काठमाडौँ, २२ भदौ । जीवनशैलीका कारण आजकल कलेजोमा बोसो जम्ने समस्या अधिकांश नेपालीमा देखिन थालेको छ । वीर अस्पतालका पेट तथा कलेजो रोग विशेषज्ञ प्रा डा विधाननिधि पौडेलका अनुसार कलेजोमा केही मात्रामा बोसो हुनु स्वभाविक भए पनि १० प्रतिशतभन्दा बढी बोसो छ भने यस्तो अवस्थालाई कलेजोमा बोसो जमेको मानिन्छ । सुरुमा यसले खासै असर नगरे […]

Morang / Sept 7: The farmers in Morang district who are registered at the District Agriculture Development Office (DADO), Morang have been lately availing agricultural advisory services at a sms away. Altogether 350 farmers in the district were benefitted from the SMS agricultural advisory services initiated by the DADO, Morang this week. The undertaking aims […]

Kathmandu / Sept 7: Karnali Janadhikar Manch (KJM) has demanded with the authority concerned to declare Karnali as a special autonomous zone while considering State Restructuring. Organizing a press conference in the capital city on Tuesday, KJM Chairperson Prakash Rokaya expressed his concern that the government was not investing adequately for the development of basic […]

Kathmandu / Sept 6: The Basundhara-Mana Academy Foundation has on Tuesday honoured different litterateurs with Basundharashree and Manashree awards from 2066 BS to 2073 BS for their contribution in literature, art and music sectors. The Foundation honoured Bairagi Kainla (2067), Prof Dr Basudev Tripathi (2069), Shashi Shah (2070), Hari Prasad Rimal (2071), Amber Gurung (2072) […]

Kathmandu / Sept 6: Secretary at the Commission of Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) Shanta Raj Subedi is to be honoured with the ‘best civil servant award’. Secretary Subedi has recently been transferred to the Finance Ministry. The prize carries a purse of Rs. 200,000. Subedi was chosen for the award by a panel […]

Kathmandu / Sept 6: The Makwanpur Chamber of Commerce and Industry has urged the government for the construction of Bhimphedi-Kulekhani tunnel highway. A delegation headed by Chamber President Raj Kumar Neupane on Tuesday called on Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal at his office in Singha Durbar and demanded the government to take initiative for the […]

Kathmandu / Sept 6: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal today stressed the need for taking ‘awakened and relevant’ initiatives to make a capital base through remittance. Inaugurating a programme held to mark the silver jubilee of the Nepal Economic Association in the Capital, he emphasised the proper use of remittance in creating investment opportunity in […]

चितवन, २१ भदौ । तस्करले हानेको छवटा गोली लागेर गम्भीर घाइते भएको दुर्लभ एकसिङ्गे गैँडा उपचार कै मरेको छ । शरीरमा लागेको गोलीको छर्रा झिकिएको गैँडा आज दिउँसो मरेको चितवन राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्जका सूचना अधिकारी तथा सहायक संरक्षण अधिकृत नुरेन्द्र अर्यालले जानकारी दिनुभयो । गैँडाको शरीरबाट गोली भने निकाल्न सकिएको थिएन । निकुञ्जका वरिष्ठ पशु चिकित्सक […]

लहान, २१ भदौ । सिरहामा सीपमूलक तालिम लिएर घरेलु तथा साना उद्योग सञ्चालन गर्नेको सङ्ख्या बढ्दै गएको छ । विदेशमा गएर मेहनत गर्नुभन्दा स्वदेशमै सीप सिकेर राम्रो आम्दानी गर्न सकिन्छ भन्ने बुझेका एक हजार ८०० महिला तथा पुरुषले आव २०७२÷७३ मा विभिन्न सीपमूलक तालिम लिएपछि घरेलु तथा साना उद्योग सञ्चालन गर्न थालेका हुन् । सो […]

सन्तोष गौतम / म्याग्दी, २१ भदौ । साउन अन्तिम हप्ता बेनीस्थित जिल्ला अस्पतालमा आएका एक दम्पती तनावमा थिए । दुई सन्तानका अभिभावक बनिसकेका करिब तीस वर्ष हाराहारीको यो जोडीको तनावको कारण थियो, अनिच्छित गर्भ । उनीहरु परिवार नियोजनको साधन प्रयोग नगरेका कारण रहन गएको गर्भलाई तुहाउन अस्पताल पुगेका थिए । यो जोडी त उदाहरण मात्रै […]