Archive for: September, 2016

37th National Education Day being observed today

Kathmandu / Sept 8: The 37th National Education Day and International Literacy Day-2016 is being observed today across the country, including the capital city, by organizing various programmes. The theme for this year’s celebration is’ Investment in useful education for the building of prosperous nation.’ The government has formed a Main Organizing Committee in the […]

Former Minister Basnet provides Rs 500,000 to school in Jajarkot

Jajarkot / Sept 8: Former Minister for Home Affairs Shakti Bahadur Basnet provided financial assistance worth Rs 500,000 to a local school in Jajarkot on Wednesday. The aid will be spent for the installation of a modern drinking water facility and construction of other physical infrastructures in Kudu Secondary School at Bherimalika Municipality in the […]

Nepal developing into transit hub for drugs smuggling

Kiran Bhattarai / Kathmandu: With a steady rise in the number of drugs abusers every year in Nepal, the number of people arrested on the charge of its smuggling is noticeably increasing of late in the country. The statics of the past six years (2011-2015) made available by the Nepal Police show that a total […]

Civil service day marked; No need of bureaucratic haul with change in guard-Minister KC

Kathmandu / Sept 7:Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ has said how to decentralise civil service which still remained in a centralised and integrated form and restructure its mechanism as per a federal system was the major question of the hour. Addressing a special ceremony organised today by the Ministry of General Administration at Nepal […]

Foreign experts suggest PM to create environment of trust

Kathmandu / Sept 7: Foreign Affairs experts have suggested Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal to focus his India visit in resolving all misunderstandings surfaced between the two countries and implementing the past agreements. During a meeting called by Prime Minister Dahal at his office in Singha Durbar to solicit suggestions, the foreign affairs experts suggested […]

Prez Bhandari urges Gangamaya to break hunger strike

Kathmandu / Sept 7: President Bidya Devi Bhandari has urged Gangamaya Adhikari to break her fast-unto-death. During a meeting with human rights activists associated with ‘Save Gangamaya Campaign’ on Wednesday, President Bhandari expressed the view that Gangamaya, who has been staging hunger strike for the past six years for justice, should break the hunger strike […]

Nepal– Africa Film Festival – 2016 underway

Kathmandu / Sept 7: The fifth edition of ‘Nepal Africa Film Festival – 2016’ kicked off today at the Russian Centre of Science and Culture (RCSC) at Kamalpokhari of the capital city. Vice President Nanda Bahadur Pun inaugurated the festival and shared his belief that the event would work as a bridge in boosting the […]

अनशन तोड्न गङ्गामायालाई राष्ट्रपतिको आग्रह

काठमाडौँ, २२ भदौ । राष्ट्रपति विद्यादेवी भण्डारीले अनशनरत गङ्गामाया अधिकारीलाई अनशन तोड्न आग्रह गर्नुभएको छ । विगत छ वर्षदेखि अनशनरत गङ्गामाया अधिकारीको रक्षार्थ ‘गङ्गामाया बचाउ’ अभियानसम्बद्ध मानवअधिकारकर्मीसँगको भेटमा आज राष्ट्रपति भण्डारीले गङ्गामायाको कदमलाई आफूले गम्भीरतापूर्वक लिएको बताउँदै न्यायका लागि अनशनरत उहाँले अनशन तोड्नुपर्ने विचार व्यक्त गर्नुभयो । राष्ट्रपति भण्डारीले कुनै पनि व्यक्तिले न्यायका लागि आफ्नो […]

दुई देशबीच विश्वासको वातावरण बनाउन प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई परराष्ट्र विज्ञको सुझाव

काठमाडौँ, २२ भदौ । प्रधानमन्त्री पुष्पकमल दाहालको भारत भ्रमण दुई देशबीच उत्पन्न अविश्वास सुल्झाउन र विगतमा भएका सम्झौतालाई कार्यान्वयन गर्नमा केन्द्रित गर्न विज्ञले सुझाएका छन् । प्रधानमन्त्री दाहालले आज आफ्नो कार्यालय सिंहदरबारमा सुझाव लिनका लागि बोलाउनु भएको छलफलमा सहभागी परराष्ट्रविद्ले दुई देशबीच अविश्वासको अवस्था के कारणले भयो भन्ने विषयमा प्रधानमन्त्रीले भारतीय पक्षसँग खुलेर कुरा गर्नुपर्ने […]

वन्यजन्तु असुरक्षित भएपछि निकुञ्ज आसपासका होटलको निगरानी

चितवन, २२ भदौ । चितवन राष्टिको निकुञ्ज तथा मध्यवर्ती क्षेत्र आसपासका क्षेत्रमामा दुर्लभ वन्यजन्तु असुरक्षित हुन थालेपछि चितवन निकुञ्जले निगरानी थालेको छ । जिल्लाको पश्चिम मेघौलीको एक होटलका कर्मचारीको लापर्बाहीका कारण करेन्ट लागेर दुर्लभ एक सिङ्गे गैँडा मरेपछि निकुञ्जले होटलको निगरानी थालेको हो । निकुञ्ज आसपास पश्चिम क्षेत्रमा सुविधायुक्त दर्जनौँ होटल खुलेका छन् । चौधरी […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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