Kathmandu / Nov 5: The domestic stock market is formally switching to an online system starting tomorrow. Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) is starting online trading based on a fully automated system on the direction of the Securities Board of Nepal (SEBON), regulator of securities market, according to NEPSE Spokesperson Murahari Parajuli. Investors should first visit […]
Kathmandu / Nov 5: Tihar, the second largest festival of Nepali Hindus is beginning from today. Also known as Yam Panchak, the festival is observed for five days. The first day of Yam Panchak is observed as Kaag Tihar by feeding crows, regarded as messengers in Nepali society. The second day is Kukur Tihar — […]
म्याग्दी कात्तिक १९ गते । बालविवाह र बाल हिंसा न्यूनीकरण तथा पिछडिएका महिला सशक्तिकरण गर्न स्थापना हुने अक्षयकोषका लागि बेलायतमा रु १२ लाख सहयोग सङ्कलन भएको छ । तिहार पर्वको अवसरमा म्याग्दी प्रवासी नेपाली सङ्घ (मोना) बेलायतले आइतबार लण्डनमा आयोजना गरेको सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रममार्फत रु १२ लाख ९० हजार सङ्कलन भएको मोनाका उपाध्यक्ष योगकुमार फगामीले जानकारी […]
सुरुङ्गा,कात्तिक १९ गते । “देब्रे स्तनदेखि काखीसम्म नै एक पाटो दुख्छ, सुने र जाने जति सबै अस्पताल पुगिसकें, रोग निको भएन” बाह्रदशी गाउँपालिका–५ की ४३ वर्षीया हरिमाया थापाले आफ्नो शरीरको दुखेको अङ्ग देखाउँदै भन्नुभयो – “डाक्टरसाब मलाई जसरी पनि निको पारिदिनुहोस् ।” चिसोमा बिहान बेलुका खप्नै नसक्ने गरी सिङ्गै पातै दुख्ने उहाँको थप समस्या रहेछ […]
काठमाडौँ, कात्तिक १९ गते । सरकारले हालसम्म २४ हजार ६५६ मेगावाट क्षमताका जलविद्युत् आयोजनाहरुका लागि सर्वेक्षण अनुमति दिएको छ । सर्वेक्षण अनुमति पाएका ती आयोजनाको क्षमता आगामी दश वर्षमा उत्पादन गर्ने भनेर निर्धारण गरिएको लक्ष्यभन्दा करीब दश हजार मेगावाट बढी हो । सरकारले आगामी दश वर्षमा १५ हजार मेगावाट विद्युत् उत्पादन गर्ने लक्ष्य राखेको छ […]
भीमदत्तनगर, कात्तिक १९ गते । अख्तियार दुरुपयोग अनुसन्धान आयोगका प्रमुख आयुक्त नवीनकुमार घिमिरेले भ्रष्टाचार न्यूनीकरणको विषय अख्तियारसँगै सरकार, नागरिक समाजलगायत राज्य संयन्त्रको साझा एजेण्डा बन्नुपर्ने धारणा राख्नुभएको छ । कञ्चनपुरको भीमदत्तनगरस्थित आयोगको सुदूरपश्चिम प्रदेशस्तरीय कार्यालयको नवनिर्मित भवनको आज बिहान उदघाट्न गर्दै प्रमुख आयुक्त घिमिरेले भ्रष्टाचार न्यूनीकरण सबैको साझा एजेण्डा बने मात्रै उल्लेखनीय काम गर्न सकिने […]
Kathmandu / Nov 4: Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli expressed condolence on the demise of Padma Ratna Tuladhar, an independent left politician and a human rights activist. Tuladhar, born in 1940 AD, breathed his last at Norvic Hospital, Thapathali. On Friday, he was admitted at Annapurna Neuro Hospital. He was later referred to Norvic Hospital. […]
Kathmandu / Nov 4: With the impact of pollutants in the atmosphere for an absence of rainfall, the temperature across the country including the Kathmandu valley has dipped in recent days. The minimum temperature of Kathmandu was recorded 8.6 degree Celsius on Sunday. According to meteorologist Meen Kumar Aryal, current severity of cold was the […]
Kathmandu / Nov 4: Government has collected Rs 206.6 billion in revenue so far in the current fiscal year 2018-19. The collection amounts to 27.57 per cent of this year’s revenue collection target of Rs 904.5 billion. This year so far has recorded an increment in revenue collection due to reforms at customs points and […]
Chitwan / Nov 4: The Chitwan National Park (CNP) lacks a male elephant for breeding thus forcing dependence on wild elephants for the purpose. Two wild elephants named Ronaldo and Dhurbe are currently available in the CNP for mating. Rolando is available in the eastern area, while Dhurbe in the western area. Ronaldo has been […]