Palpa / Nov 13: A classroom block has been constructed at the Balkalyan Primary School in Rampur Municipality-8 with the financial assistance provided by three Japanese nationals. The two-room block was constructed at a cost of Rs 1.077 million provided by Takashi Honda and Imai Honda of Saitama UNESCO, Japan and another Japanese social worker […]

Kathmandu / Nov 12: Nepal made it to the finals of the AFC solidarity Cup football championship, edging Laos 3-0 in a match played today at the Negeri Stadium in Kuching, Malaysia. The match was decided through penalty shoot-out. Goalkeeper Kiran Kumar Limbu helped Nepal secure a win by saving two penalty kicks from the […]

Kathmandu / Nov 12: The national grid is to get an additional 45 MW in the next 18 months. Of it, 25 MW is to be received from the Madi A hydropower project, which will start production from next month. Likewise, 6 MW will be added from the Daraundi project, according to Energy Secretary Anup […]

Kathmandu / Nov 12: Medical doctor Govinda KC, who launched protest time and again in the past, demanding reforms in the medical sector, on Saturday gave the government a 24-hour ultimatum to appoint dean of the Tribhuvan University Institute of Medicine (IOM) on the basis of seniority, instead of political power sharing. This is the […]

Pokhara / Nov 12: Nepali Congress leaders have urged party cadres to concentrate their efforts towards elections since holding all three tiers of polls is key to constitution implementation. At the inaugural session of the fourth national general convention of Nepal Tarun Dal beginning from Saturday in Pokhara, NC leaders spoke on the importance of […]

काठमाडौँ, २७ कात्तिक । आगामी डेढ महिनाभित्र नेपाल विद्युत् प्राधिकरणको केन्द्रीय प्रसारण लाइनमा ४५ मेगावाट विद्युत् थप हुने भएको छ । मुलुकभर हाल प्राधिकरण र निजी क्षेत्रको गरी कुल जडित क्षमता ७८४ मेगावाट रहेको छ । कुल ५३ जलविद्युत् आयोजनाबाट उक्त क्षमतामा विद्युत् उत्पादन भइरहेको भए पनि ‘गोरखा भूकम्प’ र बाढीका कारण ४५ मेगावाट क्षमताको […]

काठमाडौँ, २७ कात्तिक । नेपाल एएफसी सोलिडारिटी कप फुटबल प्रतियोगिताअन्तर्गत फाइनलमा प्रवेश गरेको छ । लाओसलाई पेनाल्टी सुटआउटमा ३–० ले पराजित गर्दै नेपाल प्रतियोगिताको फाइनलमा पुगेको हो । मलेसियाको नेगेरी रङ्गशालामा शनिबार साँझ भएको खेलमा गोरकिपर किरण चेम्जोङको उत्कृष्ट प्रदर्शन रह्यो । उनले लाओसका खेलाडीले प्रहार गरेको बललाई उत्कृट बचाउ गरे । सो अघि निर्धारित […]

काठमाडौँ, २७ कात्तिक । नेपालका चार धावकले हङकङमा हुने ‘अक्सफाम ट्रेल वाकर’म्याराथनमा दौडने भएका छन् । आगामी मङ्सिर ३ गते हुन लागेको उक्त दौडमा नेपालका तर्फबाट पूर्ण तामाङ, तीर्थ तामाङ, वेदबहादुर गुरुङ र भीम गुरुङ भाग लिँदैछन् । उनीहरु नेपालमा हरेक वर्ष हुने तेन्जिङ हिलारी एभरेष्ट म्याराथनका विजेता÷उपविजेता हुन् । हङकङमा हुने उक्त स्पर्धामा विश्वभरका […]

काठमाडौँ, २७ कात्तिक । मांसपेशी अशक्त भएका कारण हुने वंशाणुगत रोग मस्कुलर डिस्ट्रोफी भएका बिरामीका लागि आज काठमाडौँमा स्वास्थ्य शिविर आयोजना गरिएको छ । मस्कुलर डिस्ट्रोफी फाउन्डेसन नेपालको आयोजनामा मांसपेशी, नशा, छाती, मुटु, वंशाणुगत, बाल, मनोरोग विशेषज्ञले बिरामीको जाँच गर्नुका साथै परामर्श दिनुभएको थियो । शिविरमा ३५ जना मस्कुलर डिस्ट्रोफीका बिरामीले जाँच गराएका छन् । […]

Baitadi / Nov 12: A meeting between the security officials of Nepal and India has renewed stress on controlling crime, illegal activities, smuggling and human trafficking at the border. The meeting held at Jhulaghat of India on Friday aimed at strengthening the border security and discouraging the cross-border criminal activities, said Deputy Superintendent of Police, […]