, 2023

86-megawatt of electricity connected to national grid

Kathmandu / Feb 11: Electricity generated from the Solukhola Dudhkoshi Hydropower Project has been connected to the national grid. The private project has been generating 86-megawatt electricity since last week in the testing phase. The electricity has been generated by channelizing water from the Solu rivulet of Solududhkunda municipality-11 to Maikubesi of Thulung Dudhkoshi rural […]

‘Govt will announce special programmes to resolve people’s woes’

Deukhuri / Feb 11 : Minister for Communications and Information Technology Rekha Sharma has said that the government was preparing to announce special programmes to troubleshoot the key problems of the citizens. She said that preparations are ongoing with special priority to include those programmes in the upcoming budget and make people feel better. At […]

NMA to halt all health care services except emergency ones on Sunday

Kathmandu / Feb 11: The Nepal Medical Association (NMA) has decided to halt the entire health care services except the emergency ones across the country on Sunday in protest of attacks on medical persons. The NMA has decided to suspend all the health care services that are carried out from the government, non-government, private and […]

सहमतिकै आधारमा नयाँ राष्ट्रपति चुन्छौं : मन्त्री शर्मा

देउखुरी, माघ २८ गते । सञ्चार तथा सूचना प्रविधिमन्त्री रेखा शर्माले राष्ट्रिय सहमतिकै आधारमा नयाँ राष्ट्रपति चुनिने बताउनुभएको छ । नेपाल पत्रकार महासङ्घ लुम्बिनी प्रदेशले दाङको भालुवाङमा आयोजना गरेको स्वागत तथा सम्मान कार्यक्रममा मन्त्री शर्माले बर्तमान सरकार बढीभन्दा बढी सहमतिकै आधारमा काम गर्न खोजेकाले राष्ट्रपति सहमतिकै आधारमा टुङ्गो लाग्ने बताउनुभएको हो । प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई विश्वासको मत […]

कामपाका सबै वडा कार्यालयबाट निःशुल्क कानुनी परामर्श सेवा

काठमाडौं, माघ २८ गते । काठमाडौं महानगरपालिकाका सबै वडा कार्यालयबाट निःशुल्क कानुनी परामर्श सेवा उपलब्ध गरिने भएको छ । उक्त सेवा महानगरपालिकाले नेपाल ल क्याम्पससँगको सहकार्यमा गर्न लागेको हो । आगामी हप्तादेखि महानगरपालिकाका सबै वडा कार्यालयबाट उक्त सेवा प्रवाह हुने महानगरका प्रवक्ता नवीन मानन्धरले जानकारी दिनुभयो । उहाँका अनुसार सेवा उपलब्ध गराउन ल क्याम्पसमा अध्ययनरत […]

पशुपतिनाथमा महाशिवरात्रिको तयारी

काठमाडौं, माघ २८ गते । पशुपतिनाथ क्षेत्रका विभिन्न स्थानमा महाशिवरात्रिका लागि तयारी स्वरुप झिलिमिली बनाउन थालिएको छ। महाशिवरात्रि नजिकिदै गर्दा पशुपतिनाथका विभिन्न क्षेत्रलाई अहिले रङ्गीचङ्गी पारिनुका साथै फूल तथा बिजुली बत्तीले सजाउन थालिएको छ । मारवाडी समितिको सहकार्यमा पशुपतिनाथ मन्दिर क्षेत्रमा फूलले सजावट गर्ने काम भइरहेको हो । पशुपति क्षेत्र विकास कोषका सदस्य सचिव डा. […]

Delegate more services to local level, seek short and long term solutions for economy: President Bhandari

Kathmandu / Feb 10 : President Bidya Devi Bhandari has expressed the view that the local level government should be entrusted with the task of delivery of public services as much as possible. “In accordance with the spirit of the Constitution, it is desirable for more and more services to be provided at the local […]

Monetary policy review: NRB gives relief to borrowers

Kathmandu / Feb 10 : The Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) has adopted liberal policy with an objective of providing some relief to the borrowers. The central bank has given some relief to the borrowers by publishing a half-yearly review of the monetary policy of the current fiscal year, 2022/23 here today. An arrangement has been […]

Ministry recommends to suspend TIA General Manager Thakur

Kathmandu / Feb. 10: The Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation has recommended the Director General of the Civil Aviation Authority to suspend the General Manager of Tribhuwan Internation Airport Premnath Thakur. Spokesperson of the Ministry Rajendra Kumar KC said that a voice record between GM Thakur and Thai Smile Airlince’s representatives with the […]

मौद्रिक नीतिको अर्धवार्षिक समीक्षा : ऋणीलाई राहत

काठमाडौं, माघ २७ गते । नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंकले ऋणीका लागि केही राहत प्रदान गर्ने उद्देश्यले केही लचक नीति अख्तियार गरेको छ । केन्द्रीय बैंकले आज (शुक्रबार) चालू आर्थिक वर्षको मौद्रिक नीतिको अर्धवार्षिक समीक्षा गर्दै ऋणीलाई केही राहत प्रदान गरेको हो । केन्द्रीय बैंकले गरेको समीक्षामा भनिएको छ, “२०८० जेठ मसान्तसम्मका लागि ऋणीले भुक्तान गर्नुपर्ने कर्जाको […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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