Archive for: May, 2017

विदेशमा मःम बेचेर चेपाङ बालबालिकालाई सहयोग

चितवन, जेठ १० गते । अस्ट्रियामा रहेको एक दम्पत्ती इलमर मुलर र मायाँ मुलरले भूकम्पलगत्तै विपत्तिमा परेकालाई सहयोग जुटाउने अभियान थाले । चितवनको माडीकी मायाँ र उनका श्रीमान् अस्ट्रियाका इलमर मुलरलाई नेपालमा भएको प्राकृतिक विपत्तिले मन छोयो । उनीहरुले मार्कुसलगायत केही साथीहरुलाई जम्मा गरेर तत्कालै एउटा संस्था बनाए, ‘धन्यवाद नेपाल हिल्फे ।’ उक्त संस्थामार्फत अस्ट्रियामा […]

Prime Minister Dahal resigns (With full text)

Kathmandu / May 24: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has resigned from his post on Wednesday. In a televised addres to the nation, Dahal briefed the nation on the achievements made during his stint as the prime minster before announcing his resignation. Addressing the nation, Dahal boasted about playing a significant role to building up social […]

EC urges govt not to seek option to June 14 election

Kathmandu / May 24:The Election Commission has urged the government not to seek the alternative to the June 14 election but to cooperate with the EC to hold the second round of local election successfully on the slated day. The election programs have already been published in the gazette, it reminded. Chief Election Commissioner Dr […]

New budget to continue existing programs

Kathmandu / May 24: The government is estimated to present the budget of over Rs 120 billion for the fiscal year 2017-18, which is more by 15.2 billion than the current fiscal year’s budget. The government is preparing to present a new budget on coming May 29, Monday by giving continuity to existing programs. As […]

Election procedure for new PM begins

Kathmandu / May 24: The election process for the post of the new Prime Minister has begun after incumbent Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal resigned from his post earlier today. As per the agreement reached with coalition partner Nepali Congress, the Prime Minister resigned in a televised address to the nation from his office in […]

MONA UK extends support for Ram Bahadur’s treatment

Myagdi / May 24: The Myagdi Overseas Nepali Association (MONA) in UK has extended financial assistance for the treatment of a person who sustained critical injuries after falling off a tree. MONA extended an assistance amounting to Rs 50,000 for the treatment of Ram Bahadur Pandey of Kuhun Purna village of Mangala rural municipality – […]

विद्यालय भवन पुनःनिर्माण गर्न रु पाँच लाख

म्याग्दी, जेठ ९ गते । रघुगङ्गा गाउँपालिका–३ भगवतीमा रहेको अन्नपूर्ण आधारभूत विद्यालयको भवन पुनःनिर्माणका लागि एक विदेशी संस्थाले रु पाँच लाख आर्थिक सहयोग गरेको छ । २०७२ वैशाख १२ र २९ गतेको भूकम्पले क्षति पुगेका कक्षाकोठा भवन पुनःनिर्माणका लागि बेल्जियमको हिमालयन परियोजनाले सो आर्थिक सहयोग गरेको हो । संस्थाका पवल भन्द्रे मुर्टेल र निता बुदुजा […]

बृहत् सुधारले नेपालको अर्थतन्त्र उक्सन्छ – प्रतिवेदन

काठमाडौँ, जेठ ९ गते । नेपालको गरिबी उल्लेख्य रुपमा घटे पनि आर्थिक वृद्धिदर उच्च हुन नसक्दा नीतिगत बृहत् सुधारका कार्यक्रमले अर्थतन्त्रलाई उकास्ने एक प्रतिवेदनले औँल्याएको छ । विश्व बैंकले आज यहाँ सार्वजनिक गरेको ‘मध्यआयको मार्गमा नेपाल’ नामक उक्त प्रतिवेदनले उत्पादकत्व वृद्धि र लगानी प्रवद्र्धन गर्न नीतिगत सुधार अपरिहार्य भएको देखाएको छ । पूर्वाधार र सार्वजनिक […]

जनप्रतिनिधिलाई जेठ अन्तिम सातादेखि प्रशिक्षण; ‘आयोगलाई थप जिम्मेवारी’

काठमाडौँ, जेठ ९ गते । सङ्घीय मामिला तथा स्थानीय विकास मन्त्रालयले निर्वाचित नगर तथा गाउँपालिका प्रमुखलगायतका पदाधिकारीलाई नयाँ संरचनाअनुसार स्थानीय अधिकारकाबारेमा अभिमुखीकरण कार्यक्रम सञ्चालन गर्ने भएको छ । यही जेठको अन्तिम सातामा विज्ञबाट उपलब्ध गराइने सो अभिमुखीकरण नगर तथा गाउँपालिका उपप्रमुख तथा प्रमुख कार्यकारी अधिकृतलाई समेत प्रदान गरिनेछ । स्थानीय विकास, कानुन तथा योजना निर्माणमा […]

Local polls in newly created local units in 7 days: EC Yadav; Increasing local units not enough to take part in polls: RJPN

Biratnagar / May 23: Chief Election Commissioner Ayodhee Prasad Yadav has said that the arrangement will be made to hold local level elections in the newly created seven local units within seven days. “The newly created local units will not pose any problem to conduct the local level elections on the scheduled time,” said CEC […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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