Archive for: April, 2016

Seto Machhindranath jatra kicks off

Kathmandu / April 14: The Seto Machhindranath jatra- a traditional festival of towing the chariot of God Machhindranath- kicked off in the capital city Thursday. On the occasion, President Bidya Devi Bhandari observed the towing of the chariot of God Machhindranath at Asan Thursday evening. The chariot was pulled from Timdhara Pathsala of Durbarmarga on […]

PM Oli launches electronic procurement system

Kathmandu / April 14: An electronic procurement system based on single portal has been launched in the country for the first time aimed at making procurement process objective, transparent and convincing. Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli today launched the system amidst a programme organized by the Public Procurement Monitoring Office and opined for leading the […]

Demand of 1,000 plus megawatt electricity projected

Kathmandu / April 14: The government has projected the demand of around 1,423 mega watt (MW) of electricity for the next winter season. The amount is projected as per estimation of 12 per cent of yearly increment in the demand of electricity. According to Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA), the current maximum demand for the electricity […]

Karki assumes post of Acting CJ

Kathmandu / April 14: Supreme Court’s senior most Justice Sushila Karki assumed the post of Acting Chief Justice Thursday, becoming the first woman holding the top post in country’s judiciary. She assumed the post of Acting CJ in capacity of the senior most Justice replacing former CJ Kalyan Shrestha who retired on April 12 due […]

Kidney patients press govt. for cost free dialysis

Kathmandu / April 14: The National Kidney Victims Association, Nepal today raised a clamour calling on the government for making lifelong dialysis and kidney transplants free of cost by provisioning it in the national budget. The Association demanded immediate implementation of the organ donation and transplant related act endorsed recently by the parliament. It also […]

छोरो टोकुवाको आरोपसँगै गममायालाई घरबाट निकालियो

 (प्रशन्न पोखरेल) बारपाक (गोरखा), २ वैशाख । ‘छोरो टोकिस्, घरबाट निस्किहाल । जहाँ मनलाग्छ जा । हाम्रो वरिपरि देखा नपर । मरे मर बाँचे बाँच, घर फर्के र नआएस् ।’ बारपाक–७ की गममाया गुरुङलाई सासू ससुराले छोरो टोकेको भन्दै यसरी अपमान गरे र घरबाट निकाले । भूकम्पमा परी श्रीमान् बितेको पीडा एकातिर थियो, अर्कातिर गर्भवती […]

आठाँै पटक जिब्रो छेडे जुजुभाइले

भक्तपुर, २ वैशाख । मध्यपुरथिमि बोडेका ३५ वर्षीय जुजुभाइ बाँस श्रेष्ठले आज बोडेमा हजारौँ स्थानीयवासीका अगाडि आठौँ पटक जिब्रो छेड्नुभएको छ । बिस्केट जात्रामा मनाइने बोडेको प्रसिद्ध जिब्रो छेड्ने जात्रामा २०६६ सालदेखि उहाँले जिब्रो छेड्दै आउनुभएको हो । चैत मसान्तको दिन बोडे महालक्ष्मी मन्दिर प्राङ्गणमा लिङ्गो उठाइएपछि जिब्रो छेड्ने व्यक्तिले निराहार व्रत बस्नुपर्ने हुन्छ । […]

Four-decade struggle for Pokhara Int’l Airport finally materialises

Basudev Poudel (Pokhara) / April 14: The four decades long struggle of the Pokhara folks for constructing an international airport finally materialized on Wednesday with the Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli laying the foundation stone for the same. The denizens of this touristic city were very much excited following the signing of a loan agreement […]

पोखरेलीको चार दशकको सङ्घर्षको प्रतिफल हो अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विमानस्थल

वासुदेव पौडेल (पोखरा), २ वैशाख । पोखरेली जनताको चार दशकदेखि पोखरामा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विमानस्थल बनाउने सपना बुधबार विमानस्थलको शिलान्याससँगै साकार हुने भएको छ । विमानस्थल निर्माणका लागि प्रधानमन्त्रीको चीन भ्रमणका क्रममा भएको ऋण सम्झौतासँगै निकै उत्साहित बनेका पोखरेली जनतालाई शिलान्यासले थप उत्साहित बनाएको छ । विश्वमा नै परिचित पर्यटकीय नगरी पोखरामा विमानस्थल निर्माणको प्रक्रिया अघि बढ्नुले […]

Country’s first village theatre inaugurated

Morang / April 14: Arguably the first village theatre of its kind in the country has been built at Jhorahat in Morang district. The theatre was inaugurated amidst a function on Wednesday. A wooden plough, also probably the biggest in the world, has been displayed at the theatre. This plough was made from a single […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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